Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 7 Lower your posture and win a wider space

Chapter 7 Lower your posture and win a wider space (2)
When Washington was a colonel, he led his men to garrison Alexandria, which coincided with elections for the Virginia state legislature.There was a man named William Penn who opposed one of the candidates, and Washington supported it.The two had a heated argument over the topic of the election.As the argument escalated, both men said some mean things, some of which were unsavory.William Penn's temper was very fiery, and he couldn't listen to these words, and he knocked Washington down on the ground on impulse.

Washington's soldiers came after hearing the news. When they heard that the colonel had been knocked down, they were filled with righteous indignation and threatened to avenge the officer.Washington didn't want to make matters worse, so he tried his best to persuade everyone to return to the camp.Early the next morning, Washington sent a note to William Penn asking him to come to the hotel for a briefing.William Penn was nervous about a fight.But when he came to the hotel nervously, he was greeted with Washington's wine glass.Washington smiled, extended his hand to welcome him, and sincerely apologized to him for what happened the day before: "Everyone makes mistakes, and a hero is a hero who knows his mistakes and can correct them. I did not do well yesterday. If you feel that you have vented your anger , then let us be friends now!" Washington's disregard of past suspicions not only made William Penn instantly relieved, but also brought William Penn's fanatical admiration for Washington.

Life needs to be forgotten, and only those who are forgetful can live freely and freely without any entanglements.

One year, Zheng Banqiao visited Yunfeng Mountain in Laizhou, Shandong. He lingered so much that he forgot that it was getting late.At this time, the way down the mountain could not be seen clearly, so he had to spend the night in a mountain hut.The owner of the house is an old man who calls himself a "confused old man".Zheng Banqiao admired the old man's elegance and politeness, and his eloquence.After eating, Zheng Banqiao accidentally saw an inkstone the size of a square table in the room. The stone was exquisite and the carving was exquisite, which made him admire it.The old man asked him to inscribe on the back of the inkstone, and Zheng Banqiao wrote the words "rarely confused", and then used the square seal of "Kangxi scholar Yongzheng Juren Qianlong Jinshi" to show his identity, which seems to be attractive.Seeing that the inkstone was still blank, he asked the old man to write a postscript.The old man refused, and after repeated refusals, he wrote, "It's hard to get a beautiful stone, but it's even harder to get a stubborn stone. It's even harder to turn from a beautiful stone to a stubborn stone. Beauty is in the middle, but stubbornness is in the outside. You can hide in the hut of savages, but you can't enter the gate of wealth." .Afterwards, the old man also used the square seal, and the words printed on it were "the first in the courtyard examination, the second in the rural examination, and the third in the hall examination". Respect.

Forgetting is a kind of state, it can make people transcendental and free from vulgarity, free and easy.Broad-minded people are dismissive of trivial life, because they have a higher point of view in life.

Life is wonderful because of hope, and broad because of forgetting.People have to learn to forget, let go of themselves and others.Those who have the courage to forget are the strong in life.

Defeat the "little man" in you

Lili was very angry early in the morning.The reason is that after she submitted the advertising plan she worked so hard on, the leader flipped through it casually, squinted her eyes and said: "This plan is not good, it is already outdated, take it away and redo it!" On the table.This is Lili's first time making a plan. She read so many materials and found so many materials before presenting this "perfect" plan!As a result, the leader didn't even finish reading it, so he said it was outdated.The more Lili thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more wronged she became. Isn't it because she is a novice?The leader is also too snobbish and takes himself too little seriously.Which senior didn't survive step by step from a novice?Besides, I didn't hope that this plan could be passed at once, but it would be too harsh to completely deny it like this!Isn't there any merit?That being the case, what else am I doing here?She thought of resigning, but she also thought of the difficulty of life. She needs this job and cannot resign for the time being. "Forget it! Don't think about this problem for now. Yesterday the supervisor asked me to sort out a document, and I will hand it in first." Lili was busy all morning like this.After going to work in the afternoon, the leader brought over a bunch of materials and said to her, "This is the most cutting-edge material in the industry this year. Think about it carefully and tell me what you think later." Lili's eyes lit up, and she readily agreed. "These materials are really valuable, I have to study hard. The leader is not so unkind..." Lili thought while flipping through the materials.

