The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 634: I Went to 1 Case Beforehand

Chapter 634: I Went to One Beforehand (3)
"Father, mother, the son practices martial arts with his cousin every day, and it's time to lose his milk fat." Sister Zhen followed up and talked back and forth, saluted to her parents, and supported Mrs. Zhao coquettishly: "Mother, I want to and you."

Mrs. Zhao was very distressed, she caressed her real sister and said to Mrs. Zhao: "Our real sister is the best girl. The prince sent a letter saying that he would send troops now, which scares me. I said, sir, please write to your son as soon as possible. Sending troops to fight is a serious matter, not just for fun."

Mrs. Zhao couldn't help but laugh: "Madam, I have long said that you are crazy. Sister Zhen, where is Brother Zuo, and where is my other grandson."

"That's right, look at me saying I'm old, where is my second grandson?" Mrs. Zhao also remembered: "When I saw Brother Yu, I forgot about everyone else. You forget it too."

The nanny came up holding Brother Zuoer, and Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao competed to see it.The two bumped into each other, and Mrs. Zhao complained: "I said, sir, you look first and I look first."

"Madam, please, I'm a good man, I won't argue with Madam." Mrs. Zhao took a step back, and Mrs. Zhao stepped forward first, happily unveiling Zuoge'er's veil to block the gray and light, haha He said in a low voice, "So you're awake, good grandson, it's grandma who came to see you."

As soon as he heard that he was awake, Master Zhao patted Mrs. Zhao on the back, and said greedily: "Madam, you have read it, now I will read it."

Mrs. Zhao stepped aside unwillingly, and Mrs. Zhao came over to take a look, and turned her eyes like fine beans, and he also said loudly: "This one, too, looks like a son."

Brother Yu was left out by the side, looking at his grandfather and then at his grandmother with a dark face, his heart hurt a lot.He took his grandmother's hand and told her: "Zogeer wants to accompany grandmother in Beijing, and I will accompany grandfather."

Old Mrs. Zhao pulled him into the room, let Zhenjie walk on the other side of her, and then asked Brother Yu: "Aren't you also staying with grandma when you stay in Beijing?"

"Grandmother doesn't want me to accompany you," Brother Yu said with his head down, and Mrs. Zhao laughed: "Grandmother sees how much she likes you, why doesn't she want you to accompany her?"

Brother Yu explained the answer to the mystery: "Grandmother smiles more happily than grandpa when she sees younger brother."

All the people who followed laughed, and Sister Zhen explained with a smile: "In the past, Brother Yu was the only one, and he was very jealous." Brother Yu pouted to his mother: "I have never been jealous, but you always look at my younger brother. LOL, it's true."

He shook his grandmother's hand: "Grandma, grandma, what I said is true." Mrs. Zhao was overjoyed for a long time, and said to sister Zhen: "It's still interesting to have two children. At that time, I only had your cousin, and he was the only one in the family. Human skin is up to the sky, it's all up to him."

Sister Zhen thought in her heart that my cousin is the monkey, and then smiled and said to Mrs. Zhao: "Although there was only my cousin in the family at that time, my mother was also worried and tired."

"No, you must know that your cousin alone is much more naughty than ten or eight in other people's families." Mrs. Zhao revealed Zhao She's past events, and Zhenjie's eyes lit up and she took it seriously in her heart, preparing for the evening. Talk to your cousin.

Elder Zhao, who accompanied Brother Zuo, nodded and testified behind him: "It's like this... Hey, ma'am, I paid 500 taels of silver for hurting Mr. Zhang's son."

"500 taels? I only gave 300 taels. Could it be that you lost money in private?" Mrs. Zhao said, and Mrs. Zhao immediately hesitated: "Maybe, I remembered wrongly."

The money she lost in private was accidentally revealed.

When the whole family laughed and sat down, Zhao She came out of the palace and went to Chu'an Palace to make amends without stopping.When getting off the boat, let people take a step ahead with all kinds of gifts. Before the prince can go home, he came to the palace of Prince Chu'an first.

"You underestimate me too much, this matter can't just go like this!" King Chu An yelled at Zhao She to his face, resolutely refusing to let him go.Zhao Amnesty could only come back first, but King Anping, who had answered the emperor's words, left Chu'an Palace with full confidence.

Back home, laughter everywhere.Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao competed to ask about his son's hard work, and they also scrambled to praise him: "You are very capable, and my real sister is also very capable. Another child is born."

Seeing that his parents liked him so much, Zhao She felt relieved a lot. He asked Zhenjie's small face, "Will you have more children? How many?" Zhenjie smiled and said, "Several." He tugged at his mother's clothes and whispered to her, "When you are born again, you will have a little sister."

The little brother is not good, the grandparents like seeing the little brother more than seeing Brother Yu.

The relatives gathered together that night, and the three uncles of the Yun family also came and went back drunk.You don't need a sedan chair when you go out, and you talk about walking around and drinking.Yun Sanguan said to Yun Da and Yun Er: "Big Brother, Second Brother, there is one thing I don't understand. You said we are uncle and old man, Marquis of Weiyuan, and uncle and old man. Didn't we get it in one place and divide it up?" Unclear?"

The third official Yun was deeply worried about this matter: "I will tell you later that the uncle and grandpa are here. Do you know which one it is?" Old man, Marquis Weiyuan, it’s Lord Marquis. If you want to change with Marquis Weiyuan, he won’t agree to this imperial court!”

"I understand now, I am the third uncle, the old man, Weiyuan Hou is not him! He is just the Marquis." Yun Sanguan knew very well now that the three brothers returned drunk.

In the first few days when I first came back, I was either worshiping others, or others came to worship.On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, a banquet was held in the palace, and the fragrance of clothes and shadows on the temples accompanied by the fragrant wind. King Anping and sister Zhen also came to the palace.

As soon as the clear water bends, the real sister and Zhao She are separated, the side concubine Wu has not seen for many years, and the concubine Huoshan and the concubine Lingqiu are all familiar people.Although they are older, they are equal in status.

Also coming is Princess Chu'an.Sister Zhen pretended not to know anything, it was her usual smiling face.

The corner of Princess Chu'an's lips showed contempt, and she asked Sister Zhen, "I heard that you have another son?" Sister Zhen smiled and said, "The second son is going to be a hundred days away, and when the time comes, invite the princess to have a glass of wine."

Zhao She broke up with Sister Zhen at the edge of the clear water, and there was someone else by his side immediately.Madam Rong, who smiled sweetly, came with a woman in dazzling brocade clothes on her arm, and said in a manly voice: "My lord, do you think my sister is very similar to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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