Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 2 Don't be impatient, keep a normal heart

Chapter 2 Don't be impatient, keep a normal heart (1)
There are too many complicated and vulgar things in the world. People often lose themselves in comparing and competing with each other, and in the end even lose what they originally had.Keep a normal mind, walk your own path, and pursue what you really want, and your life will be calm, enriched, and happy.

Only when you can hold your breath can you hold things down
Because of the "Wutai Poetry Case", Su Shi was repeatedly squeezed out by traitors in the officialdom.For this reason, he was often irritable and depressed, complaining about the injustice of the world and the darkness of the officialdom.At that time, meditation was popular among literati. In order to relieve the boredom in his heart, Su Shi also began to practice meditation, and even took a nickname for himself: Dongpo Jushi.Layman Dongpo insisted on exercising for a period of time, and his meditation skills increased greatly, and he was able to sit quietly for more than an hour at a time.He thought he had reached a certain level and was very proud, so he swiped his pen and wrote a poem saying: "Ji Shou Tian is in the middle of the sky, and the light shines brightly. The eight winds can't be blown, and I sit on a purple golden lotus." After writing, He ordered Shutong to give this poem to Zen Master Foyin, a good friend of Jinshan Temple on the other side of the river.After reading it, Foyin annotated "fart" on the poem, and then asked the book boy to take it back to his life.

Su Shi, who was waiting for the good news, was furious when he saw the word "fart", and crossed the river overnight, intending to find Foyin's theory.After arriving at Jinshan Temple, Su Shi saw that the Zen door of Foyin was closed tightly, and a note was pasted on the door, which said: "The eight winds can't blow, and one fart comes across the river." Feeling ashamed, he admitted that he was not ready, and went back to continue his cultivation.

"Eight winds" are the eight attitudes that people easily shake their hearts: benefit, decline, destruction, praise, praise, ridicule, bitterness, and happiness.Ordinary people will be happy or sad when encountering any one of the "Eight Winds". They cannot control their emotions, let alone do things calmly.Su Shi thought he had reached a certain level of indifference, but when he was ridiculed, he was so angry that he crossed the river overnight to find someone to reason with.This is a typical impatience, his practice is far from being indifferent.

Whether one can hold one's breath is the most test of one's temperament. In "Journey to the West", Tang Seng and the Great Immortal Huli compete for concentration. Many laymen will not take it seriously. Isn't it just a competition for meditation?The sun is scorching hot, maybe you can bear it, but what if a small bug bites you?Can you resist the itch without scratching?Whoever can hold his breath until the end is the winner.

Han Shan asked Shide: "There are people in the world who slander me, bully me, humiliate me, laugh at me, belittle me, despise me, how should I deal with it?" Shide said: "Just bear him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient He, respect him, ignore him, stay a few more years and watch him." This is an important principle of our life.

In life, no one can be loved by everyone. There will always be some people who disagree with your approach, and some things will always be full of twists and turns.Do you retort angrily when you are stimulated like Su Shi, or can you no longer restrain yourself when you encounter a skin-cut itching like Immortal Huli?neither!Otherwise, in the end, we will be the ones who suffer.

A university president in the United States is running for state legislature.If there is no accident, with his qualifications, knowledge and ability, he is very likely to succeed in the election.But during the election campaign, rivals spread rumors that he had an affair with a young female teacher.The principal was very angry at this malicious slander.In order to clarify the facts, he tried to defend himself every time he gave a speech, clearly describing all his relationship with this female teacher.His speech was so focused on clarification that it undercut his well-prepared highlights.The worst thing is that many voters didn't know about his affair with the female teacher, but after listening to his speech, they mistakenly believed that they really had an affair.Things got darker and darker, and he lost the election because of it.

Only when you can hold your breath can you hold things down.The perfect solution to any matter must be done in a state of peace of mind.Once I hear others "slander me, bully me, humiliate me, laugh at me, despise me, and belittle me", I can't help but blush and have a thick neck. Not only is it not conducive to the resolution of the matter, but it will also expose my own shortcomings.

A young man works hard, is upright and kind, but fails in the evaluations every year.Seeing that it was the end of the year again, he was the candidate for nomination, but the results seemed to have come out ahead of time—it was said that XX had already been selected by default.When he heard the news, the resentment accumulated over the past few years seemed to explode.After having the nightmare of losing the election for a week, he finally couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the leadership office to argue.

After listening to his complaints, the leader said in surprise: "Where did you hear this kind of gossip? In the past few years, other people have their own reasons for being elected, but this year I am most optimistic about you! I have been waiting for you like this I am proud of my hardworking colleagues, but I didn't expect you to complain..." Hearing this, the young man was extremely annoyed.

