Chapter 1
The weather was a bit sweltering, and black clouds gathered in the direction of Ruicheng, making it suffocating.

It's probably going to rain!
Coming out of the hospital, Qin Zhen felt dizzy.She reached for a taxi on the side of the road and returned to Yang Zixiao's apartment.

The apartment was empty, and Yang Zixiao hadn't come back yet.This is the fifth day. Before they knew it, five days had passed since their cold war.

But now, what should she do now?
The results of the hospital's examination are obvious, and the doctor's words are very clear, she is pregnant.But what's the matter?Pregnant before marriage?
Pregnant before marriage, how ridiculous.She didn't even know if that man really loved her.

Qin Zhen thought of Su Li again, that stubborn girl who hated that man so much and knew that it was impossible for them to be together, but she still stubbornly wanted to give birth to their child.

At that time, she thought, what would she do if she was pregnant with a child of a man who didn't love her?Probably will not hesitate to destroy it!

But now, it seems that I am really reluctant.

She took out the phone, put it down, took it out, put it down again.

And so on and on.She didn't know when she became so hesitant, she had never been such a person before.

But why, why should she call Yang Zixiao first? It wasn't her who slammed the door and left, and it wasn't her who had an affair with other women...

another woman!

Qin Zhen thought of Chen Wanqing again, she was really a generous and calm woman, with temperament, appearance, education and height, everything was above her.If she were a man, she would probably choose such a woman too!

Lying on the bed for a while, Qin Zhen put the clothes he had packed and folded back into the closet.Opening the closet door, his suits were still neatly hung inside.

All his clothes are custom-made by hand, from the hands of famous Italian designers.And many of her clothes were bought from Taobao, with incompatible styles, incompatible textures, and even more incompatible prices.

But she doesn't care, she just doesn't want to use his, so at least in spirit, she and him are equal.She didn't want there to be too much estrangement between them.

But now, there is already the biggest gap between them, and this gap is Chen Wanqing.

Qin Zhen packed up her clothes very quickly, and she wanted to find something to do for herself, so she cleaned up and down the house again.

She used to complain that the apartment was too big, a waste of space.But now she felt that there was not enough space, and even the cleaning was over so quickly.

She still wants to do something, but she can't find anything to do.

She sat on the sofa, picked up yesterday's business magazine, and flipped through it casually.Originally, she didn't like to read these things, but because of Yang Zixiao, now she occasionally reads them.Besides, I'm so bored right now, I can pass the time just by looking at it.

It has been a while since she resigned. She has submitted several resumes and received replies one after another, but they are always unsatisfactory.

She can fall in love with her company, but she thinks that other people's wages are low, or the environment is not good.As for the company she has set her eyes on, others think she is pretty good in all aspects, but the only fly in the ointment is that she has never been abroad.

Now there is a wave of going abroad, especially in the economic industry, where it is not uncommon for them to study abroad.

At the beginning, Qin Zhen's family tried their best to encourage her to go abroad, but because of Ou Hao, she stayed.Unexpectedly, this has really become a major obstacle to his career now.

(End of this chapter)

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