Qing proud city: stunning beauty

Chapter 49: Heavy Mountain Transformation

Chapter 49 The Thousand Mountain Transformation (1)

Thousands of mountain changes, seven-color lights appear, endless treasure rings, and the top of the world.

The meaning of these four words is actually very simple. As long as there is a vision in Qianzhong Mountain, accompanied by seven-color rays of light, the inexhaustible treasure ring that claims to be able to obtain the world will be born.

The Huaxia Kingdom has a long history, and there are many legends circulating, but the only thing that can make these big bosses fall in love is the legend of Wujuebaojie.

Because about 3000 years ago, before the Huaxia Kingdom appeared, it was said that the world at that time was divided into seven lands, and the rulers of each part were geniuses who did not appear in a thousand years. The country built on the seven continents has also been in constant disputes, but it has never been as intense as it was 3000 years ago.

The war is more intense, the primary reason is that these seven geniuses all believe that their own country should rule the world and become the first country, and they are all determined to use their own ingenuity to strengthen the country and not be bullied by anyone. There have been many wars, and the people from all over the world are fanatical in their support. They spare no lives and resources, and all want to achieve great things.

The seven countries are in this constant strife, and they are gradually declining, and the seven geniuses are also at the end of their days, and finally understand that no one can truly rule the world, so these seven people made a decision, and they made a final appointment at Qianzhong Mountain. to meet, because although they have been fighting for many years, they have never seen each other.

At the end of their lives, the seven finally saw each other's other six lifelong opponents, and no one knew what happened after that.

As a result, on the Jietian Cliff, the highest peak of Qianzhong Mountain, something happened that left the descendants of the Seven Kingdoms completely puzzled.

Colorful brilliance shot out from the top of Jietian Cliff, those brilliance passed straight through the cloudy mist, through the terrible swamp, through the mountains, and through the endless river, constantly flashing in the whole world.

And what appeared at the same time as the colorful brilliance was the words of the seven people in unison: "Thousands of mountains change, seven colors of light appear, the inexhaustible treasure ring, the top of the world."

Originally, the languages ​​of the seven countries were not fluent, but all the people memorized the syllables of these sixteen characters, and it was passed down from generation to generation, and it became a beautiful and puzzling legend.

Afterwards, the world gradually fell apart, and countries, large and small, emerged one after another, but as long as kings and emperors came to the throne, they would record these sixteen characters into the history of the country, hoping that one day their own citizens could solve this puzzle.

At the beginning of the founding of the Huaxia Kingdom, the reason why the capital was set at Sedum was probably because of the Thousand Mountains on the outskirts of the city.

Because as long as Qianzhong Mountain is guarded, no matter how many people with ulterior motives, they will not get what they want. Therefore, Huaxia Kingdom has set up military stations almost along the vein of Qianzhong Mountain, and its strictness even exceeds the border of the country.

It was through the military depot that Xi Fengguo learned that when the change occurred in Qianzhong Mountain, it was the time when Shangyou Qinglian and the others were at Yiyun Peak. Afterwards, he analyzed all the people reported in the military depot before turning his attention to Changyou Qinglian, and ordered close surveillance, hoping to get news of the Infinite Precious Ring from Shangyou Qinglian.

Now that Huaxia Kingdom relies on secret methods to display its abilities, Xi Fengguo suspects that the so-called inexhaustible treasure ring may be able to inspire more super types of abilities, which will definitely be even more powerful for the development of the Xi family.

But there are not a few people who think the same as him.

(End of this chapter)

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