Qing proud city: stunning beauty

Chapter 234 Fang's Old House

Chapter 234 Fang's Old House (6)

What happened in the Quiet Academy?

But just looking at Shang Youqinglian's calm expression, several people didn't find anything abnormal at all.

After Fang Weining sent the doubtful Tie Ruchrome and Shangyou Qinglian out of the Fang family's old house, he returned to Jingyuyuan.

Fang Weidong still stayed in the study, staring blankly at the blank front page of the family tree.

"Brother, you are a little strange today."

Fang Weidong sighed, as if extremely depressed, "Weining, I guess something will happen to the Fang family in the future."

Fang Weining asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Why are you so worried, brother?"

Fang Weidong rubbed the pages of the book that had already turned yellow, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, "Weining, go and inform Wei Na that she will stay in Oga and never come back, and tell her to be careful of everyone around her."

"Brother! What happened? Why do you want me to inform Second Sister? What are you hiding from me?" Fang Weining felt weird when he heard Fang Weidong's tone.

Fang Weidong shook his head, and said again: "Be obedient! Go tell her. Also, you'd better get closer to Changyou Qinglian, then the Fang family may have a chance of survival."

Fang Weining was sensitively aware that Fang Weidong's abnormality was due to the arrival of Shangyou Qinglian, "Brother, does it have something to do with Shangyou Qinglian? She is an ordinary girl who looks only eighteen or nine years old. How will it affect our family?"

Fang Weidong smiled bitterly and refused to answer.

It's just that he knows very well in his heart that this change in the family tree has exceeded his estimation.

The Fang family's ancestors handed down not only a family tree, but also a few plausible four sentences, "If there is a beauty, the descendants will be prosperous, and the beauty will be gone, and there will be no descendants and no veins."

He has been unable to figure out the meaning of these few words, and he doesn't know whether it has anything to do with the beauty picture on the family tree, but Shangyou Qinglian's arrival today directly makes the beauty picture disappear, which means that the Fang family may be in the future. If there is no blood in the world, it will be a catastrophe for the extermination of the clan!
So he had to leave some retreat for the Fang family. Wei Na is 25 years old and still in school in Oga. Presumably, the enemies who appear may not be able to find her. As long as she is safe, it is more important than anything else!

And Wei Ning, as long as he can stay by Shang You Qinglian's side, no one can hurt him, that girl is not easy.

As for himself, Fang Wei suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. In his long career in the officialdom, he was used to controlling everything and being above ten thousand people, but now he found sadly that he was not even able to keep his wife and children. No.

Because he doesn't know who the unknown opponent is, and he doesn't know when this great change will start.

All he can do is wait! ——
After Shangyou Qinglian and Kazama Toru and the others returned to the hotel, they found an excuse to enter the room by themselves, leaving the three puzzled in the living room.

Tie Ruchrome said, "I've never seen Fang Weidong's expression like that!"

Yi Yunfan nodded, "Yes, in the information about the secret door, he has always been very calm, and he would never treat a girl like Qinglian with such respect."

Kazama Toru snorted softly, "That means that something happened to Qinglian inside, but she didn't tell us, she didn't even say whether she found the same pattern as the tattoo!"

Yi Yunfan frowned, his eyes wandered to the door of Changyou Qinglian's room, what was she doing?
Are you working hard for their lives?

Why did he find a trace of fear in Fang Weidong's eyes?
A little bird flew close to Feng Jianche through the window, chirping a lot before spreading its wings and flying away.

Feng Jianche's eyes were gloomy, and he suddenly said, "Fang Weidong seems to be arranging funeral arrangements."

Tie Ruchrome and Yi Yunfan asked at the same time, "How is it possible?"

As the person in power in Guidu, Fang Weidong cannot let go easily, and he is in his prime, let alone resigning because of illness.

Does he arrange funeral affairs at this time, does it have anything to do with Shangyou Qinglian?
(End of this chapter)

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