The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 952 The Lord’s Concern

Chapter 952 The Lord’s Concern (5)
After the guests left, Ms. Zhen sat down, feeling sore.How did you get here when you galloped your horse on the battlefield before?The red silk sent someone to bring hot water, took off the princess' shoes and socks, and massaged her feet.

Sister Zhen was pressed comfortably by her, looked at her a few times and said: "You are too old, and I just came out of confinement, which delayed you all. Which one of your family do you like, just tell me."

Hongjuan's face was flushed red, her head was lowered, and her hands were more cautiously pressing the acupuncture points on Zhenjie'er's legs, and she replied in a low voice amidst the mist: "I am only 14 years old this year, and I still want to serve the princess for two more years." Said His face was even more reddened, he lightly exerted force on his hand, and said in a low voice to cover it up: "The acupoints below the knees are sour when pressed, and they can relieve fatigue."

"I'm old, not when I was in the army with the prince a few years ago." Sister Zhen occasionally said something like this, and Hongjuan laughed when she heard it: "The princess is still young. Didn't all the ladies who came today say , which family has four children like the princess, it is far worse than you."

Sister Zhen laughed by herself, and she was satisfied when she looked in the mirror, but because she was born with four children, she felt that she should be old.

Seeing the moonlight outside the window, sister Zhen called to the girls: "Go and see if the prince is still drinking wine?"

When there were footsteps in the courtyard again, sister Zhen was watching her daughter with Brother Zuo in front of the wooden beds of the princesses.Zhao Ru replied from outside the room: "The boy in the study is talking back and forth, saying that the prince has taken the horse out."

"Have you ever left anything to say?" Sister Zhen was startled for a moment, why did she go out so late?When Zhao Ru wanted to answer, he asked very clearly, and then replied: "What did Zhao An reply, the prince hurried out and did not leave a message."

The voice of the princess in the curtain came slowly: "I see." Zhao Ru didn't mention it when he went back, and Zuo Geer asked his mother: "Father will definitely not come back. I will accompany you with my little sister."

Sister Zhen stroked her son's bun lightly: "You, I hope that your father will not come back." Zuo Geer smiled and said, "Maybe I went out to drink again."

"Hmph," the mother said, and she really took Zuo Ge'er to sleep.

Geng Lu hit the third watch, and Zhen Jieer was still thinking wildly.Where can my cousin go?When the weather is not yet cold, it is the time when the wine is fragrant and fragrant at night.

Thinking about Zhao She's special status again, Zhenjie felt relieved.After being relieved and then worried, after worrying and then thinking about the husband and wife for many years, when Mrs. Liang fell from the roof, my cousin even scolded her, no matter what, trust him once.

In the darkness, Zhao She, Zhao An, and Zhao Ping were running on the mountain road outside the city.If he wasn't the prince, he wouldn't be able to leave the city at this hour.The autumn wind is bitterly cold at night, but the three master and servant are sweating profusely.

There was a temple in front, and the words "White Horse Temple" were illuminated by lanterns on the plaque. Zhao She stopped his horse under the tree, and Zhao An went up to knock on the mountain gate for questioning.

With the night wind blowing, King Anping looked solemn, as if he was carrying out a major event.When Zhao An came back again, his face was disappointed: "My lord, I'm not here."

"Let's go to Pudu Temple to have a look." King Anping was looking for someone who could solve his doubts.

In the dark night, the three masters and servants ran on the road again, with the whistling wind in their ears.Zhao An glanced at the tense side of the prince from time to time, the colder the wind, the more uneasy he felt.

Zhao She accidentally turned his face to the side, saw Zhao An's guilt, and said to him: "It's not your fault, I told you to call me back as soon as you heard the news of his return."

Looking up at the sky again, the lord twitched the corners of his mouth for a smile, but his face was still expressionless: "We have to wait until you find out where he is staying before going to see him."

Immediately, Zhao An straightened his chest and replied: "Yes!" He rode his horse and ran up a few steps, suddenly patted himself on the head, and said in a small voice: "Ouch."

"What's the matter?" Zhao She asked him very calmly.Zhao An said embarrassingly: "Your servant forgot to tell someone to go to the inner house." Zhao She also groaned, "I forgot too."

This thought lingered in his heart for a long time, making Zhao She restless all the time, as soon as he heard that the person he was looking for came back, he stepped out and forgot Zhenjieer to the back of his head.

In front of his eyes, Zhenjie's angry face and pouting face appeared... At this moment, the prince realized that Zhenjie rarely had an angry face in front of him. It can be said that he couldn't find it.

King Anping felt guilty, maybe what Sister Zhen said was true, she was actually older than now, so she was always trembling in front of her cousin, and did not ignore it at all.

Even when I was accepting my side concubine, most of the time my real sister discussed with me gently. Of course, what she discussed was all irritating words. She wanted to leave. angry.

Zhao She felt guilty in his heart, as expected, as his mother said, he handled her badly.

Thinking of this, he whipped the horse and galloped even faster.A group of patrolling soldiers and horses came in front, and they shouted sharply: "Who is here!" Zhao An "chucked" and lit the torch, revealing Zhao She's face.

"So it's the prince!" The soldiers got off their horses and saluted, Zhao She waved his hands and the horse galloped away without stopping.The soldiers behind him guessed with all their hearts that it was an urgent matter, the prince flew his horse in the middle of the night.

Zhao She was amused in his heart, this is because he had asked for an imperial decree from the emperor in advance, and he would leave Beijing in the middle of the night, the reason, of course, was made up long ago.

There is a faint sound of running water, and there are mountains in the distance. A temple is at the foot of the mountain, and Pudu Temple has arrived.Zhao Ping hastily whipped his whip twice, jumped off his horse in front of the mountain gate, and beat the door hard: "Open the door!"

The Zhike monk panicked, and Zhao Ping reported to the door: "Is Master Yuan Ji here?" The Zhike monk was very surprised: "Hey, the master only arrived half an hour ago, how did you know?"

This master is recognized as a truly meritorious person.Zhenjie was dizzy in the palace, and it was he who proclaimed the Buddha's name to wake Zhenjie up.He usually does not practice in a certain place, but travels around famous mountains and rivers, looking for quiet Buddhist places.

Zhao She wanted to find him, so he wrote to the prefectures and counties to report his whereabouts. Zhao She already knew about him when he was hundreds of miles away from Beijing.Knowing that he was going home today, Zhao She hurried over, too hastily, he forgot to tell Sister Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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