Chapter 993
The next day, when the real sister was studying ink, Zhao She wrote a letter scolding the son in his own hand.When the envelope was sealed, Sister Zhen felt pity: "Poor Youer, you can't come back for the New Year, and you still have to receive letters like ours."

Zhao She stretched his legs, stretched his body comfortably, and scolded with a smile: "A loving mother often loses her son."

Heavy snow fell, covering Kyoto and bringing boundless cold.As the Chinese New Year approaches, every household is full of laughter.

Sister Zhen sat in the warm pavilion and took care of the housework, wondering whether her son received the letter before or after the Chinese New Year.Thinking that he must have a bitter face, sister Zhen wants to laugh.Poor You'er, when she read her cousin's letter, she might be too sad to eat.

Zhenjieer, who is distressed and pitiful for her son, saw herself smiling in the mirror, and repeated Zhao She's words to herself: "Maybe they will love each other."

Outside the window, plum blossoms are carved like snow, and red plums protrude from white plums, like red gems.The faint fragrance emanates from the pale yellow stamens, making the passing red silk admire: "It's really fragrant."

There is fragrance every day, and today seems to be very different.Go up and down the corridor and ask the girl who opened the door curtain: "Is there someone inside?" The girl replied: "The princess is alone." Seeing the joy on the red silk face, she asked her more: "What's the happy event?"

Hongjuan nodded her finger and said, "It's a happy event for someone else's family." When she came in and saw sister Zhen sitting on the couch, Hongjuan took two steps forward and said happily: "Wangfei sees what Tian'er is thinking about, so I will come out now." Huoshan Prince's Mansion just came to report that Princess Wuyang gave birth to a boy."

"Get the clothes quickly." Sister Zhen also liked Princess Wuyang: "It's not that I worry about it every day, it's that her natal family is not here, so I won't go, what can I do?"

Most of the lords and county kings were in the capital, and Yi Zongze was answered by Zhao She, asking him to go back first.Before leaving, Duo asked Zhenjie, saying: "I won't come again this year, I just gave birth, and I will come again next year. Please take care of Princess Lao and take care of her."

When Zhenjieer receives this gratitude, she will recall the time when she didn't care about fighting.She always finds it strange to be grateful for this, and she will reply sincerely: "It's on me."

Back when Mrs. Zhao came to see Zhao She, Zhao She didn't forget to tease her: "Qingqing, the family has already spread its branches and leaves, so you can rest assured."

Sister Zhen said, "I don't worry about it, it's only my cousin's heart."

There were people coming and going in front of Huoshan King's Mansion, and there were many relatives in their family, and some dependent officials came to congratulate them.Seeing two rows of guards walking in the snow, the doorman hurriedly said: "Hurry up and report, there are people coming from Anping Prince's Mansion."

The messenger went to report, and the remaining two didn't receive other guests. They brushed off their clothes and hats, and trotted to the snow field with courtesy to wait.

Two small officials from outside Beijing couldn't stand it anymore, and cursed in a low voice: "This servant looked up just now, but now look at it, his eyes are all squinted."

What they were looking at was the carriage of Prince Anping's Mansion.

The carriage stopped slowly, mothers and girls got off from the car behind, and a doorman from Huoshan Palace came to Jing Street: "Get out of the way, Princess Anping wants to get off."

In front of the airtight carriage, Zhenjie just stretched out her skirt.In the Huoshan Palace, Princess Huoshan came in a hurry, and said happily, "Follow it."

Behind her, King Huo Shan also came out.

Don't say that the real sister was stunned, even the relatives and officials scattered on both sides were also stunned.King Huo Shan didn't feel anything. Now that he asked for Zhao's amnesty, he should come out.

Everyone surrounded them, and the fragrance from the maids or princesses dyed the snow field like a fairyland of rouge.A small plum blossom grew in the corner of the wall, which was originally invisible to everyone.At this time, when everyone is looking for fragrance, they all focus on the plum blossom.

This fragrance should come from plum blossoms.

The prince took the little princes to wonder at the second gate: "Why does father want to welcome her?" Seeing Princess Anping walking slowly in the snow, she was wearing a sable fur brocade dress, with a shiny leather collar, reflecting the Her skin was exceptionally delicate, with red and white on her cheeks, and she was talking to Princess Huoshan with a smile.

The little princes murmured in low voices: "Brother, father welcomes Princess Anping, this is obviously self-defeating, telling others that Huoshan Palace is lower than Anping Palace."

"Let's see." Shizi said, seeing a group of people coming, he quickly put on a smile and bowed his body.Princess Anping is dressed like a fairy concubine today. She sometimes smiles coquettishly, sometimes smiles with her lips pursed, her hair swaying from time to time, and she shines with the golden phoenix facing her.

Xiang Lin had no choice but to come out to meet her, but in fact he was still awkward.Concubine Wu greeted her naturally, holding hands with Sister Zhen and smiling: "I wanted to invite you to see the child, but I was afraid that the year would be busy, and you would not come because of the cold. It's good that you are here."

Then she smiled kindly at Princess Huoshan, and said to Princess Yonghui and other daughters-in-law behind her, "Go and see the child."

Yun Niang is not here, she is watching the welcome and seeing off in the hall.

The child was sleeping in the little swaddle of the carp embroidered with red gold thread. He was born with delicate features, clearly resembling his father.Because Xiang Lin couldn't squeeze in, he was happy to stand outside the room.I heard the laughter inside: "Ah, so much like my father."

He smiled wryly outside, can't be mistaken?The longer he grows, the more he looks like King Anping.

A little girl hurried over, and seeing Xiang Lin here, she beamed with joy and told him: "Fourth Master, the prince said, serve wine in the hall, and use the best noodles to entertain Princess Anping."

Xiang Lin just wanted to spit on her, there was nothing to be happy about.Because it was inconvenient to spit, I just hummed.

The female relatives were sitting, and Concubine Wu took Zhenjie to see Princess Wuyang alone.Leading to the bed, Concubine Wu avoids knowingly.Princess Wuyang was pale from postpartum blood loss, tears welled up in her eyes, she choked up and said, "Fortunately, the princess is in Beijing, otherwise, who else would come to see me."

Even if there are several old relatives, they are far away, and they don't speak loudly.

Sister Zhen held her hand and persuaded her in a good voice: "You can't cry during confinement." Her hand had just hugged the stove, and it was warm.Princess Wuyang's hand was just taken out of the quilt, and it was also warm.

Two warm hands were clasped together, and Zhenjieer was suddenly in a trance and could only laugh.Almost, and she became enemies for life.But now, he became her backer.

(End of this chapter)

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