The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 550: Family Outing

Chapter 550: Family Outing (4)
"The prince is not here, the princess can preside over it." Yi Zongze couldn't wait.King Anping had many lovers, many of whom wanted to marry into his family.Yi Shizi was very worried, and also worried that his sister would become a lover by accident.

In fact, he needn't be so worried, after all, Marquis Weiyuan is in the middle.However, Yi Shizi heard in the palace that the emperor was not good to Huoshan King recently, and seemed to be much better to Anping King, so Yi Shizi was still worried.

King Anping made great achievements in battle, which is admirable.It is in this kind of thing that people, including Zhenjieer, don't believe him.

"Father," a voice of milk and milk came from outside, and a chubby kid in Jinshang ran in.Seeing Zhao She has a guest, Zhao You hahahaha: "When will you ride a horse with me?"

The depression Zhao She was full of was all diluted by his son, he couldn't help but smiled and waved: "Come and meet Yi Shizi." Zhao You came over with a smile, and saluted Yi Shizi.Although young, it can be seen that the etiquette is more familiar.

After saluting, he walked to his father's knees and discussed with him: "When will you come?" Zhao She's face was slightly sullen, but there was a smile in his eyes: "Father has guests, so it's not proper to talk like this."

"Then I'll talk about it later." Zhao You was used to seeing his father with a sullen face, but he still smiled brightly: "When will I talk about it?"

Facing his son's smiling face, Zhao She also smiled; "Go to play with mother, and father will come to you when he is free." Zhao You pouted: "Mom is rummaging through boxes, and I don't like rummaging through boxes. Grandma can't tell, mother going to cry."

Zhao She lowered his face and felt helpless: "Go, go and tell her not to cry, and play whatever you like." Yi Zongze couldn't help but also smiled, Princess Shen, how old is she this year?King Anping's tone showed that Princess Shen was a child as old as her son.

Yi Zongze didn't expect Princess Shen to be awkward. From his point of view, he thought that the real sister would not dare and would not.

Being wise and protecting one's life is one of the famous philosophies of the Han people.

The real sister who sent Mrs. Zhao away was also tired, so she asked people to continue to clean up, and she leaned on the couch by herself.When the flowers bloomed, Zhenjie just smiled: "How are you?"

Seeing the flowers blooming, she suddenly burst into tears, and plopped down to her knees.

"What's the matter, tell me what's the matter." Sister Zhen was taken aback, and quickly sat up and asked Huakai: "What's the matter with you?" No one would dare to bully her own maid.

Thinking of this, sister Zhen's heart throbbed.This is because my cousin treats me well, and the family members follow me to respect me.

Huakai broke down in tears: "The prince has changed his mind, don't worry about the princess, you still have the old lady and the little prince." And I Huakai is here, although it is not very useful, it is a person who will not change his mind.

Zhenjie was not overjoyed, but slowly lowered her face, and asked slowly: "Where did you know?" The girls in the room might hear her quarreling with her cousin, but said to her face, But it doesn't work.

In the master's room, it is not allowed to talk nonsense.

The real sister who asked casually planned to wait for Huakai to reply, and then told her a few words so that she would not talk nonsense in the future.Don't want Huakai to cry: "It's me, I heard it from outside."

Sister Zhen's face became more serious: "Everyone outside knows?" Hua Kai wept and shook her head: "It was the boys outside the second gate who spoke, and I overheard a sentence."

"Who are talking nonsense?" Sister Zhen didn't relax.In the end, Huakai had to tell the truth: "I saw the prince and concubine quarreling and I didn't know the reason, so I went to the prince's study to inquire about it."

Yu Xin?Sister Zhen stared wide-eyed in disbelief.Blossoms are confused, and Yu Xin is also confused?At this point, I really can't let it go.Seeing a girl coming in from outside the room, she smiled: "The lotus is blooming well, do you want to see the princess?"

Seeing the flowers blooming and kneeling, the princess was displeased, and the girl was too frightened to speak.

"You go out and watch outside. Others don't have to come in." Sister Zhen told her, and watched the bamboo curtain on the door come down before she whispered sternly to Huakai: "You are not allowed to spread rumors inside and outside the house. If you let my cousin know , I'm afraid I can't protect you!"

The flowers bloomed and wept softly: "I was worried about the princess, so I went to inquire. This is my fault, not that scholar's fault."

Zhenjie was depressed: "This scholar is not right! It's just that you are too careless! Now he will tell you everything you ask, and if he asks you in the future, you will tell him!" She became strict again: "It's my cousin You can't talk nonsense about when you're here and when you're not here!"

"Your maidservant knows." Hua Kai knelt down, feeling ashamed after being taught a lesson.Hua Kai felt that it was a big mistake when the real sister said it.

Brother Yu came to find his mother, intending to tell her father not to cry.The nanny followed behind, seeing the girls in the corridor waving their hands and whispering: "The princess is scolding sister Huakai, don't let people in."

Zhao You refused, so he went to the door curtain and looked up, then turned his head and whispered: "Mother doesn't like it." The little prince waited outside, and after waiting for a while, he didn't like it, so he simply shouted: "Mother, go to see the lotus."

"Come on, come on." Zhenjie's face was full of joy, and her cousin changed his mind. All he had was his son.She came out without delay, and smiled at Zhao You: "To see the lotus, okay, let's go now."

Zhao You also complained to his mother about his father: "Father won't accompany me, let me find my mother." Sister Zhen pulled her son's little hand with a smile: "Then mother will accompany you?" Zhao You said in a childlike voice: "Okay." Sister Zhen said again: "Father is very busy, so I won't accompany you in the future, mother will accompany you." Zhao Youhuan happily said: "Okay."

The mother and son went to see the lotus, and Zhao She went to see Mrs. Zhao.Mrs. Zhao was worried: "Sister Zhen can't handle it, but she is right, how many people have a new love and don't want the old one."

"Sister Zhen is talking nonsense, please ask mother to teach her." Zhao She was so angry with Sister Zhen's words that he didn't want to be angry anymore: "She is pampered and spoiled by mother and me. Instead It's someone else, she dares to do this!"

Changing a family with a wicked mother-in-law and a wicked husband will definitely not work.

Mrs. Zhao said: "If she is not in front of me now, I will take care of it. You go back to the Northwest alone, and let Zhenjie stay here. Wait for me to persuade her slowly, and you can pick her up after she has figured it out."

Zhao Shen gritted his teeth: "Mother, think about it. Since I picked her up, she has been by my side. She is not here suddenly, and she still cries every day. Besides, my son is not here, and my son can't let it go." Zhao She was very angry: " Let her come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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