The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 908 The Two People the Prince Thinks of

Chapter 908 The Two People the Prince Thinks of (1)
He entered the palace a year ago, and there was no additional announcement in the palace. Shang Shaoyang saw nothing unusual after observing for half a year, and only regarded him as the imperial grandson of Shiji.

Listening to King Anping now, the new emperor entered the palace a year ago.Shang Shaoyang looked at Zhao She in disbelief, you always know, as the chief general, you know which one in Beijing you will take orders from.

How to blame King Anping at this time, Shang Shaoyang thought that everything he had done was a matter of breaking the alliance with Zhao She.His legs gave way, he fell down on a chair beside him, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord, I am innocent."

"I said the same to His Highness, Your Highness asked me to come to see you and ask you clearly." Zhao She quickly took over the words, his eyes tightly bound him like an eagle, he only paused for a moment as if he believed it, his expression softened, Slowly said: "Since that's the case, I'll see His Highness return, and I'll just explain it to you."

Shang Shaoyang was stunned!

He was dumbfounded, straight, and looked at Zhao She in disbelief, Zhao She smiled faintly: "You don't believe me?"

The wind blows in the yard, and there is the sound of leaves among the evergreen pines and cypresses.The sound of rustling trees and leaves passed through Shang Shaoyang's heart, startling him to fly out of the past like smoke.

Will King Anping defend himself?Shang Shaoyang couldn't believe his ears.It was already clear that he and Zhao She were not on the same mind, and the goodbye was just a friendly face.In Shang Shaoyang's heart, he was ready for Zhao Amnesty to attack at any time, and now that a great opportunity was in his hands, would he not clean himself up?
This is a lie!
As soon as this idea came up, Zhao She said leisurely: "You are thinking, I will not defend you, am I?" King Anping smiled noncommittally: "You wait here."

He raised his hand and clenched his fist and tapped lightly on the yellow rosewood desk in front of him, the table rattled twice, Zhao An lifted the curtain and came in: "What orders does the lord have?"

"Send him back, I'll go into the palace." Zhao She said casually, and stood up.Zhao An made a gesture of invitation to Shang Shaoyang, and Shang Shaoyang stood stiffly on the ground, feeling that the two lips were glued together and it was difficult to open. It took a lot of effort to open his mouth, and he had to work hard to spit out his voice: " Help me."

At this time, the hope is all on King Anping. Shang Shaoyang thought like this, and many people flashed through his mind at the same time, the queen, several princes, and two emperor uncles...

Only the figure of King Anping is the clearest.

Zhao Amnesty had already walked outside, and replied with an indifferent look: "Oh." After just this one sound, he strode out the door first.

Shang Shaoyang in the room stood dumbly, and when he heard the curtain falling behind King Anping, he rushed out and uttered a sound: "I..." Seeing Zhao An beside him, Shang Shaoyang stopped abruptly. Stop and swallow the following words back into your throat.

Human beings have dignity.Although he really wanted to ask Xiao Wu and talk to Zhao She...

Returning to the prison with only a small window at the top, within a quarter of an hour after hearing that the copper lock was locked again, Shang Shaoyang deeply regretted that the most important thing was being able to go out, not dignity.

At this time, there are probably not many who would say that dignity is greater than life.

It's the most important thing to be confused and hacked here.

King Shang thought a lot in a very short time.For example, if the members of the Zhan family know that they are in prison, they will only clap their hands and then add a big stone; for example, when their brothers know about it, they will add a fire.

While holding his head in distress, the wood slammed again, followed by the rattling of the iron chain that locked the door.Shang Shaoyang raised his head, only to see two jailers standing in front of the door and opening it.

After the door opened, they smiled slightly and bowed: "My lord, you can go."

Shang Shaoyang almost jumped up: "What did you say?" Then he calmed down and said uneasy: "Oh, I can go." The jailers saluted: "Prince Anping returns to the palace. There is an order in the middle, no more detention."

"Oh, oh," Shang Shaoyang became even more confused.He didn't realize it until he went out and stood under the tree.An old elm tree that I looked at every day when I was locked inside can be touched with my hand at this time.There are pine trees and cypress trees next to them, all of which are green and welcoming.

A few people also came out, they were his followers.After the meeting between the master and the servant, he made a quick wink and said, "Let's go." It's better to go back and talk if you have something to say.

Walking out of the gate of Zhao Prison, Shang Shaoyang couldn't help but look back, as if he wanted to keep a memory and keep it in his heart.The gate is plain and plain, with no words on it.

Looking at the side again, there is a sign with three words "Qingxin Pavilion" written on it.

King Shang's nose was almost crooked. If someone who was close to pass by, he would not know where it was.It can be seen that if I didn't look for King Anping, I would look for a few officials who were new to Beijing, and they didn't even know where the Zhao prison was going.

After only a few steps, walking on the ordinary old blue bricks, I saw two horses galloping towards the corner, and the horsemen were sweating profusely.

Shang Shaoyang and others hurriedly evaded, clinging to the wall, there was a strange place on their body, followed by someone on horseback.Seeing them rushing to the gate of Zhao Prison and jumping down, there seemed to be an adult standing inside the gate, who immediately shouted: "The emperor is in heaven!"

With a bang, Shang Shaoyang only felt dizzy in his head, this is another big event.He rubbed his forehead: "Let's go back quickly." Seeing the order of the pedestrians on the street, there was still a smile on his face.

When I arrived at the post station, I saw that the lintels were being changed here, and the funeral was being held.Now you don't need to ask, when you find your own room in a hurry, there is a postman who comes to ask for official documents: "Please come to the palace and enter the court quickly in plain clothes."

After coming, Shang Shaoyang, who had never met before, quickly changed into plain clothes, and told a follower to stay in his busy schedule: "I'm back, Xiao Wu should come back, you wait here for her."

He took the rest of his entourage on his horse and galloped towards Wuchaomen.The news had already spread, and the pedestrians on the street rushed to avoid it, and a soldier ran over: "Stop!" He went to the shop and shouted: "This red-painted signboard, cover it with a cloth."

Jingli is not small, and within half an hour, news has spread here from the palace.Shang Shaoyang narrowed his eyes immediately, he was prepared.

These soldiers are said to inspect funerals, but they can also be said to maintain order and prevent rebellion.

(End of this chapter)

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