pinpoint honey

Chapter 40 A Brief Rain

Chapter 40 A brief rain
After the third uncle left, Chen Xi asked a lot about him in a circumstantial manner.She said that her grandfather passed away early, her grandmother lived with her aunt, and her grandmother and grandfather are both abroad, so she has a special affection for the kind-hearted elders.

What she said was so reasonable that Wei Jia didn't believe a word.But he didn't have time to ask in detail, it was the weekend, and there were more tourists at the racecourse than usual, so he still had a lot to do.

"Does the third uncle often deliver food to you?" Chen Xi asked, "He looks very fond of Lele. Will he make another trip to deliver meat buns later?"

Wei Jia didn't understand where Chen Xi's obsession with third uncle and Roubaozi came from. He reminded her again before leaving home for the racecourse: Although third uncle and their family are only distant relatives in the house, his parents are still at home. Since then, we have gotten along well with this neighbor, and the two families often come and go.After his mother moved back from the city due to illness, she and Wei Le received a lot of care from the third uncle and his wife, so that his father could leave home to work hard, and he could take a breather to do his own things.The third uncle is old, but he is honest and sensible. Not only can he speak well in the Wei family, but he is also a respected elder in the whole village. The most important thing is that he gave birth to five sons. His elders have grown up, and one of his grandsons served as the village party secretary this term.

Chen Xi listened very carefully, but said something jokingly: "Don't worry, I won't cause trouble for you. Are you afraid that I'll eat up third uncle's meat buns?

"I'm afraid you'll eat third uncle." Wei Jia said with a smile, and hurried out the door before Chen Xi kicked his leg into his ear.

Sure enough, several groups of tourists came this morning, and Wei Jia was very busy.But when he rode a horse and took tourists through the pasture, Chen Xi would always see his eyes staring at his third uncle.She and the third uncle had met once at most, and the two couldn't get along at all, so what kind of intersection could there be?Probably he was too suspicious.

Fat sister came back with lunch, and Wei Jia asked about the situation at home.The fat sister giggled, saying that the two girls were at home well and got along well, and Wei Le was dressed like a fairy by Chen Xi.She also mentioned by the way that when she entered the house, the neighbors who brought the buns left, and if she knew they wouldn't be hungry, she wouldn't have to make this trip.

Wei Jia's uneasiness resurfaced in his heart again, and he always felt that something was wrong.He didn't even bother to eat and hurried home, when he entered the yard, he heard Wei Le's cry.

"What are you doing?" Wei Jia just pushed the door of Wei Le's room open, and Chen Xi immediately came over and pushed him out of the door.

Her face was covered with sweat, and her face was not very good-looking. She closed the door again and said, "You stay outside for a while, it's best not to come in. I won't do anything to her."

"Sister Xixi, are you okay? Don't look at it, I'm not feeling well!" Wei Le cried even more wantonly when he heard his brother's voice, "Jiajia, come and save me, the bad sister-in-law bullied me, she raped me Pants!"

Wei Jia just saw through the crack of the door that there were only the two of them in the room. Wei Le was lying on the bed with bare legs.

Chen Xi softened her voice and said coaxingly: "Be good, Lele, stop making trouble, just let my sister see it, it won't hurt."

"I don't like this. Jiajia, Jiajia, come here! You have a bad sister-in-law and you don't care about me?" Wei Le cried louder and louder.

Wei Jia didn't know what Chen Xi was going to do.He is not in now, nor is he not in.Wei Le's crying was no longer the usual childish slapstick, she seemed to be terrified, and Chen Xi, who was about to run out of patience, continued to scare her persistently.

"Don't move around, okay! Oh...don't kick me! If you move again, I'll beat you!"

Wei Jia knew that his sister might get sick if she lost control, so she lost her composure and said, "Chen Xi, she is not your doll."

Chen Xi ignored him, and when Wei Jia was hesitating whether to go in, the door opened.Chen Xi gasped and said to him, "Your sister is probably being bullied by that old bastard next door!"

Wei Jia pushed Chen Xi away and walked into the room, then backed out suddenly.

"Put on your pants first." He said in a deep voice to Wei Le who was inside, and then turned his face to Chen Xi, "What do you mean?"

But Chen Xi knew that Wei Jia had understood her words.His whole body seemed to be tensed in an instant, but the corners of his eyes were quietly red.

Wei Le was still sobbing on the bed, and his clothes and pants had been tidied up with Chen Xi's help.Wei Jia subconsciously resisted Chen Xi's conclusion, and Chen Xi asked him to ask Wei Le himself.Wei Le hesitated at the beginning, saying that the third uncle was very kind to her and that nothing happened to her, but when Wei Jia sternly yelled at her, she was so frightened that she burst into tears and said everything.