Doing things hard and steadily is the only way for every successful person.Responding to unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory things, besides letting others see your dissatisfaction, what good will it do?Maybe your original intention is to let others know that you are unhappy, and let others know that you are not easy to bully.But when others "dare not bully" you, they will also keep you at a respectful distance, and you will not even have the opportunity to receive feedback, not to mention that some people simply ignore you and don't mind confronting you at all.Why bother to make enemies in vain?
Buddhism says: All conditions are formed, and when all the conditions are met, it can be accomplished naturally.But joy and achievement often slip up under the situation of being impatient. Are we careless?
Time can change many things. Those who have achieved great things throughout the ages have one characteristic: they can bend and stretch.Gou Jian's hardships of suffering from hardship, Liu Bang's tolerance, Prince Yong's patience and patience, and so on.Only by sinking your heart can you effectively accumulate strength, and finally accumulate strength and gain victory in one fell swoop.This requires us, the more anxious we encounter, the less eager to draw conclusions.Take it easy, there may be a better solution.

When dealing with people, you must be calm, no matter how others evaluate you or stimulate you, you must let him do everything and detach yourself from the outside world, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and avoid a reputation of being stingy.

Never rush

Zheng Zhuanggong was born with dystocia, and his mother Wu Jiang didn't like him because she was frightened.Wu Jiang loved his youngest son in every possible way and wanted him to be the heir to the throne, but Zheng Wugong did not agree.After Zheng Wugong died, Zheng Zhuanggong succeeded to the throne.Wu Jiang asked Zheng Zhuanggong to allow his uncle Duan to go to the fiefdom to control the town. Zheng Zhuanggong couldn't refute his mother, so he distributed the city to his younger brother and made him the uncle of the capital.The uncle of the capital did not obey the rules, and the length of the city wall of the fief exceeded the limit stipulated by the former king. The doctor Jizhong therefore advised Zheng Zhuanggong to pay attention to this matter.Zheng Zhuanggong said helplessly: "This is my mother's idea, what can I do?" Ji Zhong said mercilessly: "The mother of the king has never satisfied the power of the uncle in the capital. You should stop him as soon as possible to prevent him It's getting more and more rampant." Zheng Zhuanggong said: "If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die. If you don't care about him, he will definitely collapse on his own in the future."

Soon, the uncle of the capital city designated the land to the west and north of Zheng State as his own.Minister Lu believes that the behavior of the uncle of the capital is the same as that of the monarch, and he cannot be allowed to mess around like this, otherwise the people will be confused about who is the monarch.Zheng Zhuanggong still ignored him, saying: "Don't worry about him, he is digging his own grave." The uncle of the capital became even more arrogant, and designated the other two places in Zheng State as his fiefs.Zifeng suggested to Zheng Zhuanggong: "Now is the time to destroy him. If his territory expands further, the people will support him, which will be detrimental to the status of the king." Dear, no matter how big his territory is, he will eventually collapse." Zheng Zhuanggong still ignored it.The uncle of the capital became more and more daring. He repaired his city, prepared his army and weapons, and prepared to attack Zheng Zhuanggong. His mother Wu Jiang also made preparations for internal response.After Zheng Zhuanggong learned of their plot, he said to the ministers: "Now we can finally fight back!"

After the war started, everything was as expected by Zheng Zhuanggong, and the people in the capital rose up against the uncle in the capital.Zheng Zhuanggong won the battle in one fell swoop.

We have to admit that Zheng Zhuanggong is a wily man.Seeing his younger brother's deviance, he ignored it, but blindly indulged him, letting his younger brother step by step into a situation of anger and resentment, and then seized the opportunity to attack him in one fell swoop.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to small details, but can tolerate small details.Don't fight for the moment, because the time has not yet arrived, and when the time comes, the opponent will definitely be beaten to the ground.This is a strategy for dealing with the world, and it is also a kind of survival wisdom.

Liu Bang is known as the "rogue emperor", thick-skinned, and more tolerant than anyone else.According to legend, after he entered Xianyang Palace, he resisted the impulse to face Daqin's gold, silver and jewels, and handed them over to Xiang Yu.Because at this time his strength is far inferior to Xiang Yu.After Han Xin defeated Qi, he asked for the title of "false king". Although Liu Bang was angry, he endured this restless subordinate and generously made him king of Qi, because Liu Bang appreciated his military talent.In the early days of the Chu-Han War, Liu Bang was beaten by Xiang Yu so that he had nowhere to escape. He didn't even want his father and wife, so he retreated to Chenggao and held on to the danger.In order to lure Liu Bang to fight, Xiang Yu tied Liu Bang's father to the tripod and said to Liu Bang, "Come out and surrender, or I will boil your father!" Liu Bang was not in a hurry, but smiled and said, "You and I used to be sworn brothers! , my father is also your father, if you cook our father, share a bowl of meat soup with me!" Xiang Yu was helpless, and said to Liu Bang: "The world has been in turmoil for many years, only because of us, now the world is not yours. It’s mine. I’m willing to fight with you, without hurting the people of the world.” Liu Bang pretended, “I’ll fight you wits but not courage!” Still he couldn’t hold on.In the end, Liu Bang forced the overlord of Western Chu, who was "powerful to pull the mountain and overwhelming the world", to have nowhere to go, so he negotiated a hasty peace with him.