There are two factors of good and evil in everyone's body. The good side is the positive "white villain", and the evil side is the negative "black villain".The process of people's choice is the process of the struggle between "white villain" and "black villain".When hearing negation, reprimand or other unfavorable words, it is difficult for people to turn a deaf ear, and it is inevitable that they will feel unhappy.At this time, the "black villain" has the upper hand.Those who like to dig into the horns will think over and ponder these words over and over again, and their mood will become worse and worse. It is not impossible to make irrational actions, which is obviously not conducive to the harmony of interpersonal relationships.

Bad emotions are evil "black villains". Letting them control our hearts will undoubtedly make us go further and further on the wrong path, and then we will become more and more aggressive and aggressive.Therefore, to overcome the "black villain" in the body, we must start with changing the narrow thinking.

After working for three years, Zhao Limin finally became acting director. "The daughter-in-law for many years has finally become a mother-in-law!" She couldn't help cheering.But just a week after taking the job, she scared away two subordinates.One of his subordinates, Xiao Zhou, has excellent work ability, but he is too aggressive, and he is not polite when talking to others, no matter who the other party is.The department manager knew this, and originally wanted to use her only to ignore her temper, but Zhao Limin couldn't bear it. She had been working here for three years, and no one had dared to speak to her so unceremoniously.What's more, since she is a new official, how can she let others give her a good impression?She severely criticized Xiao Zhou on the spot.As a result, the hot-tempered Xiao Zhou quickly resigned.

The resignation of another subordinate, Xiao Zhao, was related to work.Zhao Limin thought that his working method was not rigorous, and adjusted a new working method for him.Xiao Zhao was not used to it, and was criticized repeatedly, and soon resigned.

In the second week of Zhao Limin's tenure, another subordinate was dissatisfied with her, so the manager had to transfer her to another place.

Those who achieve great things must have a big mind.If you want to do things well, you must consider all aspects and not be too harsh, otherwise you will easily lose support.How much support you can get depends on how much your heart can hold.Eyes only see the shortcomings of others, but not the strengths of others, so it is easy to become narrow-minded.

If you want to overwhelm the "black villain", you must learn to think positively.

There is a game called "Think Best of All Things".The rules of the game are simple: when a new question is asked, the participants of the game are required to give a positive answer.For example, "I lost 100 yuan today, please think about the good", the participants' answers can only be "fortunately it's not 500", "the person who picked it up must be very happy", and so on.If the game participant answers "unlucky" or "depressed", the game is lost.

This game tests people's ability to think positively.For example, the question "someone said something ugly to me, please think better", there can be many answers.

"This is a good opportunity to learn, and I still have a lot of room for improvement."

"He must be jealous of me, which means I'm better than him."

"His criticism is very reasonable, why didn't I think of it before?"

"Fortunately, he reminded me in time, otherwise I'm afraid there will be even bigger disasters!"

"I understand, he just hates iron but wants to stimulate me."

There are so many things to be thankful for, so why must you be unhappy when someone offends you?This is indeed a very rewarding game.

After learning to think positively, the "little black man" in the body will have no chance to stand out, and there will be no more complaints and disputes.When there is harmony, who cares about those insignificant things?

If we want to measure big, we must be good at controlling our bad emotions, overcoming negative thoughts in our minds, and changing our narrow way of thinking.Look at everything positively and try to release positive energy.

Forgiveness is the "lubricant" for barriers

A husband wanted his wife to understand how he worked hard every day, so he prayed: "My Almighty Lord! I work hard every day outside, and my wife stays at home all day with nothing to do. I want her to know that I work hard every day. How did you spend it, please let me switch bodies with her! Amen!"

Early the next morning, the husband found that he had changed into his wife.So I get up and make breakfast for my "husband," wake up the kids, dress them, feed them breakfast, pack their lunches, and send them to school.After returning home, he began to pack the family's clothes - which ones were to be washed in the washing machine and which ones were to be sent to the dry cleaners, choosing one by one.After sending the clothes to the dry cleaner, he went to the bank to check the family's income and expenditure, and to see what good financial products were available.Then, he went to the supermarket again to buy the caviar and fruits used today.When choosing, he also has to think about which supermarket is cheaper and when there will be promotions in the mall.When he got home, it was one o'clock in the afternoon, he ate a hurried lunch, and then began to tidy up the room—dusting, cleaning the windows and floors, making the bed.After all this is done, it's time to pick up the kids from school again.The children said what toys their classmates had bought, and they also asked to buy one. He nagged and educated them for a long time but failed to convince them.