According to Wei Le, as early as one or two years ago, the third uncle often brought her delicious and fun things when he was alone. At first, he just touched her through the clothes, and then put his hands into the clothes.Although Wei Le's mind is not bright, she still remembers the taboo parts that her mother and brother told her to never touch.She also expressed dislike and fear at that time, but the third uncle threatened her that if she told about this matter, she would beat her to death with a cane, and asked her to keep it a secret from outsiders, and she was not allowed to mention a word, especially when her brother before.If Wei Jia found out about this, Wei Jia would hate her, despise her, drive her out of the house, and never recognize her as a younger sister again.

This is one of Wei Le's greatest fears.Besides her mother, Jiajia is the closest to her and the person who takes care of her the most.After her mother died, her father left home for a long time, and she had nothing but Jiajia.In addition to relying on Wei Jia, she also has awe.The more she knew that this matter would make Jiajia angry, the tighter she shut her mouth.Wei Le obediently kept the matter a secret. The third uncle praised her as a good baby, gave her more delicious food, and asked her to play with Da Huang often.As long as Wei Jia is not around and avoids the third uncle, he will give Wei Le a hug.

Wei Le's lower body injury is new.Wei Jia didn't come back that night. She spent the night at the third uncle's house, and the third uncle went to the village to play cards with someone.The third uncle hurt her very much, and she bled afterwards.No matter how the third uncle comforted her by saying that the girl had grown up and such things were common, Wei Le still cried and ran back home secretly, and spent the night hiding alone in the haystack.When Chen Xi came to the door the next morning, Wei Le, who was attracted by the new people and things, unknowingly put his experience behind him.If it wasn't for learning Chen Xi's leg press that day, which touched the pain inside and made her accidentally say something, as the pain disappeared, this matter might have passed without a trace.

Wei Jia buried his face in his palms, and gradually pieced together what happened under Wei Le's confusing narration and his own deduction.He maintained this movement for a long time, so long that Wei Le's sobs subsided, she forgot what she had experienced in the silence of others, and asked her brother who was still motionless: "Jiajia, are you asleep?" ? Are you too tired from riding a horse today?"

Jiajia didn't fall asleep, his raised face was wet.Mother said that a man who is upright does not shed tears, so Wei Le suspected that when she was crying faintly, there was a brief rain outside.

Jiajia, whose face was wet by the rain, did not scold her, he grabbed her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm here." Jiajia's strength was a bit strong, and there were raindrops on her palm.

Wei Le was happy again, she wanted to eat meat buns.But Jiajia wanted her to stay at home, and she was never allowed to go to the next door in the future.After speaking, he picked up the plate of buns and walked out.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xi caught up with Wei Jia in the yard and grabbed his arm.He took her a few steps forward before stopping.Chen Xi said: "Don't be in a hurry. You should go to the doctor at the health center now and ask him to give Wei Le a good examination. Otherwise, who would believe you based on Wei Le's words? It's no wonder that old bastard would admit it. !"

After leaving Wei Le's room, Wei Jia's expression became even uglier.He suddenly turned his head and asked, "Do you believe it? When did you find out?"

Chen Xi told Wei Jia in detail the conversation he had with Wei Le that morning.At first, she just suspected that Wei Le was different from ordinary people after all, so she couldn't believe everything she said; besides, whether it was the third uncle she saw or Wei Jia's old and kind old neighbor, people couldn't easily believe that he would Do such a beast.

Facts have proved that she is still too immature, has never seen the real evil, and thinks everything is too beautiful.After Wei Jia left, the third uncle really brought hot meat buns to the two girls.Chen Xi kept an eye out, and avoided it for a while with an excuse, and saw the third uncle carrying the buns into Wei Le's room with his own eyes, and the two of them were arguing.She vaguely heard the third uncle comforting Wei Le outside the door, saying that it will be fine if the bleeding stops, and the pain will be gone in a few days... She was convinced that the words her mother often said were not wrong, and she looked kindly and kindly. They must be good people, even old men will still have lust.

Wei Jia didn't let Chen Xi go any further, his tone was as cold as ice: "You should have told me in the morning. Who made you decide on your own? What does this matter have to do with you!"

Chen Xi didn't expect Wei Jia to say that, she felt a little wronged.When she first heard Wei Le's bad words, she really had the urge to tell Wei Jia all these dirty things, and then rushed to the next door together to find out that old bastard and ask him about it.But what proof does she have?

Wei Jia seemed to be able to see through her mind, and he laughed at himself: "I've been thinking all morning, why are you so interested in meat buns? It turns out that Wei Le is your meat buns. No wonder you are so looking forward to third uncle coming , you just want to prove yourself."

Chen Xi was stunned, and bit her lip hard, but her chin slightly raised.

"It will make you feel better if you treat me like this?"

Wei Jia avoided her gaze, and continued to walk outside the door in silence. As soon as he reached the gate of the courtyard, the unlocked door was pushed open from the outside.Sun Jianchuan, whose hair was still wet, jumped in and said happily: "Haha, you are all here. Let me tell you, rafting in the canyon is so fun, I have to go again tomorrow... Why don't you go to Xixi Lie down, does your injury still hurt?"

"You came just in time." Wei Jia said, "My place is not suitable for her to recuperate, so take her away."

(End of this chapter)

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