Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 21 Spontaneous, strive to achieve a perfect life

Chapter 21 Spontaneous, strive to achieve a perfect life (1)
There is nothing impossible in the world, only people who cannot do it; there is no one in the world who does not have the potential to succeed, only people who do not use the potential of success.Fools miss opportunities, wise men are good at seizing opportunities, successful people create opportunities, and opportunities are only given to those who are ready.

think like a rich man

As the saying goes, "Character determines destiny", we can also add a sentence at the end, that is "Thinking determines life".In today's society, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Different ways of thinking determine whether you can become rich.Have you found that rich people think differently from you?Rich people will also encounter many problems in the process of growing up, but they never back down, most of them believe that there are more methods than problems; while poor people will somewhat give up on themselves and blame others when encountering setbacks, most of them think that there are more problems than methods , This is a different way of thinking.So these rich people can create wealth and preserve wealth.These thinking patterns are not exclusive, and we can also learn from them.

In a grand banquet, Chinese, Russians, French, Germans, Italians and Americans gathered together.During the dinner, everyone talked a lot about the national spirit and cultural traditions of their own country, but the Americans were silent, sipping fine wine and smiling at the blushing crowd.

Seeing the appearance of the Americans, people from several other countries asked angrily: "What's the matter? Are you not convinced? Then we will let you experience it."

Therefore, the Chinese came out first, and he brought out his own national characteristics - a bottle of fragrant Moutai for everyone to taste, while the Russians took out vodka, which is famous for its strong potency, followed by the French's mellow big wine. Champagne and Italian mellow wine, and finally everyone tasted German whiskey.When it was the American's turn to toast, everyone looked at him proudly and thought: Let's see what national characteristics you, a country of immigrants, can show.

Unexpectedly, the American was calm and not in a hurry. He picked up an empty glass from the table and stood up calmly. He shook his head and said: "This is a cocktail. It just embodies the national spirit of our United States - learn from others' strengths and create comprehensively. Now, please taste it together."

After hearing this sentence, people from other countries were stunned by his intelligence.

It seems that the reason why a country with a history of only more than 200 years can become a world superpower must have its astonishing excellence.

A person who can absorb the strengths of other families and absorb the advantages of others for his own use will inevitably become an invincible man of great wisdom. This is what makes the rich excel.However, it is not easy to achieve this. You must have a keen eye, a broad mind, and the ability to integrate. Only when the three are combined can you have the power to accommodate hundreds of rivers.I have to admit that getting rich is a psychological warfare.The rich focus on opportunities, and see no hurdles they cannot overcome; the poor focus on obstacles, and see small difficulties higher than the sky.Rich people play money games to win, poor people play money games so they don't lose.The rich firmly believe that: I create my life, and I am the master of my life.Poor people believe: Life happens to me, and my bad luck cannot escape.

The rich are always so self-confident, no matter when they are in adversity or when they are bathing in sunshine, they always believe that "I created everything, and I gave myself the wealth and life I have now".They believe that making money depends on the rules, as long as you find the right method, you will be successful; the poor believe that making money depends on luck, and wealth depends on others. It has nothing to do with me. I am poor today because I have no good background and no good opportunities.Because of these differences, there is a difference between the rich and the poor.Because of these differences, you have to learn to think like a rich man. Only by abandoning those concepts of "poverty" will wealth beckon to you.

If you want to become a rich person, you have to start all over again, put the ideas of the rich into your brain, and act according to the rules of the rich.A different way of thinking will lead you to a road to wealth.

Don't be afraid to be the first to eat crabs
Before 1984, the host country of the Olympic Games was almost designated.For the host country, it is often a mixed blessing.Being able to host the Olympic Games is naturally a national honor, and it can also take the opportunity to promote the country's image, but the large-scale investment in hardware and software, mainly in the construction of new venues, will cause the government to bear a huge fiscal deficit. In 1976, Canada hosted the Montreal Olympics and suffered a loss of US$10 billion. At that time, it was estimated that this huge debt would not be repaid until 2003; in 1980, the total expenditure of the Moscow Olympics reached US$90 billion, and the specific debt was an astronomical figure.The Olympic Games has almost become held for the interests of the nation and for political needs, and losing money has become the law of the Olympics.

