The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 89 The real sister is a good person

Chapter 89 The real sister is a good person (4)
Only at this point, Aunt Chen burst into tears, and then she narrated the events of that day in detail.In the past, he said to his natal family that he was fighting for the cat and hurt the girl's cat, so the prince got angry and hurt Haitang.Today, Aunt Chen told Aunt Su in detail when she heard about Touching Heart.

Aunt Su was speechless after hearing this: "This... this is a smart person, no wonder the prince doesn't come to my sister even though he is not married. If you want to come to Miss Shen, she has already put your eye drops on."

The prince was furious, Aunt Chen insisted, and Miss Shen knelt down to plead for mercy.This thing turned out like this?Aunt Su already understood that either Aunt Chen was too stupid, or Miss Shen was a ghost.Although this magnanimous person let her go?
Aunt Su said: "I thought she was a few years younger and came from a lowly background. When she first came to a place like the Palace, she was praised so highly. She should be spoiled and overrated."

Zhao Amnesty taught her a lesson from time to time, and if Zhenjie wanted to get dizzy, she would never have a chance.Besides, this is where she is smart, and some people think that such a temper is bad, so it is the right place to use it here.

Aunt Chen cried and told Aunt Su what she could hear one by one: "The girl still goes to school in the study every day, as long as the prince is there, she can see him, even if he talks, she is the one who is ahead." Take a breath: "This," is very tricky.Calculated in this way, Miss Shen can meet the prince several times a day.

In an instant, Aunt Su had so many ideas in her mind.She thought that if she put it on her, she would definitely flatter this jerk so much that she didn't know how high she is and how rich she is, making this jerk think that she is right in everything, and letting this jerk tell the old men what to do. , From housework to servants, from officialdom to politics, I think I'm smart enough to understand everything.If this goes on like this, no one will be bothered.

In modern society, interlacing is equal to separating mountains.Modern people have to be retrained when they change jobs. That is to say, some modern people don’t know the heights of heaven and earth when they travel to ancient times. They think that they should be able to do everything from politics to business to management.Such people who take it for granted may not be winners in family, marriage, life, and work in real life. It is really ridiculous to have such a theory!Needless to say, it is other people's business to think that it should be integrated into and studied by others.

Aunt Chen felt Aunt Su's indifference, and she understood that she had made a slip of the tongue in silence.Aunt Su is a favored aunt, she must despise herself.Aunt Chen came back to her senses, and asked calmly: "Sister is at home, she must be the first one, and she will never encounter such a thing as me."

Aunt Su lost her mind for a moment, looked outside the room to see that there was no one there, and whispered to Aunt Chen: "If it were me, I would not be able to deal with people, so I would drown the cat and sink it under the pool." Aunt Chen trembled, and Aunt Su whispered Authentic: "I didn't know anyone knew it, so I went to coax her to like it."

There were footsteps outside the room, and there were bamboo curtains on the door in Xia Ri.Through the bamboo curtain, you can see the mother who guards the gate coming.The two aunts stopped talking, and the mother came in with something in her hand and said with a smile: "This is the medicine that the girl gave Haitang. The doctor saw the prescription last time. At that time, only three doses of medicine were left. I just finished eating it yesterday. .Is it for the girl to think about it, someone sent it from a good day, and showed it to my aunt, so I can soak it for a while and fry it?"

Aunt Chen quickly got up to thank her, and said to her mother with a smile: "Why don't you invite her in, and then tell me, I will meet the person who delivered the medicine in person." The mother said: "The one who came is the girl who blooms beside the girl, she Said that there is no need to disturb my aunt, and said that there is no need to go to thank you. The girl slept late yesterday, and she will rest in her room in the afternoon and will not be seen. "

Aunt Su couldn't help being amused, this generous person did everything well.People hurt her because of her, and now she is giving medicine and comforting her, putting on airs [-]% of the time.And this is not a princess yet, if she becomes a princess, no one else will have a place to stand.

Aunt Su, who had finally flattered the aunt of the prince, came to teach Aunt Chen a lesson today. When she left, she wandered around the beautiful scenery of the palace on the way, and at the same time wondered, can this Mrs. Chen be favored?After fighting against Miss Shen, she lost all arrogance and even fought with the slightest bit of energy.

There is no such thing as a real sister in this at all, and there are quite a few people who don't understand it.Thinking of Aunt Su's departure all the way, and sending her pearls back, she knelt down in front of Aunt Chen who was meditating, startled Aunt Chen who was leaning on the bamboo couch of Suihan Sanyou, and changed her face with her hands on her chest: " What's wrong?"

Pearl covered her face and just cried: "I beg you, auntie, to save you trouble, and stop thinking about that cat. Before there was anything else, Haitang was beaten by the prince. Up to now, she is sick in bed. She suffered from a little cold last night. A few mouthfuls of blood spit out. Look at the other aunts, they only please the cat. I took Aunt Su back and saw Aunt Shui and Aunt Wei together, playing with the cat with delicious food. Believe in other people’s words , I can't stay here any longer."

Aunt Chen heard that tears were pouring down, and she helped Pearl up with her own hands: "I know, don't worry, I will listen to everything you say." Pretend not to see.

From the point of view of the mothers, the prince does not treat his aunts favorably.If there is something from Aunt Shi, others will have it; if there is something from Aunt Shui, everyone will have a share.Except for my aunt's birthday, who is extra thick, I never favor anyone else.Aunt Chen started crying again, wondering if she was fighting for clothes or food?
The master and servant finally understood a little bit. After weeping in the room, Pearl reminded Aunt Chen to thank her again: "Since Haitang was ill, the family members bullied her, and she didn't know what to say. It was only because of the lack of doctors and medicines. Fortunately, there were still Girl, if she doesn't want to deliver medicine, do you think this family will take us seriously?"

This is the reason why Pearl is jealous and hates sister Zhen, saying that the girl is bigger than the prince.People who the prince doesn't like to see, the family members step on them together, also to please the prince; only the real sister, this good person is determined.

The reality is cruel, and Pearl has to understand this before the reality.Aunt Chen heard it and said: "Go and thank you tomorrow, I won't let you go today."

Aunt Chen went to thank her the next day, and Sister Zhen received her kindly.With Zhao She's black face in front of her, sister Zhen's red face is very precious.Aunt Chen was very comforted, she stayed for a few days and came back to pay her respects, the mother at the courtyard gate said with a smile: "The lord took the girl to play outside, Auntie will come back another day."

(End of this chapter)

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