The strongest talent.

Chapter 184 Fight to the death!

Chapter 184 Fight to the death!

Behind the defensive wall of Baiyun base, about two kilometers away.

In the heavily equipped battlefield command vehicle, "Gu Fengjun", the commander of the Second Huashan Division, and "Shi Chenglei", the commander of the Sixth Division of Beiyue Mountain, stood opposite each other.None of them fell asleep, and the sand table in front of them had been replaced by an electronic situation map—the number of mutated beasts was gradually increasing, and the situation was unclear. The traditional battlefield sand table displayed more clearly, but the response speed was slightly slower, and the electronic situation map was more convenient.

In front of the situation map is a 3D projection, which shows Fan Guoqi who is far away in the base in Kyoto.

"You don't need to show me the situation map, I have it here." The 3D projection shows that Fan Guoqi is still in the office of the Foreign Affairs Office, his eyes are bloodshot, and his face is extremely tired.The electronic projector behind him is showing the live situation of all the war zones in China. He slowly shook his head and said in an extremely heavy voice: "Baiyun Base is very bitter, I know, but I hope you will continue to stick to it. The mining area there is very important. Once many metal mines The creep monsters that were captured and born are extremely powerful, even the ghost ape kings are hard to kill completely, and they pose a great threat to China."

Gu Fengjun and Shi Chenglei remained silent.

This is the third time they have asked for help, even though Fan Guoqi said that they do not need to contact the Foreign Affairs Office directly, and as their teachers, contacting Fan Guoqi is actually a leapfrog.But they were even more aware that only Fan Guoqi had the authority to make the decision to send reinforcements. Without reinforcements, Baiyun Base would not be able to defend it. It could last a week at most, or even less!
"It's not just you asking for help, Nanyue, Dongyue, Zhongyue, which troops didn't ask for help?" Fan Guoqi frowned tightly, and said slowly: "The only combat forces that can be mobilized now are the mobile troops of the two strategic armies of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. They have already mobilized all their staff and are fighting against the mutated monsters and creep creatures in the major survival bases. According to the combat order, it will take at least half a month for the reinforcements to arrive at Baiyun Base. I am not hoping, but asking, I ask you You must hold on until reinforcements arrive, and I believe you can do it."

After finishing speaking, Fan Guoqi took the initiative to cut off the communication, and the 3D projection flickered for a while, and then disappeared completely.

Gu Fengjun and Shi Chenglei felt powerless for a while, and slowly sat on their respective metal chairs. They looked at each other, and they both saw the deep despair in each other's eyes - half a month, this is an impossible task.The soldiers of the special warfare company are not made of iron, and the two holy rank special warfare staff officers will also be tired. They have long been exhausted from fighting against the four king beasts.

Seven days, this is the limit that the two armored divisions can hold on to. Either abandon the Baiyun base and lead the people to break through the siege, and survive as much as they can; or stick to Baiyun and live and die with the people!
"Old Gu, are you afraid?" Shi Chenglei unbuttoned his collar, half-jokingly, half-seriously, with determination in his tone: "The sequence of reinforcements is a high-level decision, and Fan Guoqi said the sequence time, it is a certainty and will not be changed. We Baiyun is miserable, supported by Yuanqing's new medicine, it is far from the worst. The real tragedy is those survival bases that have fallen, and the people there... let alone, Lao Gu, besides the teacher, we are still sixth-order grandmasters , I haven’t used a knife for some years, I don’t know if I can still pick it up.”

There is really an alloy sword hanging from his waist. The scabbard is made of thick mutated animal skin. The handle is a bit dark, and it seems to have been with him for many years. Fine and dense stripes, somewhat blurred with wear.

Gu Feng, who is 1.8 meters and [-] meters tall, put his right hand into his jacket pocket, took out a wedding ring inlaid with dark blue animal crystals, stared at it silently for a while, put it on the ring finger of his right hand, and said with a smile: "I am an elementalist, you are a fighting ring." Family, you protect me when we fight, and compare with the boys from the special warfare company to see who kills more."

The two division commanders looked at each other and smiled, each of them understood each other's intentions - no matter sticking to the base or breaking out of the siege, there would be a final death battle.

"Report!" Just when the two smiled as if they were dying, a communication soldier came over, gave a correct military salute, and said solemnly: "Yuan Qing is here, and I have something important to report to the two division commanders, please instruct."

The eyes of the two teachers met, and Gu Feng said, "Let him in."

The communication fighters immediately communicated the order, Yuan Qing entered the command vehicle, and saw the electronic situation map in front of the two division commanders at first glance——outside the defense wall of the entire Baiyun base, the mutated beasts were surrounded tightly, and the outermost periphery was slowly The wriggling blood-colored creeps contained more than 300 huge blood-colored flesh balls with a diameter of more than two meters.

These meat balls haven't been broken open yet, but everyone knows that after breaking open, what comes out is an immortal blood blanket monster.They can be destroyed, they can be chopped into pieces, but their remains will be absorbed by the blood blanket again, and cultivated into new monsters. This is an unsolvable cycle, and it is a big headache for the entire Chinese military. problem.

