Chapter 146 Fellow Daoist, Be Yourself! ①

"Fellow Daoist, I was joking." The monkey smiled lightly, and sat down cross-legged again.

Chen Xianchen sighed, shook his head in disappointment, and said: "Actually, Fellow Daoist, you beat me to death twice, once after Journey to the West, and once after Journey to the West.

In the life after Journey to the West, you are still the protagonist and promoted to the savior.But that time you became the savior because you enjoyed the benefits of Journey to the West, which made the Tathagata Demon, Wutian Demon, come to the Three Realms.

I stood under the command of Wutian, and I was beaten to death by you, the savior, as a matter of course.

But the life after Journey to the West..."

Hearing Chen Feifei's narration through the live broadcast room, the human beings in the world are a little confused.Because Chen Consecrate was beaten to death three times by monkeys, and one time when the monkeys made trouble in the heavenly palace, Chen Consecrate was one of the [-] heavenly soldiers and generals.

But now Chen Xiancheng's narration to the monkey in front of him clearly confirmed that this monkey was Liu Er.

I only heard Chen Fengxian continue to narrate: "In that life, I wanted to recruit you on a whim, and I wanted to be beaten to death by you. But you are already fighting against Buddha because you are afraid of stepping on ants when you walk, and you are afraid of hurting moths when you put on a lampshade." .

It's really not easy to be beaten to death by Dou Shengfo.

I tried my best, and finally provoked you to beat me to death. I am afraid that killing me will also hurt your Buddhism, Taoism and Taoism, right? "

Wanting to provoke the Buddha to kill people, it can be seen that Chen Consecration has really gone too far.

But he was smiling, as if he was very happy to hurt Dou Conquer Buddha, even if it took his life.

He continued with a smile and said: "Actually, I just realized now that I wanted to be beaten to death by you on a whim in that life, and I just wanted to make more karma with fellow daoists.

Fellow Daoist also heard the aspirations of human beings in this world. When the monkey was making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, it also beat me to death once.

You should have killed me three times, but ah, the karma of life and death cannot deceive people.I finally confirmed through these two causal lines of life and death that you are a six-eared monkey, not a stone monkey. "

The monkey killed Chen Fengxian three times, once during the Journey to the West, when he made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, once after the Westward Journey, the Wutian Demon came, and once, after the Westward Journey, Chen Xianfeng took the initiative to provoke him.

But the first time, it was a stone monkey, and the last two times it was a six-eared monkey.

Besides, Chen Fei still had those two causal lines of life and death, and finally understood the truth.

"This is not something that Daoist friends alone know. Even if Daoist friends know, even if they tell all human beings in future generations, what can they do?"

Monkey, no, six ears.

Liu Er still had a deep Buddha nature, and opened his mouth lightly.

Liu Er has admitted that although he bears the name of a stone monkey, he is actually a Liu Er macaque.This is something that many supreme beings in the heavens know.

Chen dedication is not the first person to know.

Even if Chen Xianfeng told the human beings in this world, so what?

"How could this be?"

In this world, all living beings lament.

Because the great sage is an idol in the minds of too many people, because the walker is too unyielding and born to fight.Xingzhe has always been jealous of evil, and never Wukong.

But in fact, the process of subduing the ape on the way of learning the scriptures, ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, the heavens of the three realms, saints, gods and Buddhas, finally turned the walkers into the shape they wanted.In the end, it became a fight to defeat the Buddha, not a fight to defeat the Buddha.

The ending of the original "Journey to the West" actually disappointed many people.

Because that is not the original intention, heart, and nature of the practitioner.

"I want this sky, it can no longer cover my eyes; I want this earth, it can no longer hide my heart; I want all the gods and Buddhas in the sky to disappear into thin air."

Such a walker, such a great sage, should be their idol.

However, instead of the great sage changing his shape, from the great sage Qitian to the fighting Buddha, even if he can't defeat the Buddha in fighting, as long as the great sage is alive, it can be regarded as a kind of consolation.

But now, many people have been subverted.

On the way to the west, the traveler and the monkey spirit sensed the divine intentions of the heavens, but the great sage is still the one who wants to be equal to the sky...

So, it learned to forbear, to temporarily hide.

But the heart ape has never surrendered, and the heavens cannot tolerate it!
So, it was replaced by six lugs.

People always thought it was alive,

Actually, it's dead.

Liuer is in the play, bearing the name of Sun Xingzhe, but he has no Xingzhe's heart.

Therefore, Monkey King died long ago.

Chen Xianfeng and the six-eared macaque looked up at the same time, and at some point, the sky was already in the shape of black clouds destroying the city, as if a thunder disaster was brewing.

This is, all living beings have anger.

Although the human way has not yet appeared, the emotions of all beings in the human race are too great, so the vision of the human way [the anger of all beings] is aroused.

"The way of humanity developed by Fellow Daoist is no small matter. It was able to make the poor monk feel the pressure after a long time." Liuer said calmly.

"This is the way of most people, but it can't punish the existence of fellow Taoists." Chen Xianxian shook his head, and waved away the human vision of [the anger of all living beings].

Firstly, the human world has not yet appeared, and it is not the time for such a human vision to come;
Furthermore, it is not advisable to go to war after a long time;
Thirdly, even if this vision of humanity really happened to Liu Er, Liu Er couldn't help it.

After all, the six-eared macaque itself is not weaker than the Lingming stone monkey, not to mention that after years of practicing Buddhism, the power of Taoism has become more profound and unfathomable.

"Fellow Daoist, are you envious?" Looking at Liu Er, Chen Xianfeng said suddenly.

Six ears fell silent suddenly, and the Buddha nature in his whole body finally fluctuated, and there was a faint suffocation, but it was restrained by the Buddha nature.

Finally, Liu Er returned to calm.

"It seems that eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddha's name for many years has not been able to resolve the envy and jealousy in your heart. The monkey has been dead for many years, and all living beings still miss it. Even because they heard that it died, they wanted to arouse the anger of all living beings in the vision of humanity to punish fellow Taoists.

Fellow Daoist must be mad with jealousy, right?

While talking, Chen Xianfei suddenly burst out laughing.

There was no irony or pity in this loud laughter, it was just fun.It seemed that when he said this, Chen Xianfeng was suddenly very happy, so he laughed heartily.

The human beings in this world are a little dazed when they see Chen Xianxian who suddenly smiles freely through the live broadcast room;
Liu Er looked at Chen Xian, who suddenly smiled carefreely, and fell silent suddenly.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?" Liu Er asked.

Because Chen Xianfei paid a very high price, he traveled across time to see it, not to expose the truth, to verify that it was the six-eared macaque who defeated the Buddha, not the Lingming stone monkey.

Everyone is busy, if it is not used, who will think of it?
Will you come to find it at such a high price?

Therefore, it wanted to know why Chen Xianfei came.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to take on the glory of the Confused Monkey Clan? Does the glory of the Confused Monkey Clan need you to show it?

However, being a monkey is too tiring!

Although monkey spirit, but everyone wants to play monkey!


Chen Xianxian looked at the six ears sincerely, bowed earnestly, and even bowed his waist ninety degrees to pay respects. He sent out the invitation loudly and solemnly, saying: "Fellow Daoist, let's be a person!"

(End of this chapter)

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