Mr. O's paranoid

346 Chapter 346 I Treat You Differently

346 Chapter 346 I Treat You Differently

"I went to school later than others, so I skipped it. I went to grade two and grade five, and then I entered junior high school. I didn't have time to think about anything else." Looking at the distance, squinting his eyes, recalling the past youthful years, not only showing a trace of helplessness.

"Nine years of compulsory education, you only studied for three years? Did you get into Cambridge? Didn't you come through the back door?" Qi Mo was shocked, what kind of child prodigy is this?

"Go through the back door? Do you think the old man will allow me to go through the back door to embarrass him? My legs will be broken!" Ou Shangqing sneered. His childhood was unbearable. He has been spinning for more than ten years without a moment's rest. time.

Unbeknownst to outsiders, he is a proud son of heaven who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He doesn't have to do anything, and his family will arrange everything for him.

However, only those who are familiar with him know that his life is more bitter and tiring than that of ordinary children. The pressure is like a mountain on his small body, and there is an old man behind him who will whip him off at any time.

So he can only keep running, keep moving forward and upward, and climb towards the peak designated by the old man.

Qi Mo patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and said with compassion: "Poor child, I blamed you!"

Ou Shangqing glanced at her with a strange look, how could he feel guilty about blaming him?Obviously just gloating over there, okay?

"Don't look at me like that, I'm about the same as you! Although I'm the secretary's daughter, I've never enjoyed the advantages of family protection just like you. It's just that I'm not as good at skipping grades as you are, but I'm going every step of the way. The results of hard work. From a certain point of view, we can be regarded as sympathetic!"

Qi Mo smiled and raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. Compassion is one thing, but there is indeed some gloating.

"So, from now on, you have to be nicer to me, and I'll be nicer to you. In this way, we will know and love each other for the rest of our lives, just like the wish we made in front of the Buddha. After all, we have suffered the same treatment before, but how fate? What do you think?"

Ou Shangqing held her raised hand, and rubbed her soft wrist with his thumb. He found that her skin was particularly sensitive, and it would turn red after a few gentle rubs. This redness, her ears also will follow red.

Sure enough, as he had observed a few times before, his wrists turned red within a few rubs, and her wrists turned red, and her earlobes also turned red.

Qi Mo was rubbed by him, and the numbness quickly spread to the nerve endings of his limbs. He hurriedly withdrew his hand, clasped it in front of him, and quickly ran down a few steps with him on his back.

Ou Shangqing said quickly: "Why are you running, slow down, be careful not to fall!"

"If you don't go down the mountain quickly, it will be really dark." Qi Mo said, and ran down a certain distance, pulling away from him.

Ou Shangqing sighed helplessly, but she was not in a hurry to catch up with her, and said slowly from behind: "Why didn't you see you running so fast when you went up the mountain?"

"Can going up the mountain be the same as going down the mountain? Going down the mountain doesn't make you tired. You can go up a step with a flick of your knee, and you have to drag a hundred pounds of body to take a step up the mountain!" Qi Mo ran faster and faster, feeling like she couldn't stop the car. At night The temperature in the mountains is much lower, and the wind blowing on the face is icy cold.

"Believe me, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you will find that the legs that go down the mountain are less like your legs than the legs that go up the mountain." Ou Shangqing informed her in advance of the problems she will face tomorrow based on the experience of those who have experienced it.

"Why?" As soon as she heard him say that, she stopped in a hurry.

"When going down the mountain, in order to reduce the momentum, your leg muscles are in a state of tension and tension. If this state lasts for a long time, the muscles will be overtired, especially for people like you who have never exercised. It will be sore and it will be difficult to walk normally."

Ou Shangqing walked down slowly with her hands behind her back, her whole body relaxed as if she was taking a walk.

Qi Mo belatedly said "Ah", and stood there waiting for him to approach her step by step: "Is there help?"

"Go back later and take a hot bath, and I'll give you a massage." He glanced at her and said calmly.

"..." He can still massage?Qi Mo expressed a little inconceivable.

"What are you thinking? I'm afraid I'm making this excuse just to take advantage of you?" Her silence gave him a chance to give full play to his imagination.

Qi Mo rolled his eyes at him, obviously it wasn't the case at all, but when he said that, she blushed for no reason.

"I didn't think about anything, okay? Can you stop thinking of me so wretchedly?" With a serious face, with a blushing face, she accused him sternly.

