The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 717 No Zhang 3 and Li

Chapter 717 No Zhang San and Li (3)
It is a sad thing to wake up and get up.

His body was half suspended in the air, and was hugged by Zhao She.Sister Zhen giggled a few times, opened her eyes, and saw that she was in front of the mirror stage.The prince placed his wife on the crabapple porcelain stool, and whispered softly in her ear: "It's not to make people look good."

"Hmm..." A long and protracted sound came out of Yanhong's little mouth, and Zhao She confessed in a low voice seriously: "Don't lose your temper." The big hand patted Zhenjieer's little buttocks warningly: "You must be A good boy."

After confessing, he turned around and called the maids: "Get water, get the clothes of the princess." Give the real sister to the maids, and the prince went to sleep.

Zhenjie, whose starry eyes were slightly closed, couldn't believe her eyes. She opened her eyes wide and sleepy and flew to Java country, and said in surprise: "Cousin?"

When did you snooze like this?

Sister Zhen is ashamed. Speaking of which, the person who used to lie high and ignore everything was herself.Today is worth mentioning, let my cousin sleep for a while.She shook off her drowsiness, changed her clothes and went to wash, and then saw Zhao She closed his eyes and breathed heavily, this sleeping man was like a sleeping prince.

Although he is in his 30s, his figure is as straight as when he was young, his forehead is flat and there are no wrinkles, and his sharp eyebrows and eyes are still handsome.

Sister Zhen held her cheeks in her hands, smiled and admired for a few times, then straightened her shoulders and snorted: "I'm going to the hall, except for not losing my temper, I will never be polite."

Amidst the sound of the dress being crumbled, sister Zhen was surrounded by her, and King Anping opened his eyes and jumped off the ground.How many years have not slept late, this is a habit developed since childhood.

Thinking of this, he ordered Yanmo to write a letter to Jingli without breakfast.The son works hard every day, the gentlemen need to supervise more.

Getting up early is a habit.

In the coolness of the morning light, all the officials came to the magnificent hall.Yang Guangyuan grinned and said hello from time to time: "Master Zhang, you are here, okay," he glanced again with a relieved expression: "Master Qian, you are here, okay."

Master Yang was not idle last night.He ran all the aristocratic families that could be visited in this city.After looking around but not seeing Mr. Wei, Yang Guangyuan became anxious, and some people were also a little anxious.

Mr. Wei, the backbone, is not here, so what's the point?Then again, is losing a heavyweight mainstay.

When the golden bell rang, Master Yang couldn't hide his anxious expression, but he had to follow into His Highness.When the admiralty bell rang for the last few times, he saw Mr. Wei and his sons approaching slowly. Yang Guangyuan let out a long breath and wanted to share his thoughts with Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei looked down. He turned his head and didn't wink at anyone.

Maybe you were angry with the princess, didn't you sleep well last night?Master Yang Guangyuan thought so.Not allowing him to think too much, the servants walked in row after row with guards of honor in their hands.

Behind this, to the astonishment of the officials, were two rows of female officials in embroidered clothes.Lu Xiangbo walked in front, dignified and solemn among them.She walked at the entrance of the hall and stood still with the female officials, and said loudly: "The princess is here!"

The hall was as loud as the tide, and there were whispers.Princess arrives?Where is the prince?Did you hear me wrong?If you hear me wrong, these female officials are all in front of you.The prince is going to the palace, do you need the ladies to lead the way?
Then the answer to the mystery was revealed. Nine Dies and Four Phoenix Crowns appeared with pleasing beaded crowns, and the figure of the big red phoenix in palace attire walked slowly. The person who stepped in without hesitation was Princess Shen.

The whispering did not stop, and became more serious as they whispered.Sister Zhen walked to the steps of the throne, turned around and glanced over with her lips pursed, and the whispering stopped.While the female officials were courting each other, the princess walked up the golden steps slowly, vacating the prince's seat, and sat down in her own seat.

"This?" Yang Guangyuan comforted himself in a low voice: "My lord is late today."

Sister Zhen's words interrupted the thoughts of people like Yang Guangyuan.She raised her narrowed eyes calmly, and said lightly, "Is there something wrong, Qing?"

All of a sudden, the whispers couldn't be stopped.Sister Zhen watched quietly and listened calmly, the whispers that could be caught in her ears made her stomach swell again with anger.

A quarter of an hour later, the officials who were dazed by the events in front of them came over. A third-rank adult came out first, bowed and said, "Where is the prince?"

Sister Zhen pursed her lips and said kindly, "Today, I am here."

Another adult walked out and raised his voice: "This is not a place for the princess to linger, princess, go beyond it!"

These categorical words elicited echoes like mountains and seas: "The big battle is imminent, is the prince sick or something? Please inform the officials so that we can rest assured."

"Honor, I want to see the prince!"

When I came to the ancient society, I felt that Zhao She is upright and having an aunt means that men are superior to women, and that women who are beaten and abused are just and upright, that is, true sisters who are superior to women.

Regardless of whether your princess is a princess or not, even if the queen is in power, the officials must agree to it.Think about it without Xiaobai here, kill, kill again, this is not the time to be cornered.

The princess just sat there, as if listening to the officials, but she didn't say a word.The guards in the hall stood breathlessly, not daring to slack off.

The officials went to several powerful adults together: "Master Wei, can you say a few words? I have important matters to return to. If the prince doesn't come, what should I do?"

The pupils "swish" to Mr. Wei's body, and sister Zhen's pupils are also among them.

Elder Wei, who bowed his head and looked respectful when he came in, stepped forward slowly, knelt down and replied: "I have something to say, I am old and weak, and I can't be used for much. Please ask the princess to tell me how old I am, so that I can take care of my old age."

"Ah?" There were constant voices of surprise and amazement.Yang Guangyuan was so angry that he was about to beat his chest and stamp his feet. It must be the concubine's persecution.He raised his head angrily, and when he looked at others, most of them were also annoyed.

Mrs. Wei couldn't stand the concubine's visit to the palace, so she had to sue her and stop serving her.The officials all looked at Princess Shen, do you dare to play it right?Under such eyes that have nowhere to hide, Zhenjie smiled slightly and said softly: "Yes!"

"My concubine must not do so. Master Wei is the mainstay of the Northwest. How can we let him retire?"

(End of this chapter)

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