Although Liu Bang's "forbearance" was a cowardly act, he had the last laugh.He dragged Xiang Yu down alive and won the world as he wished.On the other hand, Xiang Yu was a little eager for quick success and could not hold back.

In life, many things cannot be fought hard.If the time is not up, so what if you are brave and unconvinced?It's better to cover up your edge, accumulate strength, and wait for the best time.

The "Nine Sons Conquering the Inheritance" in the last years of Kangxi can be described as wonderful: the eldest elder brother Yin, the prince Yin who was abolished twice, the third son Yinzhi who was unwilling to be lonely, the talented and famous old Bayin, the rising star Yin, these five Although there are strong and weak forces, except for Yinzhi, who has no support, none of them is worse than the fourth brother Yin.Even the youngest, Yinzhi, has the advantage of being older than him.But these people were exposed too early, and they missed the throne of the emperor.It was the first time Yin was abolished, and the elder brother Yin first jumped out and suggested killing Yin, but was publicly accused by Emperor Kangxi of "being impatient and stubborn, how can he be established as the crown prince".After the eldest brother fell from power, the third elder brother Yinzhi became an excellent eldest son. He was more self-aware. Seeing that Emperor Kangxi had no intention of entrusting the world to him, he withdrew from the battle for the throne in view of the lessons learned by Yin and Yin.The most unlucky one is Lao Bayin, who has the highest voice in the government and the public. He is the popular candidate for the crown prince after Yin was abolished for the first time, but because he was too eager to get approval and had too many supporters, he was mistaken by Emperor Kangxi for forming a party for personal gain. He was detained on the grounds that "Yinrou is treacherous by nature and has high ambitions".Since then, he has been suppressed continuously for many years, until he lost any chance to fight for reserves.In the end, only the fourth elder brother Yin and the fourteenth elder brother Yin were left. As for who Emperor Kangxi would choose in the end, the ministers had no way of knowing at that time.What is certain is that so many "early rafters rotten first" who had the opportunity to become the crown prince were suppressed prematurely, while those who had hidden strategies were effectively protected and became the last laughers.

"A husband does not fight, so the world cannot compete with him." Many times, your patience, waiting, and hiding are powerful weapons for victory.Because forbearance is also a kind of strength, and it is taboo to fight for a moment in life.

More patience, less worry

Goujian was the king of Yue. In the battle he commanded, King Helu of Wu was cut off toe and died of serious injuries.Fucha, the son of Helu, was burdened with the hatred of his family and the country, and captured Goujian.Goujian bribed Fucha's ministers, and saved his life on the terms of cutting land, paying compensation, and offering beautiful women.Fucha refused to release Goujian just in case, so he detained him as a slave in the state of Wu, and humiliated him from time to time.In such difficult days, Gou Jian had no complaints. He led the horse for Fucha, was pushed and beaten by the people of Wu state, and suffered all kinds of humiliation.

One day, Fu Chai fell ill and recuperated in the palace.When Gou Jian knew about it, he came to visit the doctor anxiously.When he learned that Fu Chai had just had a bowel movement, he even smelled Fu Chai's stool, dipped his fingers in it and tasted it, and then said to Fu Chai, "Congratulations, Your Majesty has recovered. Because the stool is black and smells strange, taste it." Afterwards, there was a bitter taste again, indicating that the poison in the stomach had been excreted through feces. Once the poison is removed, the king’s illness will be cured.” After hearing this, Fu Chai was moved and shocked, and allowed Gou Jian to return home.

After Gou Jian returned to the country, he made great efforts to govern the country, making the Yue country stronger again, and took advantage of Fu Chai's struggle with the great powers in the Central Plains to attack the Wu country, forcing Fu Chai to death and becoming the overlord.

Goujian looked like a little white rabbit who had no power to fight back. Who would have thought that he would fight back like a wolf?This is the power of patience.Those who achieve great things must be able to tolerate all the injustices bestowed by fate. If they cannot bear so many things, they will not be able to achieve great things.

Tolerance is an essential element of success, just as good things take time, how can we obtain the truth without going through "81 difficulties"?People's support is usually related to people's minds.

