Eighty peasant wives are busy getting rich

218 Chapter 218: I just want to cooperate with her

218 Chapter 218: I just want to cooperate with her
The next day, Liu Meilian didn't expect Yuan Yi to come to her. She excitedly welcomed the two of them in, poured sweet tea for them and said, "Yuan Yi, come and sit down."

Yuan Yi ignored her, and led Zhao Xiaohuan to sit down. The three of them sat down. Zhao Xiaohuan started to talk about business, "Ms. Liu, the pattern on the makeup box you sell is exactly the same as the one I designed.
You said it was designed by you yourself. Obviously, you copied my design. I came here today to let you stop selling makeup, otherwise I can only sue you for plagiarism. "

"Can I have a look at your design?" Liu Meilian said and glanced at Yuan Yi next to Zhao Xiaohuan. It turned out that he came to the door today for this purpose. She found out yesterday that her son was very fond of this woman.

"Yes." Zhao Xiaohuan took out the pattern she drew earlier from her bag and handed it to Liu Meilian. She took it and looked at it, and found that it was the same, she told the two of them.

"You two wait a minute, I'll ask." She got up and called Yuan Shengyuan, and when the phone was connected, she asked directly.

"Sheng Yuan, did you design the makeup picture you gave me?"

"Yes, of course I designed it. Why do you ask this?" The reason why Yuan Shengyuan handed over the makeup to Liu Meilian was because he wanted her to help him open the market in Kyoto first, and he was using Liu Meilian.

"I met Yuan Yi, and his wife said that you copied her design, did you copy it?" Liu Meilian didn't think Zhao Xiaohuan was someone who could lie, she had opened a cosmetics shop for many years, and her reputation was always very good Well, she doesn't allow things like plagiarism to happen.

Knowing that Yuan Yi and Liu Meilian had already met, Yuan Shengyuan became even more impatient. He thought about it, even if it was father and son, the relationship would have faded after so many years, not to mention that Yuan Yi still hates him now, and he can't beat Zhao Xiaohuan. , he is going to start dealing with Yuan Yi.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of this matter. You just have to kill him and refuse to admit it. Also, Yuan Yi, don't get too close to him."

Seeing what Yuan Shengyuan said, Liu Meilian knew that he had copied it. She hated Yuan Shengyuan for causing their mother and child to be separated. She gritted her teeth on the phone, "Yuan Yi is my son, and I will never sit idly by."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Meilian returned to the sofa and assured Zhao Xiaohuan, "Don't worry, I won't sell makeup again."

Seeing that the deal was settled, Zhao Xiaohuan smiled, "Okay, the matter is over, let's first..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhao Xiaohuan covered her mouth with her hand, her expression was painful, she was a little nauseous, Yuan Yi felt that she was uncomfortable, reached out and patted her on the back lightly, took out a few dried apricots from her bag and gave her .

After eating dried apricots, Zhao Xiaohuan felt better. Seeing Yuan Yi's actions, Liu Meilian felt a little moved. She didn't expect her son to be so careful that he would carry dried apricots with him. She said to Zhao Xiaohuan in order to see her son more often in the future.

"I have a sympathy, I think you are very good at drawing, can you draw some posters for the cosmetics in my store, can you set the price?"

Before Zhao Xiaohuan could open her mouth, Yuan Yi spoke up and rejected her, "She doesn't need that little money, so don't think about her,"

Seeing Yuan Yi defending her shortcomings, Liu Meilian hastily explained, "Yuan Yi, I don't want to bully her, I just want to cooperate with her."

Yuan Yi turned a blind eye to her, took Zhao Xiaohuan away, and left Liu Meilian's house. There was a shop on the street selling girls' accessories.

Yuan Yi led Zhao Xiaohuan in, picked up a few hairpins and gestured on her head, then said to the clerk, "Hi, I want these hairpins."

(End of this chapter)

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