The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

Chapter 495 Those Unforgettable Things 3

Chapter 495 Those Unforgettable Things 3
After the meal, Fang Jie sent her home, but she still only went outside the gate of the community. Qin Zhen didn't invite him to sit in, at least she felt that it was not the time yet.

When saying goodbye, Fang Jie held her hand, seemingly reluctant.But she just pretended she didn't see it, pulled her hand out calmly, and waved to him: "Goodbye." Originally, she wanted to say thank you, but after weighing it for a second, she changed it to, "Be careful on the road."

Fang Jie didn't say anything, just smiled at her: "Come in."

Qin Zhen nodded, turned and walked into the community.

Just after returning to the room, I received another text message from Fang Jie: Rest early, good night.

Qin Zhen looked at the text message in a daze, and it took him a long time to react, and replied: You too, go to bed early.

She didn't say good night to him, as if someone once said good night to her. Good night has another meaning, which is: I love you.Maybe Fang Jie didn't mean that, but after thinking for a long time, she still didn't type those two words.

In the future, I have more and more contacts with Fang Jie. Fang Jie is very kind to her. When he is not busy, he always finds time to have lunch with her, or ask her to watch a movie at night.

But every time he sent her home, she only asked him to send her to the gate of the community.Many times Fang Jie hesitated to speak, as if the words had come to his lips, but he was not willing to open his mouth.

It's not that Qin Zhen doesn't understand, but she always feels that the time is not yet ripe.As for when she will mature, she doesn't know herself.

Her feelings for Fang Jie are always flat, he treats her well, so she treats him even better.But this kind of feeling is like not wanting to owe anyone, and there is no intimacy or heartbeat that lovers should have.

And after more than half a month of dating, the most intimate move between them is limited to holding hands.Fang Jie kissed her face when she was not paying attention.

After watching the movie that night, he took her hand and walked out.She was not interested but tried to pretend to be very happy. Fang Jie suddenly turned around and smiled at her: "Xiao Zhen, don't go back tonight, okay?"

Qin Zhen was stunned for a while, and deliberately joked: "Do you want to sleep with me on the street?"

"Go to my place!" This was the second time Fang Jie said it in front of her. ---
She was a little embarrassed, and asked as if remembering something: "Didn't you share the rent with your colleagues, isn't that good?"

Fang Jie winked at her, "My colleague went to his girlfriend's place tonight."

That night was Friday, and Qin Zhen was used to using the excuse of taking a good rest at work, but at this time she couldn't even find a reason.

Speaking of it, that was an extremely poor reason, but Fang Jie was always able to tolerate her.Everyone knew how many times she had politely rejected others, but Fang Jie never complained.

It was late in winter and the night was very cold. Qin Zhen rubbed his hands that were red from the cold, and Fang Jie adjusted the scarf for her sideways.At that moment, she really felt, that's it, stop thinking about what you have and what you don't, and just be with this man like this.

There is no love between them, but they can be as plain as water and respect each other as guests. Isn't this what she has always wanted?

Qin Zhen finally raised his head and blinked mischievously at Fang Jie: "Then I have to think about it, but I want to drink porridge now, a bowl of boiling hot porridge, can you accompany me?"

It was too cold, and the wind in the winter night was very bitter, and she felt that her internal organs were freezing and aching.

Fang Jie was very happy: "No problem."

(End of this chapter)

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