After returning home, he supervised the children's homework while preparing dinner.After a while, the "husband" got off work, and when he came back, he threw away the smelly socks.During the meal, the "husband" complained that the dishes were a bit salty, and he comforted him cautiously.After eating, he washed the dishes and urged the children to go to bed. It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening after all this work.He was so tired that his back ached, but his work was still not done.At this time, the "husband" had fallen asleep.

Early the next morning, he woke up and prayed to God to transform him back to his original form. The life of a housewife is too tiring.However, God is powerless this time, "Because you are already pregnant, you have to live another 9 months of pregnancy. During these months, your body will be inconvenient, your legs and feet will be swollen, and you may have pregnancy diseases, but you can't do it yet. Medication indiscriminately..." Before God finished speaking, he cried out in frustration: "Why did I switch bodies with my wife?"

Sometimes, do you feel that others are living easily, but you are exhausted?Look at this unlucky husband: unrealistically experiencing the life of the other party, but causing great pain to himself.

If you can't imagine what difficulties someone else has, try putting yourself in the other person's shoes.

Xiao Zhang is making a report, but there is a formula in the Excel table that he can't handle - as long as the complete data is entered, the numbers in the table will all become zero.Xiao Zhang tried many methods but couldn't get it right.The accountant is in a hurry to ask for this report, and has already come to urge it once.It seems that more than ten minutes have passed, and the report is still not ready.At this time, the finances are a little anxious, and I want to remind you again, but I have already urged it once, and it is estimated that Xiao Zhang is in production, so it is not appropriate to remind me again.The finance thinks that it’s okay now, so it’s better to do it first after asking for the data, and after Xiao Zhang sends it, the two will be merged, which will be faster.Finance begins to make reports by itself.But he was not very proficient in that formula, and he couldn't get it right after tossing for a long time. "Forget it! This formula is not an ordinary trouble, I'll wait for Xiao Zhang!" Thinking this way, the finance manager was not as impatient as before.

Being considerate of others is difficult and easy to say.Difficulty varies from person to person and from situation to situation.As long as you are willing to stand in the position of the other party and consider the problem, when you see the difficulties of the other party, you may be more tolerant and understanding. This is understanding.If the stakes are so high that you can't get beyond yourself and think of the other person, just look at what celebrities do!
Miss Zhao Si met Zhang Xueliang when she was 16 years old, and they fell in love at first sight.Two years later, Zhang Xueliang invited Miss Zhao Si to visit Shenyang.At this time, Zhang Xueliang already had a wife, Yu Fengzhi. She was the daughter-in-law chosen by Zhang Zuolin for his son. She was dignified, restrained, and benevolent.Miss Zhao Si didn't want to embarrass Zhang Xueliang, so under the pressure of her family, she served as a private secretary for a long time.This strange relationship has been maintained for decades.During the days when Zhang Xueliang was imprisoned, Miss Zhao Si stayed by her side all the time.Zhang Xueliang also pinned all his hopes in life on Miss Zhao Si.

Later, Zhang Xueliang believed in Christianity. According to the doctrine, he could only have one wife, and he had to choose between Yu Fengzhi and Miss Zhao Si.He explained the whole story and handed over the decision-making power to Yu Fengzhi.Yu Fengzhi said: "It's not that I don't know about Hanqing's (Zhang Xueliang's) hardships. I have thought about it myself. Miss Zhao Si is a rare woman who has lived and died with Hanqing for many years. It is impossible, so I also admire her very much. Now that she is with Hanqing, Hanqing is happy, and I am relieved..."

In March 1964, Yu Fengzhi and Zhang Xueliang went through divorce procedures.In July of the same year, 3-year-old Zhang Xueliang and 7-year-old Miss Zhao Si officially got married, and the love affair finally came to fruition.

In this love, Ms. Zhao Si is open-minded, because she has accompanied Zhang Xueliang for decades without complaint and regret under the pressure of her family; Yu Fengzhi is also open-minded. The unbearable pressure took the initiative to divorce, which made them happy.The understanding of these two strange women created the harmony of Zhang Xueliang's love and marriage, and won the praise of the world.

It is difficult to be considerate of others, and it is even more difficult to be considerate of others for decades. Ms. Zhao Si and Yu Fengzhi have proved the tolerance of human nature with their own actions.

Compassion is a state of being a human being, a lubricant for doing things, and consideration and tolerance are needed everywhere in life.Knowing how to put yourself in the shoes of others can resolve misunderstandings, avoid disputes and create harmony.

(End of this chapter)

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