The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 934 Sending Flowers to the God

Chapter 934 Sending Flowers to the God (3)
Besides, this is for his precious daughter to eat, the prince doesn't have the heart to look after the nanny at all, he just looks after the children.

Just like that, if it’s not a real sister, the prince only took a few glances, then turned his head and told the girls: “Have you fed the water?” The experienced mothers hurriedly replied last night: “It’s better to feed after eating milk. .”

When the milk is too rich, you can also dilute it.

The prince knows that he is a layman, so what the mothers say is what they say.Looking at the small wooden bed, he saw the weird puppet, he smiled slightly, and Zuo Geer came again at night.

The two little daughters have involved the hearts of everyone in the family, big and small.

On the second day, there were a lot of guests.Miss Zhen remembered, and asked Zhao She, who came to see her sometime later: "Have you replied to your son? I wrote yesterday to say that there is a little hair, and I received another letter last night, so I will reply to my son again."

"I want to answer one. You only read the letter asking if you are good or not, and comforting me. You haven't seen this kid's eyesight, so why is he thinking about fighting a big battle? I see." I'm not used to it, and I can't reach him enough to beat him, how can I not scold him?" The prince was far away from the true sister, gently shaking his fan.

Sister Zhen rested her elbows on her elbows and pointed her nose with her hands: "I knew my cousin would do this, so I asked specifically because I was worried that you would write a letter like this."

Having had four children, Zhenjie, who still doesn't change her charming demeanor, wiped her sweat with a handkerchief, looked greedily at the fan in Zhao She's hand, and said, "Write a letter full of father's love to my son, cousin, how about you?" How can you bear to reprimand him. Poor son, I care about you more."

"He's just talking about war on paper, how can I not be angry!" Zhao She said in his heart that his son was concerned about Lao Tzu.However, the prince was all worried about the son's letter revealing that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

The eldest son is still young, and this year when he joined the army, he won a lot of praise: "Father Tiger has no dogs." At such a young age, the prince will be sent to the army.The prince was worried that his son would be greedy for merit and would not listen to people's persuasion and only wanted to fight. It was his love for his son.

"I'll write mine, you have to be a loving mother, and write another one yourself, the prince will definitely like it when he sees it." The first few sentences of the prince are serious words, but after he said it, he joked about the real sister: "Remember to say something about you in the letter." Very good, let the son rest assured."

Just as Sister Zhen made a face, the princesses outside burst into tears.Zuo Ge'er's clumsy voice came: "Oh, don't cry, brother coaxes you."

The couple who were talking face to face couldn't help but smile. There is also a good brother who loves his sister.

Zuo Geer was obviously struggling: "Why are you still crying?" The nannies were laughing: "I'm drowning, so I have to cry." The prince came out, saw Zuo Geer staring at him eagerly, and broke into a small smile again: "When I was young, I must have been better than my sisters."

The prince came in again and told Sister Zhen: "Little Mao is much more obedient than Xiao Mao when he was a child." He said with a smile on his face: "This is my daughter."

After listening to such words too much, Xiao Mao pouted more and more. While being teased by the prince for "competing with his daughter", he felt even more dissatisfied, and all he praised was your cousin.

King Anping has never been restored to his previous holy family, and the scenery of the general returning from victory is no longer on the surface.Although there were people coming and going at home, King Anping still thanked guests behind closed doors.

The full moon wine will soon pass, and the early autumn will come unexpectedly, but the night is still a little hot.

Under the starry night, the prince often walks around the corridor with his daughter in his arms leisurely, changes for another when he comes back, and then takes his daughter outside for a walk to watch the stars.

The little swaddling clothes have been removed, and the little princesses are wearing small clothes, sleeping softly on the father's arms, half-opening and half-closed eyes looking at the starlight outside, which is not dazzling but also faint blue.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao looked at the other child in the room. The old lady always smiled and talked to the princesses: "How about going out for a stroll with father?"

Sister Zhen has already got out of bed, and is modifying the flowered quilt for her daughter beside her.Brother Zuo helped his mother with the sewing basket. This time, he didn't fight or snatch it, and he would give advice: "I like light yellow flowered quilts, why does my sister sleep in red?"

Two flowered quilts, different from those of the little princes.This is the prince who made a frame with wooden supports in advance, and sister Zhen made five or six layers of petals.

The soft petals have a wooden support as the bottom. The princesses sleep in the middle after the autumn coolness, and they will not roll out even if they turn over.The petals on both sides originally planned to use gemstones as buckles to close them, but Mrs. Zhao also came up with an idea: "Little hairs will scratch and bite randomly when they grow up, what if one accidentally eats it in the stomach?"

The current button is a Xizier button that is firmly coiled and sewn firmly so that it will not fall off.

Brother Zuo also helped thread the needle. Seeing that the mother's thread was about to be finished, he asked, "I'll thread it." Sister Zhen carefully handed it to him, not forgetting to tell him: "Don't pierce yourself."

Children have good eyesight, and this is the only thing Zuo Geer can do.He would carefully thread the thread under the lamp before giving it to his mother.

Sister Zhen was amazed when she took it: "It's yellow, what should I do?" The young Zuo Geer smiled happily: "I like it, and my sister likes it too, so let's use this."

The red petals are lined with yellow lines, which is also very suitable.

Mr. Zhao took a sip of fragrant tea and was very intoxicated by the scenery.In his eyes, the famous mountains and rivers in the world cannot be compared with this scenery.

The curtain of golden silk and bamboo moved lightly, and the prince came out with Princess Baohua in his arms.With a smile all over his face, he proclaimed, "We're back." Dressed in a pink embroidered peony dress, Princess Baohua unconsciously waved her little hands, which were soft and white, with a tinge of red from the candlelight.

Princess Minghua seemed to sense it, and kicked her calves a few times on the crib, her calves and feet were all plump.

Sister Zhen sat up straight and stroked her chest.He got up and picked up Princess Minghua and went into the room, and Zhao She also carried Baohua into the room.In the room, Sister Zhen sat down and undressed, her milk was neither too much nor too little, and it was not enough for the two children.She fed it this time before going to bed at night, and fed it to the nurse at night.

Speaking of which, sister Zhen wanted to blame Zhao She for why she had to breastfeed once before going to bed at night.With a smile all over his face, Zhao She sent the other daughter over, and put his hands on her to hold the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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