Mr. O's paranoid

Chapter 314 Chapter 314 It's really a pity that you don't go to the Chinese Opera Nortel

Chapter 314 Chapter 314 It's really a pity that you don't go to the Chinese Opera Nortel
Qi Mo glanced at him secretly: I'm afraid this guy doesn't have a mirror in front of him to take a picture of him, otherwise he must be able to see how much he deserves a beating right now!

"Oh, then should I say thank you, or I'm sorry?" Mr. Ou pouted exaggeratedly, and the wrinkles on his lips deepened a little.

Qi Mo looked at it and found it inexplicably cute!
The old man who doesn't have a good face all day, reveals so many cute things from time to time.

"Of course you are always happy. I don't care if you say thank you first and then say sorry, or say sorry first and then thank you."

Lazy, with a light and delicate tone, with the grace of a grown-up who doesn't care about a villain...

Qi Mo didn't know what kind of limit he was challenging, or whether he was on the way to death and regarded death as home.

Such a thick-skinned... Oh no, if it's shameless, probably only he can say it!

And the poor and helpless one could only shrink her neck and protect her rice bowl more carefully, so as to prevent her from being hungry when they turned over the table later.

He took a peek at Mr. Ou, but the old man looked calmer than her. No matter how calm he was, he didn't intend to lift the table at all, and he was eating food leisurely.

"Oh, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." Mr. Ou took a bite of the fish, then slowly raised his eyelids to look at Qi Mo, who was eating hard, and said, "When will I make your fish again? The sweet and sour one .”

Qi Mo bit her chopsticks and raised her head, looked at Mr. Ou for a while, then nodded: "You mean squirrel mandarin fish?"

"Really?" Mr. Ou is not sure what the name of the dish is. He is getting old, and for the sake of his health, the kitchen basically pays attention to lightness, and there is no oil or water in the dishes, let alone those heavy-tasting sour ones. Sweet and sour.

"Save that old life of yours! Don't wait for your three ancestors to take you to the finish line, and start blaming Qi Mo for harming you." Ou Shangqing squinted at him, and in order to accommodate the old man's three highs, the family The dishes are also less oil, less salt and sugar-free.

Unexpectedly, the old man ate Qi Mo's cooking only once, and he still made such a small calculation for so long.

"Third ancestors?" Qi Mo looked at Ou Shangqing in confusion, what kind of code is this?
"He has three highs, high blood pressure, high blood fat, and high blood sugar. Two years ago, he was found to have a bad heart. Haven't you noticed that all the dishes at home have faded?" Ou Shangqing poked the bowl with chopsticks I really don't have much appetite for the meal.

"Oh." No wonder, she has always been embarrassed to say that their family's taste is too bland, and it tastes like nothing.

"Chairman, I see..."

Mr. Ou suddenly became angry, slapped his chopsticks on the table heavily, stared at Ou Shangqing and Qi Mo with his beard blowing, and asked loudly:
"Just do what you are told. Why are you talking so much nonsense? I am a person in my eighties, do I still want to live for hundreds of years? Eating these bland things every day, even if it really makes me live for hundreds of years, is it worth it? What's the fun?"

Qi Mo bluntly shut her mouth, turned her head to look at Ou Shangqing, and threw the question to him.

"It's better to get me something to eat while I can eat and drink, and my throat can still swallow. It's better than waiting for me to die and kneeling in front of my grave to mourn."

Qi Mo didn't say anything, but in his heart he had to admit that he had been instigated by his words: If it were her, she would have said the same thing as the old man said, living happily for a year is better than ten years of being boring of!
"Look at you old man, do you really speak without conscience?" Ou Shangqing was so speechless that she wanted to roll her eyes, put down the chopsticks in her hand, and sighed.

"Girl, I will die or live without you, just do it for me!" Mr. Ou directly ignored Ou Shangqing, and ordered Qi Mo directly.

"Hmm... I'll make it for you when I get back from get off work tomorrow." Qi Mo agreed with all her mouth, and it happened that she also wanted to lick her mouth, and she was hungry!

"Oh, by the way, what kind of meat is there? The one with pineapples?" Mr. Ou finally relaxed his brows, smiled, and the wrinkles on his face deepened.

"Sweet and sour pork." It turns out that the old man likes to eat sweet and sour dishes. If she remembers correctly, among the dishes she cooked that night, only these two dishes were sweet and sour.

"Okay, a sweet and sour pork and a squirrel mandarin fish are gone!" Mr. Ou was so happy that he clapped his hands, picked up his chopsticks and ate a few mouthfuls of food, feeling more and more that the dishes in front of him were not delicious.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Qi Mo raised her eyebrows and looked at Ou Shangqing who was twitching.

"The only thing I want to eat, isn't it right in front of me?" Ou Shangqing snorted softly. In the morning, he thought he could get what he wanted, but he didn't expect that it was just to satisfy his appetite after all.

Qi Mo's expression froze, he couldn't believe that he would say such...shameless words in front of his elders.

The fingers on the legs grabbed the pants and curled up, the back of the hand was covered with warmth, and his thumb stroked her wrist lightly, making her feel numb and itchy for a while. Panic.

Suddenly recalling the incident in which she stepped on the brakes in the morning, she understood that he was taking revenge for that arrow, and was annoyed that she didn't fall into the disaster he caused with him.

"Okay, I'm full." Mr. Ou coughed twice and put down his chopsticks.

Qi Mo lowered her head, her bright red earlobes gave away too much information even though her lowered face could not be seen clearly.

"Walk slowly." When Mr. Ou left the restaurant, Ou Shangqing let go of Qi Mo's hand, and waved at his back like a rascal.

Qi Mo also put down her chopsticks, this meal made her suffer from a long-lost stomach problem.

"What's the matter? Do you also think that this dining table is suitable for two people?" Putting his hands on the back of the chair, he tilted his head lazily, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"It's really a pity that you didn't go to the Beijing Central Academy of Drama." She stood up, and the chair moved back on the floor with her movements, making a lot of noise.

"Why are you so angry?" He didn't get up, but held her hand, raised his head, and looked at her puzzled.

Qi Mo looked down at him, facing such an innocent face, at this moment even she couldn't tell whether he was pretending or really didn't understand.

It is impossible for a person to have only one expression forever. Even if word of mouth spreads out that there is Ou Shangqing with an expressionless face and an iceberg face, he is still just a person after all, a mortal, how can it be possible for him to maintain only one expression forever?
He would frown when he was unhappy, and smile when he was happy. He had let her see all of these.

But she still hadn't really understood him, didn't really understand whether the reason behind his smile was really happiness, and whether he was just unhappy because of something that she could think of when he frowned.

 Attention, dear friends: Due to the failure of the comment system of some websites, friends other than Hongxiu and QQ Reading can post and comment at will without being swallowed. Comments like Yanba and other external sites seem to only display digital comments such as 6666. Text comments will be swallowed.Mo suggested that if you have something to say, you might as well try to type 666 first, and then add text to see if it will be swallowed.Mo apologizes for the inconvenience caused to everyone, hope to forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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