Exposure: The farewell book turns yellow, and my grandfather is a veteran

Chapter 122 The sky is falling, but everyone is not panicking

Chapter 122 The sky is falling, but everyone is not panicking
Of course no one will answer that question. It doesn't matter who Chang is, who I am, and what will happen after Chang visits me.

Because amidst the sound of reading resounding all over the world, the holy air inside and outside the atmosphere has completely descended into the atmosphere, and amidst the sound of reading still resounding, it continues to descend toward the ground.

However, the battleship organized by the gods is too fast.

In just a few seconds, it has already flown above the atmosphere, and the members of the God Organization are about to come into contact with the holy white gas.

However, Chen Consecration did not act.

All the students on the ground looked at Chen Fengxian, who was still calm in the live broadcast room, and was still reading aloud to many elementary school students, and suddenly realized: the teacher didn't want to stop it, but that the teacher couldn't break away from the current reading aloud.

As the only person in the world who has abandoned the way of heaven, opened up the way of humanity and is exploring the way above the way of humanity, without Chen Feifei's participation, even if there are all elementary school students in the world, or even all the innocent people reading aloud, such an astonishing vision will not be triggered.

Compared with the gods, Xianxiang, Yunshen, and some other people who enjoy the holy white energy first, it is of course that the vision cannot be broken.

"Furthermore, does the teacher really have the power to stop the gods and Xianxiang?"

Everyone couldn't help but have such thoughts, but they didn't dare to think deeply.

"Today, Chang, come and see me."

When the sound of reading continued, the warship stopped by the gods finally flew into the holy white air, and all kinds of barrels and muzzles had been opened, facing the rushing Xianxiang, Yunshen and other people.

The attitude of the gods has been very obvious, this holy white gas, their gods want to enjoy it first, and no one else is allowed to share the profit.

If possible, the gods would pack them all up for exclusive use.

The barrel is ferocious, and the muzzle is fierce.

The people in Xianxiang stopped, and so did the cultivators of the Heavenly Dao who did not know where Yun Shen was.

Because they are all extremely keen, they know all kinds of weapons on the warship of the gods, and the luster of black technology, they really can't afford to provoke them!

However, the holy white gas is right in front of you, and you can enjoy it as long as you take a step further.Perhaps by virtue of these holy white qi, one can step into the human realm first, and enjoy the mighty power of flying into the sky, escaping from the earth, picking up the stars?So there are always people who are in awe.

Although the people in Xianxiang and Yunshen didn't know where to go, they stopped.However, the armed helicopters of some wealthy people forcibly ignore the deterrence of the warships of the gods, and rush to share the profit with the gods!

A muzzle on the Shenming battleship emitted a sound that was unusual for conventional weapons, and fired a laser.Above this laser, all substances within 5000 meters are dismembered and evaporated!

Those gunships, never seem to have appeared!
Above the sky, it was still.

On the ground, the high-level personnel who observed this scene through satellites fell silent.

All the high-level personnel expected that the god must control the extraordinary black technology, but when the laser on the battleship appeared, everyone was shocked.

Laser, the product of this concept, really appeared?

And that power is really invincible in the world!

"Today, Chang, come and see me."

No matter what everyone thinks, Chen Xianfeng is still studying with all the elementary school students on this planet.The members who were blocked by the gods also got holy white energy.

The holy white gas slowly descended, penetrating all substances, even the black technology material like the god battleship, was easily penetrated by the holy white gas, and thus came into the battleship.Thus, all members of the gods in the battleship.

To be precise, all the humans in the battleship are blessed with holy white energy.




When the holy white qi was added to the body, all the members of the gods, including their boss Huang Tiancai, made strange but comfortable voices.

They really enjoyed it this time.

From the scalp to the soles of the feet, every part of the body is baptized by the holy white gas.They feel that every cell of their bodies is undergoing drastic changes and is developing in a good direction.

"Grinding the foundation, transforming the soil, if all human beings are baptized by this holy white gas? Then the humane soil will really become. Old brother, you are really amazing!"

It was just a moment of physical refreshment. Huang Tiancai was awake from the beginning to the end. He muttered to himself, and a perverted smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

He said: "Xiao Ai, collect and store these holy white gas."

"Yes!" In the battleship, a Q-version robot appeared on the screen and responded with a military salute.

As a result, the inside and outside of the battleship changed again, and more than a dozen pipes extended into the holy white air.


"You dare!"

Faced with this scene, the people in Xianxiang and Yunshen were all angry, good guy, does this god want to monopolize it?
So they raged,

So, they looked at the muzzle that could shoot lasers and aimed at them,
So they shut up again.

"Today, Chang, come and see me."

The sound of reading was echoing again, and they finally heard that this vision was caused by Chen Xianfeng.Chen Xianfeng wasn't in a hurry, so why should they?
Chen Fengren didn't even make a move, so there is a high probability that the gods can't swallow it all by themselves, right?

There was a huge noise, and all the pipes began to suck. In the sky and above the ground, everyone who could see was watching with concern.

In the end, except for the members of the god organization, everyone was relieved.

Because no matter how the gods use their means, these holy white qi will not move, nor can they be stored, because the holy white qi is driven by the sound of reading, and it is falling steadily.

It seems that, apart from being absorbed and digested by people, other substances cannot make these qi stay.


Under the gods, there are people from Xianxiang and Yunshen, who have been baptized by the holy white air.It made a strange and comfortable sound.


Then, some rich people and some people who flew into the sky.

It seems that holy white gas can be absorbed by a person as long as it is a person, and it cannot tell whether this person is a good person or a bad person.

However, the masters of the gods, Xianxiang, and Yunshen were a little silent when they saw the holy whiteness that they enjoyed first but had hardly diminished.

This time, it was Chen Xianfeng who was more skilled, they were villains in vain, and they made their food look ugly.

The holy white gas, produced by Chen Xian, is destined to be distributed to all human beings on the mother planet, and there will be no one left.

Especially the gods, who also exposed the trump card of the battleship.

Then, everyone on the ground looked up and found that the "sky" had collapsed, and the holy white air covered the sky and the sun, and fell steadily, as if the sky had collapsed.

But no one panicked, because they knew that this was for their benefit.

They looked around helplessly, this holy white gas did not keep them waiting after all.Amidst the resounding sound of reading, the holy white air descended.

(End of this chapter)

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