The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 912 The Two People the Prince Thinks of

Chapter 912 The Two People the Prince Thinks of (5)
Seeing that Tian'er brought the food, the signature was Ji Ruyan, the eldest daughter of Ji Erye's family.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a topic again, Mrs. Zhao said: "I heard people say that Ruyan is a bit spoiled, but when you come here, you will become a filial person."

"Mother, which concubine you said has a heart, which one is it?" Sister Zhen wanted to inquire.Mrs. Zhao said: "He Ruyan was born in one year, and Ruyue who is only a few days younger than her, she has a heart. The year before last year to celebrate your aunt's birthday, I ate too much wine. Give me the veil."

Sister Zhen Yanran: "Mother, how many sips of wine did you spit out?" Mrs. Zhao's face was smug: "First pay respects to the birthday star, your aunt said that it was too late to go clean your face, then came to pay respects to me, and said the prince's great victory, and then I will pay you a visit. Those who say that the prince has merit, anyway, it is just these words, I can't push it, I can only have a drink with the famous one, I push the unknown one."

Mrs. Zhao spoke like a naughty child, and she smiled like a child's naughty, young and old, old people are old, sometimes they look like children.Sister Zhen laughed when she thought about the lively scene at that time, and when she thought about the toast, she pointed to the name of "Prince", and listened to Mrs. Zhao's words, "If you are famous, eat a cup, and if you are not famous, push it away." .”

She sighed softly and stopped laughing: "Father and mother are in Beijing, they always take care of me and my cousin."

"I think it's hard for you. It's snowing heavily, and I'm worried about freezing you. If it's windy, I'm always worried that you will be blown away." Mrs. Zhao is not worried about her son, she only said to sister Zhen with a smile on her face: "Say you're back. I'll go to the front of the Buddha and stick three sticks of incense to thank the Buddha. I'll always bless you."

Sister Zhen was not without emotion. She slowly blushed and held back her eyes, and whispered to Mrs. Zhao: "Mother, don't worry, the marriage of the son must be decided by your liking."

"I'm just saying, when you are my age, you have the same thoughts." Mrs. Zhao smiled at Zhenjie, and said after thinking about it: "You are a blessed person, don't be embarrassed, I’ve seen things I haven’t experienced in my life, and I like that you can do this.”

This sentence "I like it", Zhenjieer was moved again.Mrs. Zhao winked at her: "It's my eyesight, isn't it?" Sister Zhen, who was about to burst into tears, burst into laughter with a "puchi". People also posted a back today.

"But when it comes to the great-grandson, that's all I have to say. Speaking of the people behind, are you as lucky as you? No, then give it to my great-grandson first." Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhao was stubborn again It's too bad.

Sister Zhen is ashamed, it seems that this ancient system is not only deeply rooted in the hearts of men who love concubines.So in the past, the real sister rarely changed Zhao She's mind. After she failed to fight, the only thing she had to do was to try to leave.

Now at this point, sister Zhen smiled, which was also inseparable from her cousin's kindness.

Seeing that the sky was approaching dusk, Mrs. Zhao and Sister Zhen began to arrange things for Zhao She to send to the palace, and asked people: "When will the boss come back?"

After seeing the food box with my own eyes, I asked a reliable butler to deliver it to the palace.Ordered another meal, and called to his close mother: "Take this to Xipinghou's mansion. It's for Aunt Gu. You have to hand it to her and watch her eat it. If you eat it every other time, you'll get a stomachache." .”

Mother understood: "I will hand it to Aunt Gu and watch her eat it."

Only then did Mrs. Zhao explain to Sister Zhen, and she was very amused: "Mrs. Xiping Hou, I usually like to inquire about you the most, and asked the prince when he will accept new people. He said that you gave birth to two children, and said that it is difficult to reproduce because of your health. You have it, it's slapping her in the face. As for me, I'm free and I'm free. Aunt Gu is my goddaughter's sister. Of course I have nothing to care about her. It's the New Year's sacrifice. The third young lady who has gone There, I want to send a copy to the family temple of the Xipinghou Mansion."

Thinking of Pei Sanshao who was married into Xiping Hou's mansion as a commoner and was killed, Sister Zhen said sincerely: "She should be sacrificed." Poor her died miserably, in the silent house fight.

"She often greets you, and I always remind her to think about this third daughter-in-law. Don't think that the capital is full of bright eyes and blind people. Last month, Princess Lingqiu celebrated her birthday. You can't go to me. Someone mentioned this Well." Mrs. Zhao said leisurely, "I have nothing to do with her to have fun."

A long-lost thought in Sister Zhen's mind stirred up. She really wanted to know about Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao.Mrs. Zhao's aunt also has one, who is ill all the year round.Mrs. Zhao never treated her badly, nor was she particularly kind.

Did the old lady also have a house fight back then?Of course, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao are husband and wife, which can be seen.Sister Zhen scolded herself for being stupid with a smile on the corner of her mouth, her cousin had a sense of responsibility, and it was taken for granted that her father also had it.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had dinner together, and because the winter night was long, Zuo Geer was amused by his knees.Brother Zuo was telling his grandmother and mother: "I won't play with Brother Qi anymore, and I will not play with him for several days."

Grandmother and mother laughed together, Zuo Geer thought about it and said: "When I grow up, I will go to the Northwest. When he has no one to play, I ignore him."

Under the candlelight, the mother who was having a happy family and was going to Xiping Hou Mansion to deliver things came back, she approached with a flustered expression, and first replied to the errand: "I have seen Aunt Gu use it."

Mrs. Zhao was very dissatisfied with this sentence, she was just looking for fun, and asked: "What is Madam Xipinghou's expression?" The candlelight slanted to reflect her mother's panic, Mrs. Zhao asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

The mother's expression didn't look like a smile, nor a look of surprise, she was all surprised, and she replied carefully: "Same as before, I went in through the corner gate, asked Mrs. Xipinghou if there was a guest, and went directly to see Aunt Gu. The third young lady didn't say anything when she saw me, she just said it was troublesome. Someone took me to Aunt Gu's room. Aunt Gu was pitiful, but she was so skinny. I watched her eat and talked to her, and waited until Mrs. Xipinghou asked me to go see her, she only said something with an ugly face, the old lady is too caring, so someone who cares about our family called me in from outside, and a team of soldiers rushed in."

The first emperor was newly mourned, and a group of soldiers rushed out of the Hou's mansion...Mrs. Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?" Mom shook her head: "I don't know what it is, but the person who led the soldiers in is the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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