You are the best beautician

Chapter 7 Let Beauty Start From Scratch

Chapter 7 Let Beauty Start From Scratch (5)
How can I make my eyes twinkle like stars?From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, "the liver opens up to the eyes", only when the liver qi is harmonious and the liver yin is sufficient, the eyes can be dark and watery.Chinese medicine says that "kidney governs water". When the kidney water is abundant, the eyes will be black and white, and the eyes will be bright.So, if your eyes are not dark enough, you have to adjust your liver and kidney first.

I remember that a few years ago, when I was evaluating senior titles, I had to prepare papers, so after get off work every day, I had to write manuscripts in front of the computer all night.Finally, when I was done with work, I took the time to go out for a walk, and I happened to meet an acquaintance, and the first thing she said when she saw me was: "What's wrong with you recently, your mental state is so bad!" I asked her how she saw it, She said that my eyes are not as bright as before, I think it is because of staying up late for more than two months!
If you also encounter my situation, I will recommend a goji berry porridge to you, and then ensure sleep, you can gradually restore the eyesight.

The specific method is: put 15 grams of wolfberry and 50 grams of japonica rice into the pot, add water, boil until the rice blooms, stop the fire, keep stuffy for a few minutes, and then add some white sugar according to your own taste after taking out the pot.

If you can insist on eating a bowl every morning and evening, it can nourish the liver and kidney, tonify deficiency and improve eyesight.

In addition, I have a good way to make the eyes bright and refreshed through massage.I suggest that after working for 10, [-], [-] minutes every day, you should stop the work in your hand and take some time to do it. Then the bright eyes and good eyes will not be far away from us. Its method is very simple.

The first step: boxing eyebrows.Close your eyes lightly, make hollow fists with both hands, and then face your eyes with your fists, and wipe from the center of the eyebrows to the tip of the eyebrows, rubbing back and forth 20 times.

The second step: Rub your hands and iron your eyes.Rub your hands to heat up, cover your left eye with your left hand, and cover your right eye with your right hand, three or four times.The function of this massage is to make the qi and blood around the eyes run, and let the fresh qi and blood bring nutrients to the eyes.These two groups of simple massages are done whenever you have time, but once in the morning and evening is essential.

In addition, most girls whose eyes are not moist and bright will have dry eyes, less menstrual flow and other discomfort symptoms, which are actually the external manifestations of liver and kidney problems.For example, if a tree has well-developed roots, its leaves will definitely be more lush. If there is a problem with the roots, the leaves will turn yellow, and it will be too late to water it at this time.The same is true for our body. If there is a problem with the liver and kidney, it will not be able to provide energy to the eyes. No matter how advanced mascara, eye shadow, and false eyelashes we use, it is difficult to maintain long-term beauty.

It is not difficult to have bright eyes and good eyes, as long as we grasp the root of liver and kidney, you can achieve extraordinary results!

Chrysanthemum wolfberry tea for tired eyes
Nowadays, there are more and more "experts".The "expert" I am talking about here does not refer to people who do learning, but to people who keep their eyes on a certain area for a long time: people who trade stocks concentrate on the big market on the screen every day; students stare at books every day; Office workers, staring at the computer every day... Everyone has focused their eyes on a certain place, so they can be regarded as "experts".However, long-term vision will hurt the blood, so more and more people are suffering from visual fatigue. The most common symptoms of this group of people are blurred vision, dry eyes and tears.

For example, our eyes are like springs. When the eyes keep staring at a certain area, it is like stretching and tightening the spring. After a long time, it cannot recover automatically. According to eye fatigue The length of time, there are acute and chronic points.

Once, when I was on a bus, there happened to be a movie that I liked very much on the car TV, so I finished watching the movie with relish.Unexpectedly, shortly after returning home, my eyes felt very dry, and when I saw the bright spot, I started to cry, and my eyes were so tired that I couldn't open them.Later I thought about it, I was suffering from acute visual fatigue.

There are also many people who continue to use their eyes for work and study every day, resulting in chronic visual fatigue.In the long run, vision will get worse and worse, and things will become more and more blurred.Traditional Chinese medicine says that "long-term sitting hurts the flesh, and long-term vision hurts the blood." Is there no way for us to recuperate?At this time, I recommend everyone to drink a chrysanthemum wolfberry tea.The specific method is: use 15 grams of chrysanthemum and 20 grams of wolfberry to soak in water, then cover the cup and wait for more than ten minutes to drink it. This is chrysanthemum tea that is beneficial to eyesight and liver.

