Pirate's Bounty Don't Run

Chapter 199 Negative Soul

Chapter 199 Negative Soul
Luo Gu's golden finger's current ability has basically been figured out.

The pirate's words immediately showed a prompt, including four items including the name and the bounty. These four lines themselves also revealed the location of the pirate.

After the capture, you can get a bounty, and after beheading, you can get half of the bounty.

Through capture, pirates will appear in the cave. After a room meets the conditions of five people, you can get a key of the cave, which can be used to randomly draw an ability possessed by these five people.

In addition, you can buy coins in the store to improve your skills.

Then there is nothing else.

But when facing Asabrom, these four lines of words did not appear, and the ability of personal invisibility should not be able to stop Goldfinger.

That at least shows that before being caught by himself, Asablom does not have the qualifications of a pirate.

But after being captured by himself, why is there a bounty reminder?

Luo Gu fell into thought for a moment, and Hobak carefully observed his appearance, wondering what this guy was thinking about.

But in the face of Luo Gu, he really didn't have much spirit, he didn't care much about the other party's fascination or thinking.

Suddenly, Luogu stood up and said: "Okay, if this is the case, then there is nothing to talk about between us. If you want to meet Asablom, let Moonlight Moria directly ask the important person in the navy." .”

After finishing speaking, he stood up, turned around and walked out.

There is no way to catch Moonlight Moriah now, and it is more troublesome to actually do it.

It is very likely that there will be useless efforts, and it may cause some kind of confrontation between himself and the navy.

It's okay to catch Asablom without revealing the identity of the other party. If you continue to attack them now, it doesn't make sense.

Unless he can immediately win the identity of Qi Wuhai, otherwise, there is no need to fight this battle.

Most importantly, Goldfinger seemed to have some kind of accident, and he wanted to go back and ponder the possibility.

Hobak hesitated to speak, but finally he could only nod his head: "Then I will send you away."

With Huoba Ke sending them out, it was naturally different from when they came.

The road was unimpeded, and in a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the docking position of the big ship. Tiezhi Cangsuke looked back at Hobak, and after thinking for a while, he said: "If one day you don't want to continue hanging around here, you can consider coming to me. on the ship, or you can also consider becoming a pirate, and if we meet at sea, we will definitely have a beautiful encounter."

Hoba Ke smiled, not knowing how to respond to these words.

He honestly sent the other party onto the boat, then opened the door, and let Luo Gu and his party leave, until Luo Gu's big boat completely disappeared from sight, then he let out a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead. cold sweat.

It feels like banishing the plague god!
Then I began to think about how to tell Moonlight Moria about this matter.

Today's matter, in the final analysis, I am a bit ashamed.

However, considering Luo Gu's troubles, it is acceptable to settle the matter by throwing a little embarrassment at him.

And then there's the thing about Asabrom... which is another troublesome thing.



Luo Gu didn't care how Hobak dealt with these things.

He was a little regretful that he didn't see Moonlight Moriah when he came to the Horrible Barque.

But on second thought, what's so good about an ugly monster?If the empress is here, he must go to see if she is really as good-looking as the rumors say.

The three beauties of One Piece should not have earned their names.

The big ship drifted with the wind, and the sky above them was suddenly bright and bright. At this moment, Dashiqi and Mikita breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter who the other party was, the weird atmosphere in that place just now still made them feel that something was wrong.

The current environment, which seems to have returned to the sun, immediately gave them the illusion of being reborn.

Mikita ran around excitedly, and even took out a plate from her arms to show off to Luo Gu.

I don't know when it was secretly hidden.

After Da Siqi was excited, she felt ashamed. She always felt that Luo Gu had lost an adult this time, and hoped that she would have a chance to redeem this round in the future.

A new round of practice began immediately.

Luogu went to the lower prison to take a look at Asabrom. This guy was a little surprised when he saw Luogu: "You are still alive?"

The ship had entered the terrifying three-masted sail just now, and in his opinion, as long as Luo Gu and the others entered, there was absolutely no possibility of leaving alive.

However, they left alive.

Luo Gu chatted with him for a few words, but the words were not speculative, and finally turned and left.

"It seems that the answer is not in him."

While thinking about it, he walked to his room on the second deck. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a small thing floating on the roof, flying all over the sky, and it looked a little cute.

It's just that the ghost-like appearance and the constant "depressed" and "depressed" voice made Luo Gu raise his eyebrows instantly.

Suddenly, that little soul split into three and came straight to Luo Gu.

Luo Gu thought for a while, but didn't resist. Instead, he wanted to try how terrible the so-called negative soul was.

Seeing that Luo Gu had no intention of resisting, the ghost also seemed surprised, but passed through him in the next second.

Special emotions rushed into my heart immediately, forgiving Yi Luogu's willpower, all thoughts were lost for a while.

He looked blankly at the world in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was incompatible with this world. He shouldn't appear here, he shouldn't exist here, he should perish, maybe, he should have died in the sea back then!

He slowly sat on the ground and began to savor this negative meal.

After two or three seconds passed like this, he suddenly raised his head, and all the feelings he had just now disappeared without a trace, just like a hallucination.


He let out a sigh of relief: "It's really scary!"

While talking, when he looked up, he saw a girl holding a parasol squatting in front of him, looking at him curiously.

"It has recovered so quickly?" The girl looked at Luo Gu curiously: "It should be said, is it really worthy of the famous pirate hunter?"

"Perona." Rogu looked at the other party: "Body? Or soul?"

"Do you know me well?"

Perona tilted her head and looked at Rogu, then grinned: "Then guess what state I am in now?"

Luo Gu smiled: "Not interested."

After finishing speaking, he yelled out the door: "Da Siqi, use the fastest speed to check every room on the ship for strangers!"

(End of this chapter)

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