lord of all phenomena

Chapter 82 Thunder and Rain

Chapter 82 Thunder and Rain
Gu Qing recalled for a moment, and remembered what the smell was. It turned out to be the saponin scent that Xu Ranran had used on his body.At that time, he felt that the quality of the saponins was excellent, and the fragrance was clean and long-lasting. He did not expect to smell it again after two years.

After a while, Gu Qing found a strand of hair in the house, apparently left by the woman.

"Just now, I said that the house was lived in by the little princess of the Southern Palace. The princess of the Southern Palace is named Xu. It seems that Xu Ranman is really from the Xu family in Yunzhou. The saponins on her body are also a special product of the Palace?"

Although Xu Qingteng had infiltrated the palace, but the little princess had always been veiled, so Xu Qingteng didn't find a chance to get in touch with him.

He seduced the little princess's personal maid, and he had the intention of taking this opportunity to get close to the little princess.

It just didn't work out.

Gu Qing felt a little ashamed when he thought of Xu Manman, he really helped him, but unfortunately he broke his promise, and when the matter of Jiuliushe was settled, he still went to inquire about Xu Manman's situation, at least to find out if she was dead or not.

Gu Qing quickly dissipated his emotions, and after a while Ming Jing sent a can of eggplant.

"This is the master's dinner for Young Master Gu, please taste it, Young Master."

Ming Jing took out a pair of bamboo chopsticks.

Gu Qing opened the jar and poked some of it with bamboo chopsticks. After a while, he smiled and said, "Go back and ask your master, I'll cook this eggplant for him tomorrow too, how about it?"

Ming Jing scratched his head and said, "I'll go back and ask Master."

Gu Qing nodded.

Ming Jing then left, and came back not long after, he said: "Master promised, he will prepare all the ingredients, and he will not cook this dish tomorrow morning, Mr. Gu will make it directly after he wakes up."

Gu Qing smiled and said: "Okay, you can put the jar in the kitchen together."

Ming Jing said: "This eggplant is not easy to make, will you really know how to do it? Why don't you keep the jar and think about it?"

Gu Qing said calmly: "No, you can seal it for me, and I will eat it for breakfast tomorrow. This is an agreement between me and your master. I will eat what he makes, and he will eat what I cook."

Ming Jing replied: "Master has already told me that Mr. Gu is an expert, and he told me to serve you well. If I can get your advice, I will never end my life."

Gu Qing smiled and said: "Go back and tell your master, what I point out to him, he can use it to point out to you in the future, I don't care about that."

Ding Spiegel: "..."

He thought to himself: "This Mr. Gu has such a loud voice. No matter how powerful he is, he looks young. From his tone, he seems to be much stronger than Master."

It’s just that Taoist Yixin told Ming Jing that he must respect Mr. Gu and not be negligent in the slightest, so Ming Jing did not dare to refute. After a moment of silence, he replied dully: “Mr. .”

Gu Qing gave him the jar, and let Ming Jing take away the bamboo chopsticks.

He had a restful sleep, which was extraordinarily sweet, and seemed to have had an unhinged erotic dream.When Gu Qing woke up, he found that his chest was a little wet. It turned out that the little crow was drooling on him.

Gu Qing threw the little thing out and found that there was already hot water and dry towels outside the door.Der Spiegel prepared it for him.

After he washed up, Ming Jing came to see Gu Qing.

"Master Gu, are you going to the kitchen?"

"Let's go."

The bright mirror led the way, walked through several winding paths, passed by Sanliang Jingshe, and finally arrived at the back kitchen of Fulong Temple.

The materials in the kitchen are complete, not inferior to those of the imperial chefs.

Seeing this, Gu Qing smiled, found an eggplant, peeled off the skin with a kitchen knife, leaving only the clean meat, cut it into small nails, fried it with chicken oil, and added chicken breast meat with mushrooms, new bamboo shoots, mushrooms, spiced spices, etc. Dry tofu, dried fruits of various colors, cut into cubes, simmer in chicken broth, collect the sesame oil, mix with bad oil, and immediately make the eggplant of last night.