Chrysanthemum and wolfberry can nourish the liver yin, replenish liver blood, and make the liver qi more smooth.Office workers and students who have been using computers for a long time can use them to make tea, especially "networms" who like to surf the Internet. Put a cup of hot chrysanthemum wolfberry tea next to the computer. It can not only increase the humidity of the surrounding air, but also Relieves dryness and discomfort of the eyes.

Most modern urban women are engaged in office work, and their daily activities are relatively small, so the probability of visual fatigue is very high.Now, please give your eyes a little care. Always keep a cup of wolfberry tea at hand to take good care of your eyes.

"Goldfish Eye" Rescue Dafa

Many women like to go out with their close friends on weekends to relax, or go to KTV to be a "Maiba" all night, or go to the bar to chat with friends, so as to relieve the tension of the week, but they will worry about it in the mirror the next day ——The eyes are swollen like goldfish, the bags under the eyes are obviously enlarged, and there are still bloodshot eyes.what should I do?If you want to "go all out", do nothing, wash your face and go straight to work.Occasionally, it can't ruin the image of a beautiful woman, but the appearance of "Princess Goldfish" will definitely reveal her bad living habits.

Why do my eyes become red and swollen after staying up late?Traditional Chinese medicine believes: "When a person is lying down, the blood returns to the liver." 11 o'clock at night is the time when the liver meridian runs most vigorously. If you don't rest after 11 o'clock, you are staying up late. If you do this for a long time, it will inevitably damage the liver and cause liver fire.And because "the liver injects blood into the eyes", when the anger rises, it is easy to transfer this "anger" to the eyes.

For the red and swollen eyes caused by staying up late, I have a good prescription, and the effect is very good.The specific method is: 15 grams of Mimenghua, 30 grams of chrysanthemum, and 10 grams of coptis, pour these three herbs into clear water, and decoct them.

Mimenghua is cool in nature, and it likes to go along the liver meridian. It has the effect of clearing away heat and nourishing the liver, and relieving red eyes, swelling and pain.In ancient times, if someone had a problem with his eyes, nine out of ten doctors would use it.

As we all know, chrysanthemum has a good effect on relieving red and swollen eyes, fatigue and blurred vision, and it can also clear liver fire.Coptis chinensis is also a medicine for clearing heat, especially it can clear the liver fire of the upper burnt.One thing everyone needs to pay attention to is that if your spleen and stomach are deficient and cold, and you have a stomachache after eating a little cold food occasionally, then you can only apply it externally to the eyes, and it is not suitable to take it orally.

I have a friend who often goes out to sing with clients due to work and entertainment, and has to work overtime to sort out documents when he returns home. Later, he developed "goldfish eyes" that can't go away for a long time. I introduced this prescription to her.

My friend started to try the method I said after returning home, and after taking the first sip of the medicine, she called and complained: "This medicine is really bitter!" I said: "Then you should wear sunglasses to work, so Others will not be able to see your 'golden eyes'." The friend laughed and said, "Isn't this deceiving yourself and others!" But he still obediently drank the soup.

To put it bluntly, I really admire women's desire for beauty. My friend drank the bitter medicine for three days in a row, and the red and swollen eyeballs really went away.She called me pleasantly and told me: "I still felt a bit bitter in my mouth a while ago, but now it's gone!" If you feel eye discomfort for a long time, you should also pay attention to your diet and eat more green foods, such as green peppers and the like. Vegetables, but also need to add some lean meat.

Many girls who love beauty have their own beauty secrets. As I mentioned above, the eyes are swollen and red. People usually apply ice cubes to their eyes in the morning and evening.Does this method work?It works, it does have the effect of reducing swelling, but anger cannot be eliminated by applying a few ice cubes. The effect of cold compress is only superficial and short-term. Maybe apply it today, and the eyes will still be the same tomorrow.Although the method I recommended above is a bit bitter, if you really try it, you will soon find that the pain is all right.

Finally, don’t forget the fundamentals of Transcendent Beauty Treatment, that is to nourish the five viscera first, take care of our liver, and eye problems will naturally be alleviated.

