Chapter 70 Goodbye Emperor (20)

"Are you contradicting your mother for a woman?" The queen's eyes were sharp and her tone was aggressive.

Li Mu frowned even deeper: "I'm just reminding you of the words and deeds you should have as a queen mother."

The Empress Dowager's face darkened, and she turned her gaze to Shi Jiu, who was still concentrating on fishing: "Is this what Master Shi taught you? When you see Ai's family, don't be polite, don't bow down, and even disobey Yi's order?"

Shi Jiu didn't loosen his grip on the fishing rod. He tilted his head to look over and was about to say something, but Li Mu spoke before her: "Mother, it was I who allowed her not to bow down to anyone, and it was I who allowed her You don’t have to follow any edicts.”

"If you have any opinions, just come to me, don't make things difficult for her."

The empress dowager's face was livid, and she reprimanded him loudly: "Presumptuous! Your wings are stiff, aren't you? How dare you contradict Aijia like this?"

Li Mu's expression did not change, and his tone was calm: "The mother is getting old, and it seems that her memory is not good. You have always supported your youngest son. If it weren't for the father who insisted on establishing me as the emperor back then. The military power is left to me, so the one sitting on the throne is not me, right?"

"Day and night all these years, is the queen mother missing the little son who is far away in the fief?"

The Empress Dowager's face was stiff, and she couldn't help taking a step back, the hand on the maid's arm tightened, and the pinched maid frowned in pain.

"You actually said that about the Ai family? The Ai family has raised you for so many years, and only raised you such a wolf-hearted thing?"

Li Mu's face didn't change when he heard this accusation, and his tone was still flat and without ups and downs: "The queen mother has a great kindness to me, so I will take good care of the mother, so that the mother can take care of her for the rest of her life, but it doesn't matter. On behalf of the mother, the queen is qualified to intervene in my affairs."

"You!" The Empress Dowager pointed at Li Mu's hand trembling slightly, and she was furious.

Li Mu sighed, and his voice softened a little: "Mother, you should cultivate well, and in a few years, I will bring the emperor back to accompany you, okay?"

The queen mother's eyes lit up when she heard this, she quickly walked a few steps and grabbed Li Mu's arm, and asked eagerly, "Really?"

Li Mu glanced at her hand holding his arm, frowned, and struggled a little bit to get away, taking a step back to avoid her.

The queen mother only cared about her youngest son, and didn't notice Li Mu's movements at all.

Shi Jiu had been watching from the side, but she noticed it. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. Li Mu seemed to dislike others touching him, but he never showed that expression to her.

"Of course I mean what I say. As long as the queen mother doesn't do what she shouldn't do, then the emperor will return to Beijing as soon as possible." Li Mu looked at the queen mother with sharp eyes.

The Queen Mother clenched her hands, dodged her eyes for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, Ai Jia understands."

When the Empress Dowager left, Shi Jiu saw 'Concubine Li' next to her, mainly because the hatred for her in her eyes was so obvious that she couldn't see it even if she wanted to.

"Empress Dowager." Shi Jiu stood up from the small bench and called out to the Empress Dowager who was about to leave.

The Empress Dowager stopped, and looked back at Shi Jiu with obvious displeasure in her eyes: "What's the matter with you?"

Shi Jiu smiled: "It's nothing serious, I just want someone from you."

The Empress Dowager frowned slightly, her tone raised: "Are you an important person to the Ai family?"

(End of this chapter)

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