In view of the losses incurred by other countries in hosting the Olympics, the Los Angeles City Government made a resolution after obtaining the right to host the Olympics: the 23rd Olympics will not use any public funds.Therefore, it created a precedent for the private Olympic Games.After Uberroth took over the Olympic Games, he found that the organizing committee was not even as good as a leather bag company, without a secretary, telephone, office, or even an account.Everything had to start from scratch, and Ueberroth decided to burn the boat.He sold his shares in the tourism company for US$1060 million, began to recruit personnel, commercialized the Olympic Games, and carried out market operations.

The first step is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.Ueberroth argues that since the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics, large scale, pomp, luxury and waste have become fashionable.He decided to do everything possible to save unnecessary expenses.First of all, he set an example and did not receive a salary. Inspired by this spirit, tens of thousands of staff volunteered; second, he continued to use the existing stadium in Los Angeles; finally, he changed three local university dormitories into the Olympic Village.The latter two measures alone saved more than a billion dollars.

The second step is to hold a massive torch relay.After the Olympic torch was lit in Greece, a 1.5-kilometer torch relay race across the continental United States was held in the United States.With the method of donation, whoever pays can run a distance holding the torch.The right to relay the entire torch was sold at US$3000 per kilometer, and a total of US$1.5 million was sold for 4500 kilometers.

The third step is a unique financing and profit model.Uberroth has created a unique financing and profit model, allowing the Olympic Games to bring a lot of money to the organizers.Uberroth unexpectedly proposed that the amount of sponsorship should not be less than 500 million US dollars, and commercial advertisements in the venue, including its air, were not allowed.These harsh conditions have stimulated the enthusiasm of the sponsors.A company was eager to join the sponsorship, and signed on before even figuring out the procedure of the indoor cycling competition it was sponsoring.UberRoth eventually selected 150 of 30 sponsors, raising a total of $1.17 million.The biggest gain comes from exclusive TV rights transfers.Uberroth adopted the method of bidding by the three major American TV networks. As a result, ABC won the TV broadcasting rights for US$2.25 million.For the first time, Uber Ross broke the practice of free broadcasting of Olympic games by broadcasting stations, and sold the broadcasting rights to broadcasting companies in the United States, Europe and Australia for US$7000 million.Ticket revenue has also reached an all-time high through strong advertising and news hype.

The fourth step is to sell mascots and souvenirs related to the Olympic Games.Uberroth joined forces with some merchants to issue some souvenirs with the Olympic mascot Sam Eagle as the main symbol.Through these four effective market operations, in just a dozen days, the total expenditure of the 23rd Olympic Games was 5.1 million U.S. dollars, with a profit of 2.5 million U.S. dollars, and Uber Ross himself also received a bonus of 47.5 U.S. dollars.At the closing ceremony, Samaranch, then president of the International Olympic Committee, presented Uberroth with a special gold medal, which the press called "the biggest gold medal in this Olympic Games."

The world is full of followers, clingers, imitators, they like to walk along the old track, like to think of other people's ideas, but what the society needs are those who are innovative.So, don't be afraid to become a "founder" yourself, and don't be so obsessed with imitating your grandfather, your father, your neighbor.Know that no one can succeed by imitating others.Success is a personal creation, which is caused by the power of founding, so we must be brave enough to be the founders on the road to success.Never be afraid to be the first to eat crabs, because every change provides us with a broad space for development.

Thinking ahead is one step ahead of others. With this advantage, you should not be afraid.If you don't try, you won't succeed. If you bravely walk ahead of others, you may be able to walk out of your own sky.