Fighting against "Panda Eyes"
Dark circles are often called "panda eyes" by everyone.I once saw a joke: giant pandas have two wishes, one is to take off their black glasses, and the other is to take a color photo.I guess giant pandas don't have these two wishes, but girls who love beauty do.But I have to say to all the sisters with a "sharp mouth and a tofu heart": "The dark circles under your eyes are what you asked for!" Why?If you stay up late for a long time, sleep only four or five hours a day, work day and night, or act like a night owl all day long, messing up your biological clock, these will affect the body's blood circulation, and dark circles will form over time.Just as traditional Chinese medicine says: "The essence of the internal organs and the six internal organs are all focused on the eyes to become the essence." Therefore, the appearance of dark circles is just a "appearance", a wake-up call from the body, and it is telling us to stop. Come down and take good care of your "tired" internal organs.

Chaofan is here to provide sisters with two small methods, one for internal use and one for external use, hoping that they can help everyone get rid of this annoying pair of "sunglasses" immediately.

Method [-]: Grab a small handful of wolfberry every day, put three pieces of red dates into a cup, and drink with boiling water.Although this method is simple, it can solve the eye problem from the root. Why do I need to use wolfberry repeatedly?Because wolfberry not only has the effect of nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, but also can nourish qi and calm the nerves. It is very effective in relieving symptoms such as dry eyes, fatigue, and dark circles after staying up late.Everyone knows that red dates are the best for women to replenish blood.As I said before, if life is not regular, qi and blood will also be disordered. At this time, making tea with wolfberry and red dates can nourish qi and blood, and bring back the disordered qi and blood in the body.

Method [-]: When dark circles appear, you can cut papaya into slices and pass it in water.Then apply papaya slices around the eyes. External application of papaya has the effects of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, softening blood vessels, and anti-aging and beautifying skin.Once a day in the morning and evening, it can reduce dark circles and relieve visual fatigue.

I have known Ms. Chen for many years. She opened a clothing store by herself last year.In order to open the clothing store well, she often goes to various places to see the goods. The store opens at eight o'clock in the morning and closes at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.Coupled with some entertainment, in less than a month, she became a national treasure - a giant panda.She said: "I don't want to look in the mirror every morning when I wake up, and I feel unhappy all day when I look in the mirror. How can I not be upset when I see two dark circles?" I said to her: "Why are you working so hard? No Is it just for your son who is in high school? You are so busy now, you can indeed earn some money, but what should you do if you miss the care and education of your children? Personal, but don’t forget about your body.” In fact, getting rid of dark circles is also very easy. In addition to applying papaya to the eyes and making tea with red dates and wolfberries, you must first give yourself sleep, and make sure you have enough sleep time every day!Because men belong to yang and women belong to yin; during the day they belong to yang, and at night they belong to yin. Night is the best time for women to nourish yin. If they don’t rest well, how can they not get angry?How can the Yin and Yang of the body be balanced?Not to mention beauty.

Later, Sister Chen hired a little girl from her hometown to help look after the store, and with the method I introduced to her, her dark circles quickly receded. Later, her husband praised her on many occasions, saying that her store was well-run. Well, the house is well managed!

Don't let bags under your eyes reveal your age
Every woman wants to be young, beautiful and youthful forever, so age is also the biggest secret of women, especially middle-aged women, who don't want others to know their age.However, some middle-aged ladies have done a good job of "secret work". They are clearly in their early 40s and still look like they are just 30 years old.But for some people, no matter how good the makeup is, others can still tell her age at a glance.where is the problem?Spots can be covered, but bags under the eyes are signs of aging that cannot be covered up anyway. Drooping bags under the eyes will make a woman look old and haggard.

I have a friend who just gave birth to a child. Although she took half a year of maternity leave, she is very tired to take care of the child. When she goes to work, everyone finds that she has changed a lot.Before she gave birth, her bags under the eyes were not very obvious, but after the maternity leave, the bags under her eyes became very thick, and she looked three to five years older than her actual age.Later, she also discovered this problem herself, and insisted on undergoing surgery to remove eye bags.I asked her, do you know how bags under the eyes are produced?She could only put it down to being tired.

The ancients said: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.Today I will reveal the secret of bags under the eyes for everyone, let everyone know it, and then overcome it.Chinese medicine believes that our lower eyelids, also known as the meat wheel, belong to the spleen and stomach tube.Under normal circumstances, when the digestion, absorption and transportation functions of the spleen and stomach are relatively strong, the lower eyelids will be yellow and shiny.Therefore, in addition to genetic reasons, girls and boys around the age of 20 generally do not have serious long-term bags under the eyes.Why?If you have a good spleen and stomach, you can eat whatever you like.And at the age of 30, the function of people's internal organs begins to decline, the function of spleen and stomach gradually weakens, and the eyelids will droop, especially when the spleen is wet, the bags under the eyes will become more obvious.