"Wretched? Am I wretched?" Ou Shangqing raised his eyebrows. How could he be called wretched for such an ascetic and upright person?
"Is there anything delicious at the foot of the mountain? I'm hungry." Qi Mo changed the topic, fearing that he would provoke him again, and later he would do something "obscene" to teach this person who occasionally goes up and down the mountain See, do you still want to be shameless?
"Do you know how to eat pig's large intestine?" He snorted softly, answering irrelevant questions.

"I really like it! I like it braised or stir-fried!" She replied without thinking: "There used to be a lo-mei shop on Gluttony Street, and their pork intestines were the best, but unfortunately they moved away later. I don't know where to move." She sighed full of regret.

"There is a lo-mei shop next to the south gate of Ercaichang on Mingyuan Road. It tastes good." He was surprised that she would like it. He remembered that when he went to buy lo-mei with Xu Miao before, Xu Miao said, don't take it with you. Girls will be disgusted if they eat pig intestines.

"Really? You said it's delicious, so it shouldn't be much worse! I'll try it another day. But now you suddenly asked about pig intestines, do you want to take me to eat?" She began to look forward to the food, She has never been resistant.

"There's a noodle shop that does a good job of stir-fried large intestine noodles, try it?" Having seen her foodie nature, he doesn't feel any difference in her appearance at the moment.

"Is there even a need to ask? I didn't expect that we would have the same hobbies. It's so unexpected!" Qi Mo glanced at him, feeling a little inconceivable.

"It's as if we don't live on the same planet." Ou Shangqing pursed her lips, not paying attention.

"That's true!" Qi Mo laughed dryly in embarrassment.

"Ou Shangqing, do you know? Sometimes, I really wonder what kind of person you are. A person who is obviously so cold is so cold that people dare not approach him, but sometimes he is so warm Gentle heart. Sometimes the words are so short that one word can be finished. A person who can never say two words and is even stingy with punctuation marks often talks more than Xu Miao. You What kind of person are you? Which side is the real you?"

Qi Mo waited until he reached the same steps as hers, and then followed him, walking slowly down the mountain side by side, not daring to rush down as fast as before, for fear that her legs would be so sore that it would be difficult for her to walk normally tomorrow. .

"Either side is the real me. It's just that when facing different people, there will be a different side. Isn't it the same for you? You are completely different from the stars and other people!" He finished, After thinking for a while, he added: "Of course, I am also included in these other people."

"Nonsense!" Qi Mo retorted subconsciously: "I treat you differently!"

"Really? What's different?" He said aggrievedly.

"Anyway, it's different." She didn't know how to say it, but it was indeed different. What she couldn't express was the feeling she had for him in her heart.

"Trust you for now." After all, he is not an inquisitive person, and if he occasionally teases and provokes her like this, it will not make her never look positively at or ignore the relationship between the two of them, as well as her own feelings.

When dealing with novices, you must always follow the guidance, don't be in a hurry!
If you push it too urgently, but instead make her feel disgusted and run away, the loss outweighs the gain.

Going down the mountain was indeed many times faster than going up the mountain. The two of them just chatted all over the place while going down the mountain slowly. When they reached the foot of the mountain, it didn't take much time in total, and it was just getting dark.

"Compared to going up, I still prefer going down." She looked back at the mountaintop high into the darkness, except for a row of fluorescent white street lights, there was only blackness left.

"From now on, you will be down, and I will be up." He said something vaguely, with a blush on the corner of his mouth.

Qi Mo was still too young, so he didn't understand his implication for a long time and replied, "I'll sit at the foot of the mountain and watch you go up the mountain?"

Ou Shangqing smiled without saying a word, just tapped her on the forehead, and pulled her forward.

He was afraid that after telling her the connotation of this sentence, she would look at him with colored glasses in the future, and he was afraid that she would have to think over and over again several times before he dared to answer what he said in the future.


He took her to eat noodles, took a boat, toured the ancient town, took many photos, held hands like all lovers, and walked in the ancient streets of the ancient town with his fingers clasped together. There are snack bars and some small craft shops along the road. .

Qi Mo expressed his feelings: "What kind of extravagant bonfire party? It's better to let them climb a mountain with us, watch a show, eat a bowl of noodles, and go shopping."

"It also depends on who you are doing these things with. Being with someone you like, even if you sit at home watching TV and chatting without doing anything, you will find it very interesting." Ou Shangqing held a stick in his hand. The silver hairpin, the hairpin twirled around between his fingers, and the bead flower on the hairpin also shook.

Qi Mo nodded in agreement, took the hairpin in his hand and put it back in the cabinet: "These things are so delicate, we won't buy them, don't break them."

"Do you like it? I'll give it to you!" He pointed to the row of beautiful hairpins. Although they were beautiful, they probably couldn't be worn normally.

(End of this chapter)

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