You are the best beautician

Chapter 11 The "Beauty Beauty Pill" That Is Hard to Buy

Chapter 11 The "Beauty Beauty Pill" That's Hard to Buy (1)
Clear lung heat, stay away from rosacea

Rosacea is a very common facial problem, but this common and image-damaging problem is difficult to cure.I have seen some people who have had rosacea "tangle" for more than ten years and have not been cured.

I once met a 32-year-old lady in a beauty clinic. As soon as she entered the door, I first saw her red nose, which was oily and shiny, and it was more obvious under the light.She said that the red nose has been with her for seven years, and she has tried many methods, but nothing works.I asked her what methods she had tried, and she said: "I tried small remedies, cosmetics, etc., but they couldn't cure it. This is the last attempt. If it doesn't work, let it develop. It's really hopeless." She said: "To treat rosacea, one must take traditional Chinese medicine for a period of time. Can you persist?"

Her expression was very firm at that time, and she said: "I can, as long as I can cure the disease." Why did she have a red nose?What does a red and swollen nose mean?Of course there is "heat poison".Which of our five internal organs is the nose connected to?Lungs, of course.According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs open to the nose, so the root cause of rosacea is lung heat.To use an analogy, lung heat is equivalent to burning gas, and the nose is equivalent to the water in the kettle on the gas stove. As long as the gas is on, the water in the kettle will not be "safe".The reason is simple. Our nose also has self-immunity, and it doesn't want to be red all day long, but there is no way. The lungs are its masters. How can a nose live a good life with fire in the lungs?
Let me say a little more here, many women with rosacea also have problems such as constipation, or stools that are too dry or too loose.The root cause of these symptoms is also in the lungs, because the lungs and the large intestine are on the outside and inside.Therefore, clearing lung heat is fundamental. Turn off the gas, and the water on it will cool down after a while.


In this prescription, Danshen can promote blood circulation, cool blood, and clear heart and troubles.With rosacea, I must be very upset, so use Danshen to adjust my mood first.Habitat has the effects of clearing away heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, especially for nourishing lung yin.As I said earlier, most women with lung heat also suffer from constipation, so adding a little Chinese angelica can not only promote blood circulation, but also moisten the intestines and relieve constipation.Everyone should be familiar with safflower. It has the functions of promoting blood circulation, dredging menstruation, dispersing stasis and relieving pain. It can slowly dissipate the congestion in the nose, and the nose will gradually disappear.Morus alba is also clearing lung heat.Fangfeng is laxative and menstrual flow.Similarly, peppermint also has a heat-clearing effect.

Finally, I said to this lady: "You are only 32 years old now, but your skin is rougher than your peers, and it is not shiny. It will be treated together with constipation.” The lady was very determined and insisted on drinking it for about a month after returning home. Later, she called me and said that the redness of her nose had faded and her face was more lustrous than before.Her own words are: "The effect is even better than imagined!" Chaofan wants to remind everyone here that the efficacy of medicine is not equal to the curative effect.Rosacea has a lot to do with drinking alcohol, eating spicy food, staying up late, etc.If you have rosacea, you should be a "good girl" first, and start by adjusting your own life rules!

Take good care of your skin, starting from managing your own spleen and stomach
In the previous chapters, I have repeatedly emphasized that women use blood, and blood is the foundation of a woman's life.Because women have special physiological changes and life evolutions such as menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth, they are very easy to consume energy and blood, so they are also very prone to ischemia.When a woman is ischemic, her appearance will lose what it needs, and various problems of aging will come to her soon.

How does that woman nourish blood?Listen to me first.Many women love to grow flowers, and so do I. There are flowers all year round on the balcony at home.Anyone who knows how to grow flowers knows that soil quality is very important for the growth of plants.If the soil quality is not good, how can flowers grow well?This may seem like a digression, but in the same way, a woman is like a flower, and the "soil" is also very important to cultivate this flower well.The "soil" here refers to a woman's spleen.Although the spleen is the "foundation of acquired constitution", it is the "source of Qi and blood biochemistry".Therefore, the essence of nourishing blood is to nourish the spleen well.In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is inseparable from the stomach, and the stomach is inseparable from the spleen. The spleen and stomach are the exterior and interior of each other. Therefore, if the spleen and stomach are well maintained, women's blood will be sufficient, and people will naturally be youthful and beautiful.