"It's almost 10:30, haven't you made new medicine in the laboratory?" The two teachers sat on the metal chair, with undisguised admiration in their eyes-they watched everything Yuan Qing did these days. In my eyes, the current Yuan Qing has not only established a certain prestige among the soldiers, but even the two teachers appreciate it very much.

Fighting during the day, making potions at night, working hard almost without sleep, can be called a real iron man.However, even Yuan Qing had deep fatigue on his face. Although the preparation of the medicine was done by the brain, the fighting intensity was too high and intensive, and the short rest time was not enough to make up for the physical exertion.

Of course, the benefits brought by this high-intensity battle are also huge. Now Yuan Qing is moving towards the middle stage of the fifth order, slowly but steadily, and the psionic nodes in the center of the sea of ​​heart life are getting stronger and stronger. You can clearly feel the tyrannical breath of life he exudes.

"Two teachers..." Yuan Qing saluted first, thought for a while, took out the blue star medal from the storage belt buckle and wore it on the left chest, then talked about the live sterilized virus, and said seriously: "I have Grasp the successful development, but it will take time and a lot of creep monsters.”

At this point, Yuan Qing gritted his teeth: "If there are not enough creep monsters, then capture the creep fighters. The more samples, the greater the chance of success, and the faster the development of sterilized viruses."

The moment they saw the blue star medal, the two division commanders got up at the same time, stood in military posture together, and saluted.The Blue Star Medal, this is the highest honor that Chinese people can get.

Taking out this medal means that Yuan Qing is extremely serious and is using this honor as a guarantee to ensure that his decision is not a joke!

"Sterilization virus..." After saluting, the two teachers looked at each other, and then turned their eyes on Yuan Qing's face.They didn't say anything to express doubts, but there was shock and doubt in their eyes that couldn't be concealed—Xihuang's creep, this is the entire Chinese military, civilian scientists, the Institute of Advanced Biology... it's everyone. Yuan Qing is really sure to do the unsolvable problem?

Yuan Qing put away the medal, saluted again, responded to their gazes, thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Before I came to Baiyun base, there was no new medicine, and the soldiers suffered a lot of casualties. Is the medicine provided by the military not good enough? Obviously No! Because the pharmaceutical institutions of the military, as well as the pharmaceutical manufacturers cooperated with the military, have only this level of medicine. But the medicine technology I have mastered has surpassed almost all pharmaceutical institutions-the two teachers know that I I am a very good pharmacist, and my comrades even joke about calling me Professor Yuan."

The two teachers wanted to laugh at what he said, but the topic was too heavy to laugh at all.

"Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it." Yuan Qing saluted for the third time, very upright, serious, serious, and said in a deep voice: "I can issue a military order, write a letter of guarantee, and make any guarantee. I need Creep biological samples can definitely produce sterilized viruses!"

The two teachers were silent for a long time.

It's not difficult to catch one or two creep monsters, and the two holy rank special combat staff can easily do it.However, what Yuan Qing asked for was "a large number", "the more the better", this kind of adjective can no longer be completed by two special warfare staff officers, and I am afraid that even the entire special warfare company can't complete it.

"I have already started making the creep immunity potion." Yuan Qing put down his saluting arm, and said slowly: "Tomorrow morning, the immune potion can be successfully made, and within five days, the soldiers will be infected with the creep, so there is no need to worry about mutation. Five God, I only need five days. In the afternoon of the fifth day, if the immune potion is not successfully produced, the soldiers will be allowed to lead the people to break through the final validity period of the immune potion. Two teachers, please rest assured that 30 people will have the immune potion. This is my promise."

There are two battle plans, one is to completely kill the creeps, the other is to lead the people to break through. With immune medicine, the survival rate will be very high. This is what Yuan Qing brought to the two division commanders, to all the soldiers of the two master divisions, and to all of the Baiyun base. The hope of the people, the hope of life, the hope of living!

"It seems that you have already thought of everything before reporting to us, even making the immune medicine for combat." Gu Fengjun slowly stroked the animal crystal ring on the ring finger of his left hand, without speaking; Holding the handle of the alloy saber at his waist, his eyes were gradually covered with blood, and he said slowly: "Yuan Qing, we can give you five days, but I want you to promise that the live sterilization virus must be successfully developed, otherwise... ..."

Shi Chenglei didn't say anything more, his eyes were already red like blood... Yuan Qing knew it well.

If the development of the virus fails, the fighting, devotion, and sacrifice of the soldiers will be meaningless. This is not a gamble. They are the soldiers under the two division commanders. A fresh life!
"I promise." Yuan Qing experienced it for the fourth time tonight. She didn't let go of her arms for a long time, her eyes were also red, and she said every word: "The creep will be completely wiped out by us. Sooner or later, it will eventually become a thing of the past; all battles will come to an end." Valuable, there will never be a comrade-in-arms sacrifice in vain."

Gu Fengjun closed his eyes and still did not speak; Shi Chenglei almost squeezed out a sentence from his teeth. This was a joint decision between him and Gu Fengjun, and it was also a determination to kill the bacteria blanket and support for Yuan Qing.This sentence is very short, only four words.

"All fight to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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