Learn to update traditional ideas
In some large and medium-sized cities, white-collar workers are desperately running around in order to survive. They are in a hurry and under great pressure from work. They have almost no time to have breakfast at home. Solve the breakfast problem.So many restaurants have spotted this business opportunity, gradually changed their traditional habit of only serving lunch and dinner, and set their sights on the breakfast market.Unexpectedly, there is a coffee shop that is also optimistic about the huge market of breakfast, but because it is a high-end coffee shop, the form of breakfast cannot be vulgar, and their target customers are mainly white-collar workers and students, so they developed A range of foods that can replace breakfast.Because it keeps pace with the times and develops breakfast food just right, this coffee shop has achieved good market effect and response.The success of coffee shops selling breakfast is the result of breaking the traditional concept, conforming to the development of the times, accurately judging and segmenting the market, and accurately positioning the market.

This is the success brought by new concepts and new ideas. If you can’t abandon the old concept and think that coffee shops can only sell coffee forever, then when other restaurants start a new day in the morning, coffee shops can only sell coffee. Wait until noon, and there will always be one less hopeful morning than others.That is to say, you only start when others have already run far, and of course you will be eliminated.The progress of society creates a new way of thinking, and the new way of thinking becomes the catalyst for social progress.Only by mastering this catalytic force can you progress along with it.

On the vast ocean, a ship capsized, and all the people on board fell into the water. People struggled to stretch their limbs, trying to surface, but the huge current caused by the capsizing of the ship swept the people into the bottom of the water, making these people His body was tightly attached to the bottom of the boat, unable to float, and finally died of suffocation.Only one person who fell into the water immediately rolled up his body when he encountered a strong current, allowing himself to sink first. After the impact, he stretched his limbs and surfaced. He was the only survivor.

It can be seen from this example that this person can survive, maybe his good physical fitness is one of the reasons, but more importantly, in front of the old habits, others follow them as always, only he can follow the current This is the root cause of his ultimate survival.

The biggest function of the brain is to think, but it is undoubtedly meaningless to always go around in the inherent thoughts. It is better to inject new ideas into the brain, let the thoughts update, and catch up with the trend of the times.

Luck always belongs to the strong in life

Do you also have a similar experience?In life, after repeated setbacks and obstacles, the enthusiasm and desire to work hard are suppressed and stifled by "self-limitation".Fear of failure, but you get used to it, lose confidence and courage, and gradually develop the habit of cowardice, hesitation, fear of taking responsibility, not thinking about making progress, and not daring to fight hard. These become a kind of imprisonment in your heart.Life is like this into the abyss of despair.

After the rain, a spider struggled to crawl towards the fragmented web on the wall.Because the wall is damp, it climbs to a certain height and then falls, it climbs up again and again, and falls again and again... The first person saw it, he sighed, and said to himself: " Isn't my life just like this spider? I'm busy and get nothing." So he became depressed day by day.The second person saw it, and he said: "This spider is so stupid, why don't you go around and climb up from the dry place next to it? I can't be as stupid as it in the future." So he became smarter.The third person saw it, and he was immediately moved by the spirit of the spider's repeated defeats.So he became strong.

The countless obstacles in life that seem insurmountable are just because you have limited yourself in your heart and you have to try to break it.As long as you can break through the limitations set by yourself, you can overcome difficulties and fulfill your wishes.

Some scientists have done such an experiment: put a flea on a table, and then tap the table, the flea jumps up reflexively, jumping very high.Then the scientist put a glass cover on top of the table, then patted the table, and the flea jumped and hit the glass again.When the flea finds an obstacle, it starts to adjust its height.The scientist pressed the glass cover down, then slapped the table again, and the fleas jumped up again, bumped into it again, and adjusted the height again.In this way, the scientists kept adjusting the height of the glass cover, and the fleas kept bumping into it, constantly adjusting the height.Until the height of the glass cover is almost level with the desktop.At this time, take away the glass cover and pat the table again, the fleas can no longer jump, and become "crawling fleas".

The reason why a flea becomes a "crawling flea" is not that it has lost the ability to jump, but that it has learned to behave after repeated setbacks.It set a limit for itself, thinking that it would never be able to jump out. Later, although the glass cover no longer existed, the glass cover had been "covered" in its subconscious and became deeply rooted.The desire and potential for action is stifled by a fixed mindset, which thinks it has lost forever the ability to leap.This is what we call "self-limitation".Once you have such a habit, you will be timid, afraid to try and innovate, and follow the trend, and the inherent success will be extinguished.To break free from self-limitation, the key lies in yourself.