Of course, this problem can also be explained from the meridians: around the eyelids is the channel of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, which belongs to the Stomach Meridian.If there is a problem with the function of the stomach, bags under the eyes will come out.In addition, the spleen and the stomach are exterior and interior, so bags under the eyes appear, one may be due to deficiency of the spleen and stomach, and the other may be due to dampness in the spleen.

Here, I have a small prescription, only two herbs, but it can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and dispel dampness.The specific method is: 30 grams of Poria cocos and 10 grams of Polyporus cocos, just soak in water and drink every day.Among the two herbs, Poria cocos is relatively more effective. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it can strengthen the spleen and stomach, remove dampness and diuresis, and calm the mind and nerves.Because this medicine not only enters the spleen meridian, but also enters the heart meridian and kidney meridian.When you see the medicine Polyporus, don't think it is a medicine from animals. In fact, it is a kind of fungus, which also has the effect of diuresis and diuresis.Objectively speaking, the above prescription has a certain effect on removing bags under the eyes, and it can be completely eliminated for those with light bags under the eyes.For those with heavy bags under the eyes, it can also be properly eliminated.However, its ultimate purpose is to regulate your spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach are our "acquired foundation". To put it more seriously, we can count on them for how long we can live.

Of course, if the spleen and stomach are healthy, the whole person will be very healthy.If your spleen and stomach are very healthy, you will feel full of energy every day, full of motivation like a warm rising sun.

What's the big deal if you have bags under your eyes?When you are in your 40s or 20s, don't expect yourself to be like girls in their [-]s, who are pure and beautiful. A little bag under the eyes is also a kind of mature beauty.

Chaofan reminds all female friends that women of all ages have different beauty!However, health is the most beautiful!
Eyebrows are scarce, and ginger helps you to produce "cute eyebrows". Eyebrows are an important "window" for us to express our emotions.When you are happy, you will be happy; when you are excited, you will be beaming; when you are unhappy, you will frown.There is an idiom in ancient times called "eyebrows express emotion", and Chinese medicine also has a saying that "eyebrows are born from the heart".

Our eyebrows are closely related to our appearance.Two well-curved eyebrows can make a woman more attractive. How to describe the beauty of Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions"?First you see "two eyebrows that seem to be frowning but not frowning", and then "a pair of eyes that seem to be happy but not happy".In my opinion, the grooming of eyebrows and the eyes are complementary to each other. Proper eyebrows can make our eyes more radiant.

If you are troubled by sparse eyebrows, ginger, which is commonly used in life, can help a lot.Cut four or five slices of ginger every day and apply it on the eyebrows.Over time, you will find that your eyebrows are thicker than before.

Leaving genetic factors aside, Chinese medicine believes that the lungs govern the fur, and eyebrows that are too thin or too yellow are related to the decline in lung function.Why can ginger grow eyebrows?It is because ginger belongs to the lung meridian, spleen meridian, and stomach meridian, and the spleen and stomach are the source of qi, and the lungs govern the qi of the whole body, so using ginger can have the effect of nourishing the lungs.When the lung function is strengthened, the eyebrows will become thicker and darker.

In addition, if your eyebrows are too thin or too yellow, they are easy to fall off, which has a lot to do with the lack of nutrition of the hair follicles.For example, the eyebrows are like the "flowers" that grow on the face. Because the "canals" under these "flowers", that is, the capillaries are not smooth, the hair cannot get the nutrients it needs, so " How can "flowers and grasses" not be sparse, yellow, dry, and fall off?

Everyone knows that ginger is warm in nature and has the effect of relieving the exterior and promoting blood circulation.Whoever catches a cold, just drink a bowl of ginger water and sweat.Ginger here is like a worker carrying a shovel, repairing the "canal", the nutrition of the "flowers and plants" is replenished in time, and the "branches and leaves" are naturally "luxuriant" and bushy eyebrows grow.

Finally, I would like to say a little bit more. Some people have thick and messy eyebrows, so they often use eyebrow clippers to pull them out when trimming their eyebrows. This method is not advisable.Because this affects the firmness of the skin around the eyes, it can also cause damage to the hair follicles, leading to inflammation of the hair follicles or other skin inflammation.

(End of this chapter)

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