The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 780 The prince who can break

Chapter 780 The prince who can break (5)
"Let him sleep here." Let Bihua go down, Zhao She sniffed the fragrance of Zhenjie's hair, and said in a low voice: "You haven't stopped taking medicine for a long time, so it's good to take a rest to recuperate. It's just that my cousin has some problems tonight." Pitiful."

Sister Zhen hugged Zhao She and shook her body a few times: "Cousin, your injury has been healed long ago, let's go back to that murderous cousin before." The injury is healed, so there is no need to act like a spoiled child.Zhao She shook his arms: "Are you ready? I think I still need to take care of you." Zhenjie said happily, "I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

Encountering Zhao She's staring eyes, Zhenjie'er felt a little nervous, went to bed a little uneasy, and slept in Zuoge'er.Zhao She also fell asleep, and slept outside Zuogeer, stretching out his arms as usual for Zhenjie to sleep on, and Zuogeer, who was like a little koala, was sleeping under his armpit.

"Don't be afraid and don't think too much. When you want to talk, cousin will come and listen." Zhao Amnesty comforted Zhenjie in turn, trying to calm her anxiety.The smiling real sister lightly stroked Zhao She's strong arm, and said softly, "It's good to marry you."

There was joy in the prince's eyes immediately, and the fire came up all of a sudden: "Really?" Zuo Ge in the middle extinguished the prince's excitement: "Hey, sleep, we have to go early in the morning."

The sky is full of stars and the dew is still there, and it is autumn when I come back.Although there was wine last night, we will be on the road at five o'clock the next day.The county magistrate ordered the Eight Immortals table to be removed from the yard, watching Beef Zhang unloading the soup pot.But it turned out that it was beef that had been cooked overnight.

All the packs of beef were piled up, the prince ordered everyone to pack them.Cooking in this yamen alone is definitely not enough to eat. Some people in the army outside the city cooked it all night, and until today, everyone has a bag.

When the sun comes up, Qiulin can't rest in peace.Master Zhao was in high spirits, with a gourd of jade wine hanging on his waist, he would take a sip from time to time, and read some poems in his mouth, "Stop and sit in love with the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are as red as the flowers in February".

You Zhan Qi was beside him, holding a package of beef, and You Zuo Ge'er stretched out his hand from time to time, grabbed a piece of beef and left.

The team was long, and everyone respected Zhao She. Brother Zuo was a little afraid of his father today, and was a little in awe of these thick-faced and big-eyed men who respected and respected him in front of his father.

After walking for another month, Zhao Amnesty returned to the capital of his own fiefdom after worshiping at the incense table along the way.The prince came on horseback, and by his side was Princess Shen on the peach blossom horse.

The current princess is the same, she is wearing a gleaming gem armor, and behind her are all girls with beautiful faces.Sister Zhen, who was whipping her horse, slowly looked at the officials. Some of them were against her, and some of them were both right and left.How about coming back this time?

The officials came to bow down, and there was a voice of flattery: "The prince has led the three armies to fight bloody battles for several years, and the border has been safe for decades." Yang Guangyuan came to flatter sister Zhen: "The princess is with her day and night, and she goes to the battlefield to take care of everything. It is also the blessing of the Northwest."

There was a big reversal in the situation, Zhao She and sister Zhen exchanged glances, the husband and wife rode together, holding the rein with one hand, interlocking fingers with the other hand, and entered the city together with happy faces.

In front of the gate of the palace, the housekeeper and his family were waiting, and the aunts were waiting at the second gate, waiting desperately.Seeing the two mothers coming over, they were the ones who joined the army with the princess.

"Mama Ye, Mama Luo," the waiting people gathered around and said in one go, "Has the prince and concubine ever come back?" Mama Ye, who was quite weather-stricken but in good spirits, said, "You don't need to be busy. Go back, the prince and concubine are meeting people in the palace, and it will take until evening to come back."

Aunt Shi and Aunt Shui, who were dressed sleekly, were only anxious to ask one thing: "Apart from the prince and concubine coming back, is there anyone else?" Mother Luo said: "My lord and the two young princes are back." Aunt Shi and Aunt Shui were stunned: "Did you go directly to the outside of the customs?" Mother Luo smiled from ear to ear: "No, I haven't seen each other for several years, and the boss in Jingli specially sent the eldest son and Brother Zuo back."

There was a shout behind him: "Brother Zuo, the prince and concubine are looking for you."

Everyone looked along the sound, and saw a small head protruding from the bushes with a "swish", looking left and right flexibly, and retracting nimbly into the bushes.

On the stone path, a young man came striding forward.He was broad-shouldered and only eleven or twelve years old.Shouting while walking: "Brother Zuo, where are you going!"

Zuo Ge'er in the bushes was about to roll over with a smile, his eyes were looking at the hiding place, it was bigger than Jingli, and there were many places to hide and seek.Laughing non-stop, stretching out a pair of arms, Zhao You hugged Zuo Ge'er, looked at his little head with several leaves stuck in it, and said angrily, "If you run around again, brother doesn't want you."

"You didn't want me in the first place, and you didn't coax me to sleep for several days." Brother Zuo was even more afraid of his brother, and wanted to hit him with the puppet in his hand: "Sleep with me, sleep with me."

Everyone was dumbfounded, seeing Shi Zi put Zuo Ge'er on his shoulders and carried him away.Zuo Ge'er's crisp voice came from time to time: "Tonight, I want to sleep with my brother, tell stories, and help catch ghosts."

"Lang Lang Qiankun, where are the ghosts?" The son's voice came, and Zuo Geer insisted: "Yes, the one who catches me to sleep on the side every night is not a ghost or anything!"

Mother Ye and Mother Luo squinted their eyes and laughed together. Hong Jian and Green Guan brought the princess's things in the army with green flowers and red silk, and everyone greeted them again. The aunts asked extra: "The girls are all back Now, those who went with the princess."

"Isn't it just us and no one else." Bihua understood it as soon as she heard it, said it with a smile, and told the little girls: "Hurry up and send it in, and then stand at the second door and wait for it to be moved. According to me, the boys are all useless, and their clumsy hands and feet are all broken, but they are stronger, there is no way."

Aunt Shui and Aunt Shi were still reluctant to leave, so they stood here helping Zhang Ye watch.Sure enough, Zhao Ru and Zhao Yi took people to move the boxes and cages and put them under the second door of the hanging flower, and set them one by one, teaching them to the maids.

It took me a long time to move until the work was done. The boys went out and the girls went in.There was a little girl named Xiang'er who was the last to leave.Puzzled to the aunts, she said: "Are you waiting to pay homage to the prince and concubine? According to me, there is no need. The prince and concubine will only come back after dinner when they see the officials. They have been away for a few years, and they always have something to say." Yes, there are some grown-ups who want to comfort you, Auntie, think about it, and you won’t be able to come in for a long time. Let me present this salute to you, and it’s most suitable to come tomorrow.”

(End of this chapter)

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