My father, Wang Xu, has certain attainments in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. In this chapter, he provides four proven prescriptions, which are specifically for the four aspects of spleen and stomach weakness, spleen deficiency diarrhea, damp heat diarrhea, and food stagnation diarrhea.Nowadays, many women suffer from weak spleen and stomach, which has a lot to do with eating habits such as irregular meals, overeating, overeating spicy and fatty foods, and improper dieting.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen governs the muscles and limbs. If the spleen is deficient, the skin will lack elasticity. In severe cases, gastroptosis, loose breasts, and sagging hips will also appear.

Traditional Chinese medicine says: "The spleen opens to the mouth, and its beauty is in the lips." If the spleen is deficient, the lips will lack rosiness.The upper and lower eyelids of our eyes are also dominated by the spleen. If the spleen is deficient, bags under the eyes will come.Among the five internal organs, the color corresponding to the spleen is yellow. If the spleen is deficient, the complexion will turn yellow and darken, and a woman will become a "yellow-faced woman".If there is damp poison in the spleen, women will develop eczema, swollen limbs, and even obesity.

There are many connections between the spleen and beauty, so I won’t list them one by one, but a weak spleen and stomach will definitely compromise our beauty. With the above example, everyone should understand, right?

If you find your spleen problem now, you should be lucky, now is the right time to tune it up!If the spleen and stomach are weak, the conditioning prescription recommended by my father is: 30 grams of Astragalus root, 30 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 15 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala, 30 grams of Yunling, 9 grams of Chuanxiong, and 15 grams of Polygonatum.Add 600ml of water to the above medicinal materials, decoct twice before and after, and take half of the boiled medicinal juice every morning and evening.

This is a very simple prescription. It contains Astragalus, Codonopsis, and Polygonatum that nourish the temper, and Atractylodes rhizome, Yunling, and Chuanxiong that can dry dampness, nourish yin, and promote qi. This combination can not only strengthen the spleen but also nourish the spleen. Yin and qi circulation make the whole body's qi movement smooth and balance yin and yang.After drinking for a period of time, the spleen and stomach problems will be relieved a lot.The spleen corresponds to soil in the five elements. When the spleen and stomach are healthy, the "soil" of the body will be fertile. At this time, it is difficult for you to think whether it is beautiful or not.

Spleen and stomach maintenance method

Now, many female friends have weak spleen and stomach.How to do it?I suggest that everyone pay attention to the following two aspects.

First, develop good living and eating habits.

If your spleen and stomach are not good, it is mostly caused by irregular life and unscientific eating habits. If you do not change these, it will be difficult to fundamentally regulate the spleen and stomach.For example, eating too much, too fast, or eating raw or cold food is not good for the spleen and stomach. Spicy food can also damage the spleen and stomach. In addition, you must maintain a good mood when eating. Eating when you are angry or worried will cause damage to the spleen and stomach. .

Second, friends with damp heat in the spleen and stomach should try to eat less food that is easy to produce dampness and heat, such as greasy meat, but eat more foods that strengthen the spleen, such as grains and beans, among which soybeans are called " "Spleen beans", it has the functions of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and widening the middle, lowering the large intestine, moistening dryness and eliminating water, so eating soybeans or drinking soy milk is good for our spleen and stomach.

Let me share with you a recipe for nourishing the spleen and stomach!
Choose 30 grams of poria cocos, 30 grams of yam, and 30 grams of coix seed, and use these flavors to boil water for drinking.

In this prescription, Poria cocos is sweet and bland in taste, calm in nature, and is associated with the heart meridian, lung meridian, and spleen meridian.The ancients believed that it was formed from the joints of the god of pine, so it is called Poria. It has the functions of invigorating the spleen, calming the nerves, calming and diuretic, and can also improve the body's immunity. , often used in medicinal diet and health food, such as Poria cake, Poria cake, Poria steamed stuffed bun, Poria tea, etc., are all famous delicious foods.

Poria cocos is used here, not only can nourish the spleen, but also nourish the heart and moisten the lungs, which is very beneficial for the regulation of spleen deficiency.Yam is sweet in nature and flat in taste, nourishing both qi and yin. It is a good medicine for tonifying the triple burner. Because it is very nutritious, it has been regarded as a good product for tonifying deficiency with high quality and low price since ancient times.

Sometimes, although some foods have the effect of nourishing qi, if you eat a little more, you will get angry, but this is not the case with yam, which nourishes qi and is not easy to get angry.Some foods have the effect of nourishing yin, but if you eat more, the dampness will increase. This is not the case with yam, which nourishes yin but does not help dampness and greasy.People with weak health, loss of appetite, and indigestion can eat more yams, because yams are a "good medicine" for calming the spleen and stomach.