In the southern part of the Shu Kingdom, a tribal leader named Meng Huo launched a rebellion, and Zhuge Liang planned to conquer it himself.Some people say that as long as you send a general, you can recover there, and you don't have to bother the prime minister.Zhuge Liang believed that there were many and mixed ethnic groups there, and it was impossible to conquer them by force alone without using both kindness and power, so he insisted on personal conquest.The first time he attacked Meng Huo, Zhuge Liang won the battle easily.When Meng Huo was escorted over, Zhuge Liang did not punish the rebel leader, but entertained him with good wine and food.But Meng Huo didn't know how to flatter him, and threatened: "I just didn't know your reality before, but now I have seen your deployment. As long as you dare to let me go back, I will definitely defeat you." Zhuge Liang smiled and shook the goose feather fan, Let Meng Huo go.Sure enough, Meng Huo led another army to challenge him, but he was still defeated by Zhuge Liang.Zhuge Liang still entertained Meng Huo with good food and good food, but Meng Huo still refused to accept, so Zhuge Liang let him go back again.Meng Huo soon made a comeback again, so again and again, the two sides fought a total of seven times, and Meng Huo was captured alive seven times.It wasn't until the last time that Meng Huo said convincingly: "Seven captures and seven attacks, this has never happened before. The prime minister has given me such a big face. Although I don't understand the principles, I also know how to behave. How can you not give the prime minister face?" After saying that, he couldn't afford to kneel.Zhuge Liang quickly helped him up, and still held a banquet to entertain him.From then on, Meng Huo surrendered to the Kingdom of Shu with all his heart.

A small leak will sink a great ship.It is easy to defeat Meng Huo, but it is difficult to conquer him, and it is even more difficult to conquer the ethnic minorities in the southwestern border.The reason why Zhuge Liang released Meng Huo again and again was because he considered the longer term, and he must ensure that there would be no problems in the rear of the southwestern border, so that the Kingdom of Shu could safely send troops to the Central Plains.It is easy to defeat people, but it is difficult to conquer others. Tolerance is the softest weapon to conquer people's hearts.

If Zhuge Liang's mind is wider than the ocean, then Sima Yi's mind is by no means smaller than the ocean.

After Sima Yi was defeated, he didn't dare to fight Zhuge Liang again, and couldn't hold out.No matter how the Shu army called the formation, Sima Yi just stood still.Zhuge Liang had no choice, so he sent someone to send him a set of white women's clothing and headscarf, and attached a letter, mocking that he was no different from a woman. If he dared not come out to fight again, he would wear this set of women's clothes, otherwise he would not be a man .A person as gracious as Zhuge Liang has said such harsh words, if it were someone else, he would have come out angrily to fight.After reading the letter, Sima Yi stopped the general, put on the woman's clothes with a smile on his body, then treated the envoy of Shu courteously, and continued to stand still.The general in the army was furious, but Sima Yi leisurely accompanied the envoy to eat.

Is Sima Yi really cowardly?of course not.Zhuge Liang traveled thousands of miles to the north, far away from the rear, the supply of the army must be a problem, but the supply of the Wei army is convenient.Therefore, there is no need to rely on force, as long as you can't hold on, you can wait for work.Personal humiliation is minor, but Wei Jun's casualties are major, so Sima Yi has the cheek to be a woman for a while.On the contrary, Zhuge Liang was in a hurry this time. He worked hard all day long and was extremely tired.Sima Yi was overjoyed when he learned that Zhuge Liang's daily food was "only a few liters", because it meant that Zhuge Liang would not live long.He just needs to wait a few more days, and everything will be done.Sure enough, Zhuge Liang passed away soon.The Shu army had to retreat, and Sima Yi won without bloodshed.

Sima Yi had to endure a lot of people, not only Zhuge Liang, but also the jealousy of Wei's colleagues.So Sima Yi had to back down moderately, so as not to show his edge too much.Enduring in this way, Sima Yi finally became the powerful minister in control of Wei Guo's government.

To be patient on one's own initiative is a realm of broad-mindedness.Being repeatedly stimulated by the enemy, one can still maintain a clear mind, not be angry with humiliation, not fight for strength, not be fooled, and finally get through the crisis, which is a broader state of mind.From this point of view, Sima Yi is more powerful than Zhuge Liang, so he lived longer than Zhuge Liang and achieved the great cause of replacing Wei Jianjin.

All those who have achieved great things since ancient times have resilience.Spontaneous tolerance without external force is an innate virtue; it is an admirable magnanimity to stick to one's original intention under the strong stimulation of external force.The stronger the endurance, the greater the tolerance, the less troubles and troubles, and the greater the achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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