The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

Chapter 207 The Despicable Young Master Yang 1

Chapter 207 The Despicable Young Master Yang 1
Yang Zixiao stayed that night after all, just because of his emotion at that moment, and Lan Mirou's low voice, "At least stay with me for one night, the last night."

He stayed, but he spent the night on the sofa in the living room.

He had a dream, in which there was Lan Mirou and Qin Zhen.But later when he stretched out his hand, he thought he had chosen Qin Zhen, but when he turned around, he found that it was Lan Mirou.

He woke up, lit a cigarette, got up and walked to the living room window.

The city is still bustling at night, but there is a lack of basic trust between people.This is their law of survival, and everyone can use the words "law of survival" to cover up their hypocrisy and desires.

A small world was reflected under the neon lights, and he suddenly thought of Qin Zhen again.He thought that maybe she might appear in any light at any time, raised her head and shouted at him angrily: "Yang Zixiao, how dare you not come back?"

He smiled, staring at the lights in a daze, as if there really was a savage and willful woman there.

He took out his phone and looked at it, it was almost dawn.After two hours, she will probably find out the fact that he doesn't come home at night.At that time, will she call and scold him first?

Yang Zixiao felt that he was really becoming more and more mean. Now in his world, being scolded by that woman named Qin Zhen seemed to be a happy thing.

But how did he know that when the woman called, he happened to be taking a shower in the bathroom.And this call happened to be received by Lan Mirou.

It wasn't just that she forgot or thought it was unimportant, and she never told him.And he always thought that the woman didn't call him.On this day, he had nothing to do and went to Lu Shuhang's villa for a whole day, and during this whole day, the thing he did the most was constantly looking at his phone.

But that woman just got into a fight with him, so she should send a text message instead of calling.Move your finger and she will die!
Lu Shuhang threw him a cup of coffee: "Tell me, is the Yang family bankrupt?"

Yang Zixiao raised his eyes, and glanced at him listlessly, "The Yang family is in your way, why are you cursing my Yang family for bankruptcy?"

"What about your Yang family? Didn't you say that you have nothing to do with someone surnamed Yang?" Lu Shuhang was noncommittal, then laughed again, "The Yang family is not bankrupt, so why don't you come to my place to eat and drink?"

"Hey——" Yang Zixiao frowned and sighed, "It's a long story."

"To make a long story short, I don't live in this place for nothing. You have to contribute something sad to make my brother happy too!"

"I'm talking about Lao Lu!" Yang Zixiao immediately sat up straight on the sofa, "This young master seriously suspects that your conscience has been eaten by dogs."

"Yes, isn't this stew served on the table for you at noon?"

"Okay, you're lucky. I'm in a bad mood today, and I don't want to argue with you." After speaking, Yang Zixiao lay down on the sofa again.By the way, I picked up my phone and looked at it.

Lu Shuhang got up and walked to the other side, there was a spacious shooting room not far away.Lu Shuhang picked up the imitation gun on the table and looked at it, then put it down again, walked to the other side, picked up the dart and shot it at the bull's-eye.

A dart hit the mark.

Lu Shuhang picked up another dart, then turned his head and asked nonchalantly, "I heard that your style has been restrained recently. Could it be that you are ready to wash your hands?"

"Golden basin to wash your hands?" Yang Zixiao glanced at the phone again, and said angrily, "It's a joke, my young master has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, if you can wash your hands, you can wash your hands?"

"Then, young master, where did you sing it?"

Yang Zixiao didn't answer, Lu Shuhang continued to turn around and play with himself.

(End of this chapter)

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