The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 938 Sending Flowers to the God

Chapter 938 Sending Flowers to the God (7)
At this oblique angle, the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager were the first to change their colors.The emperor smiled. He had known for a long time that King Anping was at odds with His Royal Highness Kang Wang because of his concubine.He knew it vaguely before, but now he can be certain.

He pretended to find out, with surprise on his face.Kang Wang, who was standing with his head held high, then lowered his head and knelt down slowly.Emperor Shugong was so angry that he trembled all over.

There are some similarities between Princess Anping and the dead maid.Not too much, but just a brow and eye corner.The Empress Dowager Hui Wen's face changed when she saw them, only she didn't understand.

Zhao She didn't say a word, and understood with Kang Wang.The emperor is a fox, he already knew that.

There was a terrifying silence in the palace, the Empress Dowager Shugong slowly stood up, the Empress Dowager was stunned, and had been sitting stiff and motionless.The Empress Dowager Shugong spoke hoarsely, ordering Kang Wang: "Help me back."

The footsteps of the empress dowager going out, step by step, imprinted in the hearts of others.She walked to the gate of the palace, turned around and looked at Sister Zhen again, sighed and said, "Enjoy the colorful satin in Princess Anping's palace."

Empress Dowager Huiwen was stunned for a moment!Back then, this matter was kept a secret, just like the prince had a heart attack, she didn't know.

I thought it was King Anping who offended again, but now it seems not.

Coming out from here, the Empress Dowager Huiwen had someone call Wu Yunqing and Wu Yuntian, and told them the matter in detail: "There must be something in the middle?"

"His Royal Highness Prince Kang likes Princess Anping, this is definitely not the case." Wu Yunqing said it right, but she denied it herself.The empress dowager and Wu Yuntian didn't believe it either, they both smiled, it was impossible.

His Royal Highness Kang Wang had met Princess Anping more than ten years ago, but he hadn't seen anything at that time.Being living outside, it is even more impossible to have anything to do with Princess Anping.

But the Empress Dowager soon had an idea, she raised her eyebrows and thought carefully: "It is well known that they fought today, can we spread the word about this?"

When His Highness King Kang was in exile, did he have an affair with Princess Anping?Wu Yunqing was somewhat literary, shaking his head and said: "I'm afraid no one will believe it." Wu Yuntian nodded and said: "This can also be tried. If His Royal Highness King Kang wants to be restored, he must make peace with King Anping, King Huoshan and others. One day when he has a different heart , this is a coup.”

Princess Anping, who was negotiating among them, went home with Zhao Amnesty in the carriage.After making such a fuss, I didn't have the heart to play.Zhao She was sitting in the carriage frantically, holding sister Zhen in his arms.He didn't speak, and neither did Sister Zhen.

The carriage was leisurely, and roadside lights flickered outside the window from time to time, revealing the faces of the two of them from time to time.

It wasn't until they went back to see the two little Maos that Zhao She and Zhen Jieer smiled.Brother Zuo came to see his mother, and he didn't regret not going to the palace to play, so he held his mother's hand and showed her: "Brother Qi and I made dough for my little sister."

Four or five strange noodle figures were put on the table, and sister Zhen smiled and said hello.Kissing her son's face that resembled Zhao She's, Zhenjie'er suddenly felt emotional, this is her own child, the child of herself and her cousin.

Kissed Brother Zuo hard, Brother Zuo hugged his mother's head and neck, and suddenly asked: "Tonight, can I sleep with my parents?" Sister Zhen looked at Zhao She, who smiled: "Then Come on."

Zuo Geer lay on the bed and asked the girl to tell his grandfather: "Sleep with grandfather tomorrow." When he came up with his bare buttocks, Zuo Geer said seriously: "Today I will sleep with my parents, and the day after tomorrow I will sleep with my brother." Sleep with your parents."

Only after a while did Zhao Shen feel relaxed. He bent his elbows and bent his knees, put his hands on the bent knees and asked his son, "Where did you say that?"

"If I don't come to sleep again, this bed will belong to the younger sister." Zuo Geer replied seriously, and the parents looked at each other.The stalemate that came out of the palace was broken, and sister Zhen accused Zhao She: "This is my cousin's good son," and loves to fight for favor.Zhao Amnesty accuses Zhenjie: "It's all up to you." Jealous.

Zuo Geer smiled and crawled over to sleep, and soon fell asleep.

The candlelight was flickering, and when the third watch drum sounded outside, sister Zhen, who was sleeping in the thin peach blossom quilt, moved and turned to look at Zhao She.She didn't fall asleep at all, her eyes were all awake.

Zhao She then opened his eyes, and he didn't fall asleep either, he was thinking about something on his mind.

"Cousin, let's talk for a while." Sister Zhen sat up and carried Brother Zuo inside, seeing how cute he was sleeping, she kissed him again.

Zhao She stretched out his arms habitually: "Come here."

Sister Zhen didn't come over, she avoided the arm, sat with a serious attitude, patted the sleeping Zhao She, and Zhao She also sat up.

Husband and wife sit facing each other, one taller and one shorter.Zhao She felt something, and his eyes became deeper.Sister Zhen looked up at him meaningfully, and suddenly asked, "Why did you hit him?"

"I've wanted to fight for a long time, but I never had the chance. Today is a good chance." Zhao Amnesty said bluntly, there is no husband who would not want to beat someone in this situation.

Sister Zhen's eyes were sore, she thought in her heart that Zhao She would not be such a person who fights each other for the sake of status, power and unwarranted overall situation.

Her lips trembled a few times, and she said softly, "I'm not your cousin." Zhao She was only puzzled, and smiled, "We're not related by blood."

"I'm not Shen Yizhen," Sister Zhen said weakly, facing Zhao She's scrutinizing face, she was a little dizzy.Supporting the soft mattress on her body with her hands, Sister Zhen made it clear this time: "This body belongs to your cousin, not me. It's inside, it's not." She tapped her forehead with her finger, and saw Zhao She's more Confused.

Zuo Ge'er was sound asleep and didn't hear his parents' conversation.Sister Zhen lowered her voice as much as possible, and explained to Zhao She: "I can speak a foreign language, but your cousin can't, I can..." Thinking about what else to do, Zhao She stopped and said, "Needless to say."

The prince made a move, stretched out his big hand, and touched Zhenjie'er's forehead.Isn't this kid confused?It's not that important to beat a prince who has lost power.And the emperor shrewdly took advantage of Kang Wang's old affairs, which made the empress dowager, the empress dowager, and the empress dowager disappointed in King Kang for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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