Barley, also known as coix seed, has the greatest effect of removing dampness.Because its shape resembles a pearl, some people also call it Bodhi beads.In addition, coix seed is not only a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, but also a beauty food, which is widely loved by female friends. Regular consumption of it can keep the skin shiny and delicate, and at the same time eliminate acne and freckles. And other problems have a very good mitigation effect.

You may ask: "What is the relationship between removing dampness and nourishing the spleen and stomach?" In Chinese medicine, transporting and transforming dampness is one of the functions of the spleen. Too much moisture in the human body will increase the burden on the spleen.The spleen has four fears, fear of dampness is one of them, so removing dampness is to reduce the burden on the spleen.The combination of yam and barley is very suitable for people with damp and hot spleen and stomach. Whether it is for regulating and nourishing the spleen and stomach, or for symptoms of damp and hot spleen and stomach, they are easy to absorb and digest as ingredients of the same medicine and food.

Four-flavor drink to treat old stomach disease

Stomach trouble is a common disease, and its most obvious symptom is exactly indigestion.I have a prescription here that has a good effect on relieving various indigestion. The name of this prescription is "Siweiyin". Tablets, decocted with water for about 6 minutes, once in the morning and evening.

It is recorded in "Qian Jin Shi Zhi": "Coriander seeds, eliminate grains, and can restore the taste of food." That is to say, it can help the stomach digest food.Tangerine peel has the effects of regulating qi and reducing adverse reactions, regulating the middle and appetizing, drying dampness and reducing phlegm, and is especially suitable for functional dyspepsia.Ginger can warm the middle and stop vomiting, and Divine Comedy is a famous medicine for indigestion developed by Liu Yi, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty.However, when the Divine Comedy came out, it was inspired by the self-healing behavior of wild animals.

It is said that a man named Liu Yi in the Han Dynasty once found that the eggs in his chicken coop were often missing, so he observed carefully and found that it was a fire snake, so he decided to punish the snake.So he made some fake eggs with stones wrapped in lime, and coated a layer of egg white on the outside of the fake eggs, put them in the chicken coop, and then waited by the side.

Soon, he saw a snake crawl into the chicken coop and swallow the fake eggs.Soon, the snake struggled painfully on the ground, and then crawled into the grass with great pain, devouring a fluffy grass desperately.After a while, the snake excreted a pile of feces, and then crawled away without incident.Liu Yi thought, this kind of grass must be able to cure indigestion.Therefore, he used this herb as the main medicine to develop a famous medicine for indigestion—Divine Comedy.

The Classic Remedy for an Upset Stomach

Today's living standards are getting higher and higher, and the food we eat is becoming more and more abundant. However, factors such as irregular diet, high mental stress, and fast-paced life have also caused many people to encounter indigestion problems.

In the past, the incidence of hemorrhoids was described as relatively high, which was called "nine hemorrhoids out of ten people". Now the new term "nine stomachs out of ten people" has come out again. This is because the incidence of stomach problems caused by indigestion is also gradually increasing.For example, many people often have no appetite after eating, indigestion after eating a little more, pantothenic acid, nausea, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms after meals, and these phenomena are becoming more and more common among young people.

I am here to share with you a small recipe.Go to the pharmacy to buy 20 grams each of barley malt, Liushenqu, and raw hawthorn, add 400 ml of water, decoct twice in a casserole, drink the cooked medicine in the morning and evening, and take it on an empty stomach.Usually, we can also use them to make tea and drink.

Don't underestimate this small prescription. It can indeed strengthen our digestive function, improve indigestion, and relieve various stomach discomforts.Barley malt can make the stomach qi smoother and make the spleen and stomach more powerful.It works especially well for those with weak stomach qi.The Divine Comedy enters the Stomach Meridian and Large Intestine Meridian, which not only helps digestion, but also dispels dampness.Hawthorn can not only help digestion, but also dilate blood vessels and excite nerves.

Nowadays, most young and middle-aged people work in the office for a long time. This prescription can be regarded as a "magic weapon" for everyone to relieve indigestion.

I have a patient who runs an online store. She is like a night owl all day long. She goes to bed late at night, wakes up late in the morning, her biological clock is completely messed up, and she eats irregularly.Later, I gave this prescription to him and asked him to make tea with the above prescription every day. Within a month, the symptoms of stomach acid and bloating were relieved.

As I said before, indigestion is caused by irregular eating, mental stress, lack of exercise and many other reasons, so no matter how good the prescription is, changing your living habits is the most important thing.

For diarrhea, use "Erhuang Soup"

People with spleen deficiency are vulnerable to "damp evil" in summer.Many people have heard the word "damp evil", but if you want to talk about it in detail, it is estimated that few people can explain it clearly.

