How to properly smooth your boyfriend

Chapter 38 Don't Eat Me

Chapter 38 Don't Eat Me (7)

Yu Xing tentatively put his hand on the big snake's head, and touched it hesitantly.

"You are... pretty, very powerful."

The big snake that got the compliment patted its tail happily.

Yu Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Orochi's performance is... happy?

She doesn't care if it really understands or pretends to understand, "Great big snake, I really have to go, thank you for putting me in tiger skin."

Yu Xing shook his hand, "...I'm leaving, thank you for your kindness."

Unexpectedly, before she took a step, the big snake suddenly bumped into her, and walked into the cave against her.

"Hey hey!"

Yu Xing was staggering. The big snake was afraid that she would run away, so it rolled its tail and half backed and half pulled her back into the cave.

Entering the depths of the cave, I thought it would be dark inside, but I didn’t expect it to be very bright inside. The cave is very large, and the inside is covered with yellow grass. It is not hard to step on, but soft, exuding the fragrance of grass and trees. .

On the stone wall of the first section, there are piles of gold and jewels, and what is even more shocking is that there are several fist-sized night pearls piled up on the stone wall on the other side.

Good guy, no wonder the cave is so bright.

The big snake pulled the man onto the grass, its tail wrapped around a luminous pearl and held it in front of Yu Xing as if offering a treasure.

Yu Xing looked at the shining Ye Mingzhu, and his speech was tied up, " this for me?"

The big snake wagged its tail.

Yu Xing caught it hesitantly, good guy, it's heavy, if this is sold, it must be worth a lot of money.

She didn't understand now, what does this big white snake mean?Instead of eating her, he caught her in a hole, and even gave her a huge night pearl.

Could it be that she ate it to fatten her up, and this Ye Mingzhu was giving her a reward?

I have to say that Yu Xing's brain is really big. When she was thinking wildly, the big snake rummaged through the grass and found a bunch of fruits.

Flicking his tail, he pushed the fruit in front of Yu Xing, and then pushed it.

for her?
Yu Xing picked up a fruit, which looked a bit like a peach, and took a bite. It was sweet and juicy.

After walking for so long yesterday, tired and thirsty, Yu Xing dried five fruits in one go, and finally couldn't eat any more, so he waved his hand.

Yu Xing, you are full of food and drink, that big snake is lying on the grass beside you and flicking its tail.

The big snake in front of him was white from head to tail, lustrous like jade, and it didn't intend to eat her, but let her eat the fruit.Yu Xing felt that the big white snake seemed to understand him.

"That." Yu Xing said, Big Snake raised his head abruptly, "Can you understand me?"

I thought she was whimsical at first, but I didn't expect Orochi to nod her head.

Yu Xing's eyes widened all of a sudden, he became a genius!
This game has arranged a monster world for her!
Yu Xing bit his lips, "You don't eat people, do you? No, no, I mean... you don't eat me, do you?"

The big snake nodded its head, it doesn't eat people, let alone a wife!

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, I got lost and ran into your cave by accident. I will leave immediately."

When the big snake heard it, it immediately patted its tail, no, no, no, it just had a daughter-in-law, how could it leave!
Yu Xing sat down in fright, "You, don't be angry..."

The big snake stood up, slowly changed direction and lay on its stomach, just blocking the direction of the exit of the cave, the meaning was obvious, there was no way out.

Yu Xing became anxious, "I'm really in a hurry, I need to find someone, I really can't stay here!"

The big snake wagged its tail hurriedly, as if thinking about whether her words were true.

Yu Xing felt that there was something to be said, "I didn't lie to you, my boyfriend and I...separated, I have to find him immediately, really, he is very important to me..."

Before he finished speaking, the big snake suddenly raised the grass, and slapped Yu Xing in the face.


Yu Xing removed the grass from his face and head blankly.

The big snake suddenly patted its tail very anxiously, looking very angry.

Yu Xing: (╬ ̄dish ̄)
I'm fucking angry, okay?
Raised her face!

 Things are not finished, and I really can't get out at midnight. I hope everyone will not hit me. I will start to save the manuscript tomorrow. ╯﹏╰
(End of this chapter)

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