It has been almost a year since Lilian joined an insurance company, and she still can't forget the first phone call she made on the first day of work.At that time, she enthusiastically dialed the phone to contact her first client, but she did not expect that the other party interrupted her very bluntly as soon as she explained her working status.Not only rejected her sales promotion, but also scolded her, and claimed that he was in good health and did not need any insurance.From then on, when she made sales calls, Lilian had a shadow in her heart. She didn't have any position in her speech, and she hesitated in explaining. Naturally, no one wanted to buy insurance from her.Slowly, the shadow in her heart became bigger and bigger, and she didn't even want to make a phone call anymore.After working for nearly a year, she has not signed a single insurance policy.She began to think that maybe she was not suitable for this job, her eloquence was not good, and she didn't have the ability to impress others. She was extremely discouraged.The manager encouraged her to give herself a chance. No one is destined to succeed, and no one will always fail.After hearing what the manager said, Lilian mustered up her courage and decided to give it a go.Lilian found out the information of a client who had been contacted but was rejected, carefully studied his needs, and chose a suitable insurance type for him.After everything was ready, she dialed the other party's phone number. Her confidence and sincerity conquered the client, and the other party bought the insurance she was promoting.Lilian finally became a strong person in life.

People's change is often in an instant. As long as we have a strong sense of changing ourselves and make up our minds, change will appear.Adjust your thinking and become a strong person in life, and your life turning point is not far away.

There is great potential within you, and it has unlimited power.You must awaken this sleeping giant within you, for it is more powerful than all the gods of Aladdin's lamp -- those gods are fiction, and your potential is real.Only when you become a real strong man can the goddess of luck take care of you.

Only when there is sunshine in the heart can spring flowers bloom
Some people often deny themselves like this: "I can't do everything well", "I have failed many times in the past, and this time I will fail too", "Life is meaningless, the whole world is just darkness", "No one will marry me", "I am a People who can't communicate"... People who have these thoughts are often unhappy.

There are two brothers, aged only four or five years old. Since the windows of the bedroom are closed all day, they think the house is too dark, and they feel very envious when they see the bright sunshine outside.The two brothers discussed, "We can sweep in a little sunlight together." So, the two brothers took the broom and dustpan and went to the balcony to sweep the sunshine.When they moved the dustpan into the room, the sunlight inside was gone.I swept it this way many times, but there was still no sunlight at all in the house.The mother who was busy in the kitchen saw their strange behavior and asked: "What are you doing?" They replied: "The room is too dark, we need to sweep some sunlight in." Mom laughed: "Just open the window, The sun will come in naturally, why bother to sweep it?"

This mother told us that by opening the closed heart, the sunshine of success can dispel the darkness of failure.In the same way, looking at things with a positive attitude will have good results.

A scholar came to Beijing for the third time to take the exam and lived in a shop where he often lived.Two days before the exam, he had two dreams. The first dream was that he was growing cabbage on the wall, and the second dream was that he was wearing a bamboo hat and an umbrella on a rainy day.These two dreams seemed to have deep meanings, so Xiucai hurried to find a fortune-teller to interpret the dreams the next day.When the fortune teller heard this, he patted his thigh and said: "You should go home. Think about it, isn't it a waste of effort to grow vegetables on the high wall? Isn't it superfluous to wear a bamboo hat and an umbrella?" Go back to the store to pack your bags and prepare to go home.The shop owner was very strange and asked: "Didn't you just take the exam tomorrow? Why did you go back to your hometown today?" You have to stay. Think about it, isn’t it a high-quality plant to grow vegetables on the wall? Doesn’t wearing a bamboo hat and holding an umbrella mean that you are prepared for this time?” When Xiucai heard this, he thought it made sense, so he took the exam with high spirits, and unexpectedly won the test. .

(End of this chapter)

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