In life, when our body takes in food, the nutrients will be transported to where the body needs them.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen governs the movement and transformation, which means that the food we usually eat depends on the transportation and transformation function of the spleen to transform the food into the subtle substances needed by the body, so that the internal organs, limbs, bones and other tissues , organs get adequate nutrition to maintain normal physiological functions of the human body.If the spleen is deficient, its transportation and transformation function will be poor, and the water and dampness will stagnate.This kind of water dampness is called "damp evil".Dampness has the characteristics of heavy turbidity and stickiness. It will stay in our viscera and hinder the operation of the body's Qi mechanism.

Nowadays, many women have damp evil in their bodies more or less. If you have symptoms such as physical weakness, upset, loss of appetite, and sticky leucorrhea in summer, these are all related to damp evil in your body.If you eat some greasy, spicy, and unhygienic food, it will cause dampness to "flood" in the body. In order to protect the body, the stomach will send them into the intestinal tract. If the intestinal tract cannot bear it, of course it will cause diarrhea. After diarrhea, it can help us relieve the dampness in the body, but we can't clear away heat and dampness through diarrhea, it will be too painful, what is the best way?
The prescription given by my father is "Erhuang Decoction". Drink half of the decoction in the morning and evening.

In this prescription, Coptis chinensis is bitter and cold, can clear away heat and dampness, relieve fire and detoxify, and it is a special medicine for relieving diarrhea.Phellodendron Phellodendron is bitter and cold in nature and taste. It is not only a heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, but also a dampness-dampening medicine. It can also enhance the heat-clearing and damp-drying, fire-reducing and detoxifying effects of Coptis chinensis. It also enters the kidney meridian, bladder meridian, and large intestine meridian. It has a prominent effect on relieving abdominal pain and diarrhea.Purslane has the title of "natural antibiotic" because of its outstanding bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, which can relieve various inflammations.If you have acute diarrhea due to dampness and heat or eating unclean things, but the diarrhea is uncomfortable, the anus feels hot, the urine is yellow and accompanied by thirst, you can buy the above medicine for a few dollars. Buy too much, just two or three pairs, which can basically help you stop diarrhea.

What to do about bloating and diarrhea

Food is a form of energy, but it also exists in physical form.The spleen and stomach must convert these substances into energy before they can be absorbed by the body.If you eat too well, too much can easily lead to food accumulation.Therefore, many women often feel that their stomachs are bloated and indigestible, but their stools are loose and soft, and sometimes they have diarrhea.This is the diarrhea caused by food accumulation, which is also commonly known as "injured food diarrhea" among the people.

For the diarrhea caused by accumulated food, it is not enough to strengthen the spleen alone, we also need to eliminate the accumulated stagnation.Once, I met a girl in the outpatient clinic. She told me that she went on a trip a month ago, because there were many delicacies that she had never eaten, so she desperately ate various snacks, seafood and other local specialties during the trip .After the trip, I felt my stomach was bloated, I had no appetite, and my stool was out of shape. I also had a lot of acne on my face overnight, and I rarely had acne on my face before.

In response to her situation, I prescribed a prescription for her. The prescription is: 9 grams each of Hawthorn, Divine Comedy, and Malt, 3 grams of Magnolia officinalis, and 500 grams of Rhubarb.Add [-] ml of water to the above medicinal materials, boil them twice, and drink half of the cooked decoction in the morning and evening.

She went back to take the medicine according to the method I said, and she told me three days later that she didn't feel her stomach was full and her stools were formed.After a week, the pimples on her face disappeared.

In the above prescription, hawthorn has the functions of appetizing and eliminating food, dispelling stagnation and accumulation, and increasing appetite.Divine Comedy has the effects of dispelling food, invigorating the spleen and appetizing, and stopping diarrhea.The functions of malt to promote qi and eliminate food, invigorate the spleen and appetizer are also very prominent, especially it can promote the digestion of starchy foods.Magnolia officinalis is good at drying dampness and promoting qi, and it is a good product for eliminating damp stagnation, and it is good at attacking qi and eliminating fullness, and is an important medicine for reducing swelling and fullness.Rhubarb mainly plays the role of clearing away heat and purging fire.

This recipe is wonderful, why do you say that?Because I remember being confused about this recipe when I was young.Because indigestion diarrhea is obviously diarrhea, why not use antidiarrheal medicines, but also use medicines such as hawthorn, rhubarb, and Magnolia officinalis that are used to relieve food stagnation and relieve bitter cold?I was confused, so I asked my father.

(End of this chapter)

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