After he made it, Taoist Yixin was outside the door, sighing: "I never thought you could really make eggplant (xiang)."

Gu Qing smiled and said, "Try it."

He took out the jar from last night and put some into his mouth with bamboo chopsticks.

Daoist Yixin walked in and tasted the eggplants made by Gu Qing. After savoring carefully, he said: "I see that your cooking method is the same as mine, without adding any other ingredients. Why do I think yours is better than mine? .”

Gu Qing said: "Want to know?"

Daoist Yixin hesitated, "I'll think about it myself."

Gu Qing said calmly: "Anyway, you will still ask me in three days, whatever you want."

At noon, Taoist Yixin made fried tofu nao and Banyue Shenjiang for Gu Qing.In the evening, I made vinegar yellow croaker and stewed whip bamboo shoots.

On the second day, we cooked Luo Han Zhai and other famous vegetarian dishes.

But no matter how complicated the dishes Yixindaochang makes, Gu Qing can always follow them, and the taste is always better than Yixindaochang's.

On the third day, Daoist Yixin only felt that after eating the dishes made by Gu Qing, and eating the dishes he made himself, he always felt that something was missing.Even when Gu Qing was cooking, he was concentrating on it, and he didn't find anything different from his own.

On the last night, Yixindao made a bowl of porridge.He was thinking of a bowl of white porridge, and he didn't believe that Gu Qing could conjure up tricks.

Gu Qing also made a bowl of white porridge.

After Yixin Taoist tasted Gu Qing's porridge, tears welled up in his eyes.He has drank countless porridges in his life, but none of them can compare with the porridge in front of him.

Thinking about the dishes that Gu Qing had cooked before, he couldn't help thinking, if he couldn't eat this person's dishes in the future, what would the rest of his life be like.

Thinking of this, Daoist Yixin sighed: "Forget it, I promise you yes. It's just that you told me what technique you used when cooking, which made me fascinated."

Gu Qing smiled slightly and said: "A clever chef can cook dishes according to different people's tastes. You let me taste the eggplant you made first. In fact, you want to see my reaction after eating this dish so that you can judge my taste. It's just you Because of my face, and I was afraid that I would find out, so I asked Ming Jing to come and ask Ming Jing later. And it is not easy to arouse my vigilance, and it is more likely to get my real reaction. Am I right?"

Daoist Yixin nodded and said, "Not bad."

Gu Qing said: "With your cooking skills, not only can you do this, but you can also make some adjustments according to my taste, so that the dishes you cook not only meet my taste, but also have surprises hidden in them. It's just a fried dish. There are seven kinds of aftertaste in tofu, so that I can have extra joy after tasting it. For diners, it is not easy to taste dishes that suit their appetite. If there are unexpected harvests, then I really like it Can't help it."

Daoist Yixin smiled bitterly: "But your reaction to me seems to be as expected."

Gu Qing smiled and said: "Of course, after you finish cooking, I have already judged the taste of this dish, so why should I be surprised?"

Daoist Yixin sighed, "This is the use of eyesight and wisdom."

Gu Qing said leisurely: "Then do you know why I am better than you?"

Daoist Yixin shook his head, cupped his hands and said, "Please enlighten me."

Gu Qing said: "Since you are a Taoist priest, you should naturally understand that the speaker cares about it and forgets to say it when he is proud. The ultimate purpose of your making these dishes is nothing more than to let me feel the joy after eating delicious food."

Daoist Yixin pondered for a moment, and said, "Could it be that you directly injected joyful emotions into the dishes you cook?"

Gu Qing smiled and said: "In short, it's cooking with heart, that's all."

Yixindao let out a long sigh, and cupped his hands again and said, "Your Excellency acts like thunder and rain, and I am convinced by the old Tao." Thunder is Gu Qing's threat of force, and rain and dew are the secret of Gu Qingdao's breaking. More clarity.If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.This is undoubtedly the grace of preaching, and he has nothing to repay. Only by obeying Gu Qing's order can he feel at ease.

Gu Qing smiled and left Fulong Temple accompanied by a few crows.

He was going to find the next person, who happened to be near Yangcheng, that was Fengqi Temple in Wutong Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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