Chapter 765 Cleaning Up (3)
"Thank you, Princess." Those who don't have a house are grateful, and those who have a place to live feel thoughtful in every way.Sister Zhen said again: "I still have something to arrange for you, this battle is still going to be fought, and you have to keep an eye on the clothes, shoes and other supplies in the back. Just this one, I entrusted it to you."

The female relatives said one after another: "Princess, don't worry."

While they were talking, Zuo Junjie came in to report back: "The first batch of Peach Blossom Soldiers going back totaled 500 people, and 100 people will be added later in June. General Yuan Kan is explaining that he can escort the female relatives back together tomorrow."

Sister Zhen was very satisfied: "Okay, after we go back, let the local officials resettle them home and hand them over to the family." Zuo Junjie agreed to go out, and Yang Zhen'er smiled slightly. She didn't take pleasure in other's misfortunes, but she thought the princess did well. right.

Father Yang is a wounded soldier on the battlefield, and Yang Zhen'er can understand Wang Hao's actions very well.

Letters were delivered one by one outside, and the female relatives said goodbye, letting the princess go to work.Sister Zhen took out an urgent letter, which was from Beijing.

After reading it, Zhenjie walked to the map.The cousin is very tight-lipped, until now he has not told the real sister when the battle will end.

The current location marked on the map is deep in the grassland. Could it be that they are going to attack the Turkic city?Just as he was deep in thought, there was the sound of saluting outside, Zhao She strode in, taking off his sword as he walked.

Going to the book case, put down the sword, and called Zhenjie: "Pour tea." The ground raised up: "Leave early tomorrow morning, the sooner the better."

"We want to see the princess," arguing came from outside, Zhao She was furious: "Who is outside?" Upon hearing it, it was a delicate female voice.Zhao Xing scowled at the female soldiers: "You have alarmed the prince." He came in and replied: "Peach Blossom soldiers don't want to leave, they said they have something to say to the princess."

Zhao Amnesty was completely impatient: "Obey the military order!"

"Slow down, let them come in." Sister Zhen would rather see her, although these people followed in the footsteps of her cousin.Zhao She flicked his hand at Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing came out and brought in some female soldiers.Zhao Amnesty didn't even look at it, he stood up and said to Sister Zhen: "I want to sleep for a while, don't disturb me!"

Sister Zhen bowed to send Zhao She in, turned around and looked at the female soldiers with a slight smile: "What's the matter?" The female soldiers only looked at the princess a few times, and the princess was dressed differently today.

Just now to meet the female relatives, the real sister is a pink Luoshang embroidered with peach blossoms, wearing Zhao She's favorite double bun, on each of the two buns there is a bead flower, and in the middle of the bead flower are several big beads trembling , pink and moist, how far the white light emits.

The lower body is a green Xiang skirt, embroidered with countless flowers, including peony, crabapple and magnolia.The hem of the skirt moved slightly, and it could be seen that the embroidery at the corner of the skirt flickered as if it were real. Under the embroidery, there was a pearl on the silk shoes, showing half of it.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. I was shocked by the princess's homely attire, and was speechless for a while.Sister Zhen's starry eyes flashed with a smile: "Why, have you nothing to say? You have nothing to say, so let me tell you a few words."

He moved to Zhao Shekuan's large desk and sat down, pushed aside the saber that Zhao She had just put down on the desk, and didn't let the female soldiers sit down. They are all weak girls, not to mention how much progress they have made when they go back, they can be regarded as having three punches and two kicks on their bodies."

With a stern face, Zhenjie said seriously: "Don't mess around, don't bully the weak. You have already walked in the army once, and you should understand the hardships in the army. Go home or point the needle or plow the field. Sunrise And rest at sunset, so that you can be worthy of the prince's cultivation of you once."

"But we didn't do anything wrong, why did we leave?" A female soldier asked timidly, and Zhenjie came over with sharp eyes: "It has nothing to do with whether you have done anything wrong or not." The princess said sternly: " From now on, when a girl reaches the age of 14, all female scholars in public schools will practice martial arts, and all the people will be soldiers. This is the prince's decision, and no objection is allowed!"

Zhao Amnesty really slept in the inner tent and closed his eyes to rest his mind.All the words from outside floated in, Zhao She didn't move, thinking that these people were lucky to meet the real sister, and if any general in the army was changed, those who stabbed the head and refused to obey the military order would be pushed out and beat a few with army sticks, and the rest would be fine. up.

These are all female soldiers, you have to save face.Since you don't want to get married, let's all go home and find a marriage by ourselves.Is it my king's fault if he stays and delays the marriage after he is old enough?
With soft footsteps, it was Zhenjie who walked in.Zhao Amnesty opened his eyes, and snorted coldly at Sister Zhen, who smiled sweetly: "I have taught you a lesson, and they all left."

"You should have been like this a long time ago." Zhao She was still puzzled, sat up and rubbed his hands and eyes, regained his spirits, took the secret letter from Beijing presented by sister Zhen, and when he opened it, it was a secret letter from the emperor .

"...When I rest my eyes, I hope for good news. Why did you stop moving forward?" Zhao She sent the letter to Sister Zhen: "The emperor is urging." Sister Zhen said with concern: "What does cousin mean?"

Zhao She was silent for a while, and said slowly: "The emperor's intention is to severely injure the Turkic people. The Turkic people were also affected by the heavy snow last year. This year they first started from the King of Shang and robbed a lot of food and bowsmiths. Shang Shaoyang is quite capable. It’s not bad. But the more disaster they suffered, the more fierce the robbery. This year, it’s the big battle.”

Seeing Sister Zhen frowning thoughtfully, Zhao She joked, "Are you thinking of defeating others without fighting again?" Sister Zhen replied, "Yes, can't there be peace talks in this battle?"

"The Turkic people have always been fierce and good at fighting. It is impossible to talk about peace and become a vassal every year. It is useless for such a person to get married." Zhao She came out with her real sister and went to the map to read it again.Pointing at one mountain after another, King Anping's fingers stopped moving: "Next month, we will rush here. Write a letter and ask the second batch of married people to send the good girls here."

Sister Zhen became playful again: "Sister Zhen also married a soldier, can she be a good girl like my cousin?" Zhao She was very happy: "You are a good boy."

"They're all so big," Sister Zhen murmured again: "I didn't see that they were so big. After the New Year, they're one year older. Their son, the youngest, has already walked all over the place. I heard there is no Three or five people can't keep an eye on him."

(End of this chapter)

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