Chapter 535 The Doomsday Girl (29)

They had to come out and walk a kilometer or so to see the wall.

Shi Jiu glanced at the white wall again, and whispered to Feng Si, "Let's go back first."

Feng Si nodded, took Shi Jiu and walked back.

Feng Si and Shi Jiu looked at the locked windows inside, and twitched the corners of their mouths helplessly.

Feng Si knocked on the window like a living horse doctor, but he didn't expect the light to be on, and one of his subordinates squinted their eyes and walked this way.

After seeing them standing outside, he became sober with fright. He subconsciously wanted to open the door, but suddenly he withdrew his hand as if thinking of something.

Shi Jiu looked helplessly at Feng Si, Feng Si thought about it for a while, and made a gesture towards the inside that only his team knew.

The man immediately felt relieved and opened the window from the inside to let them in.

After Shi Jiu followed Feng Si in, Shi Jiu sealed the window again.

Then he turned around to go upstairs, and his subordinates called Feng Si: "Boss, what are you doing out there? It's so dangerous outside."

"There will be a meeting tomorrow, you go back to rest first." Feng Si said lightly.

The man nodded, scratched his head and went back to the room.

Shi Jiu and Feng Si also went back to the room. Shi Jiu wanted to go to the laboratory, but Feng Si forced her back.

"Tomorrow there is still a whole day to do your experiments and sort out the data, so there is no rush."

Shi Jiu blinked and compromised: "Okay."

Then follow him back to the room to sleep.

After the end of the world, almost everyone's mind is in a state of anxiety, so most people's sleep conditions are not very good.

So some people in their building came out for activities very early.

There is no regulation on who cooks, but everyone tacitly did not let Feng Si and the others participate in this.

They arrange the rest by themselves, and everyone does what they can, which is quite harmonious.

Both Shi Jiu and Feng Si have no ambition to be a leader or to unify the world, so apart from restraining them from doing things that endanger other people's lives, their base has no other rigid requirements.

Everyone is trapped here now, but they can enjoy themselves.

With the help of her abilities and Golden Mouse, Shi Jiu repaired the TV and water heater in this building. Their building also has a large generator.

It's just that I don't know what's inside the snow these days, so Shijiu asked everyone to turn on the lights as little as possible, and try not to make light at night.

Everyone strictly abides by it.

Early the next morning, Shi Jiu went to the laboratory to sort out the data she recorded, and Feng Si, after having breakfast with her in the laboratory, turned and went downstairs to call everyone for a meeting.

After daybreak, Shi Jiu found that the cactus had bloomed again, and it started snowing outside again.

She didn't care about those things, and devoted herself to research.

After Feng Si gathered everyone in a room, he asked them in a deep voice: "Is there anyone who dares to go out with us at night?"

There was silence in the room, except for Feng Si's subordinates, everyone lowered their heads.

They all witnessed the disappearance of the people in that building that day, so it is understandable to be afraid now.

Feng Si didn't force it either: "Then you don't have to listen to what we're going to discuss next, just go do your business, but remember, don't go out or open the door without authorization."

"Captain Feng, we..." A man opened his mouth to say something.

(End of this chapter)

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