Chapter 208
The captain took the initiative to pick up the first mate and said to Ye Xin: "Miss Ye, I'm really sorry. I know it's shameless to do this, but I also have my responsibility. As the captain, it is my responsibility to protect the safety of the cargo and crew on board. Responsibility."

Cao Ran wanted to make a move in the past, but was stopped by Ye Xin, "I can let you freeze for a few seconds, or you can control your own behavior."

Knowing that Ye Xin had made up her mind, Cao Ran stared at Ye Xin for a few seconds, seeing that she was still unmoved, she simply turned around and did not look at her.

Seeing Cao Ran turn around, Ye Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy for her to think about it. To self-harm, you have to get the consent of others.

But the first officer and Cao Ran really moved her. The person who wanted to hit her and make her fall into negative emotions, his wishful thinking was in vain.

The captain shouted to Lila: "We don't want jewels, as long as you keep your promise, as long as Miss Thornyleaf stabs you, you will let us go."

Rilla swore again solemnly, and emphasized to the captain that it was a stab in the body, not a light cut.

The captain took out his Swiss knife and stabbed Ye Xin's right shoulder. The blood immediately soaked Ye Xin's thin blouse, and dyed a gorgeous flower on the pure white clothes.

Seeing the captain pull out the gun, Cao Ran immediately pushed him away, and pressed Ye Xin's wound with his own handkerchief to help her stop the bleeding.

Before Ye Xin shook her head to say it was okay, she heard a muffled pop in her ear. It turned out that after the captain pulled the Swiss knife out of Ye Xin's body, he stabbed herself backhand, also on the right shoulder.


Ye Xin noticed that when the captain stabbed her just now, his hand was held forward, so the knife was not completely inserted into her body.But when the captain stabbed himself, he only held the handle of the knife, and the whole knife sank into his body, his eyes were sore from being moved by this small detail.

"I never hit a woman, I owe you this, I'm sorry!"

The sailors were all woken up by the captain's knife, and those who were eager to try just now apologized to Ye Xin.

The sailors supported the captain and were about to leave, but they were stopped by Lila.

Enduring the pain, the captain turned around and asked her, "Didn't you say that we can leave as long as I, Miss Shiye, stabbed me?"

Rilla said, "That's right, but I didn't let you stab yourself. You stab her and you stab yourself, and it's even. So, you still missed her."

The captain's wounds ached with anger when he heard Rilla's nonsense.

Rilla threw the scimitar from her belt, and signaled the captain to strike with hers.

The scimitar was four times the size of the swiss knife the captain used just now. If it was cut down, no one could imagine that Ye Xin's slender body would be pierced directly.

Seeing that the boat had not moved for a long time, Lila raised her hand, and the two gunmen aimed their guns, as if the captain would shoot if he didn't do so.

"I don't allow you to do what you did just now. Don't see Luo Qi, and you will be in two parts. Even if you have scars, it won't look good. You need to find Luo Qi and catch them all. If Luo Qi It’s really not afraid that they won’t find it. If Rocky isn’t in their hands, it’s easier, so can’t Ella summon him? Let her call Rocky over.”

It was rare for Cao Ran to say so much, but he didn't want Ye Xin to get hurt again.

Ye Xin disagreed, saying: "After the experience last time, Rocky will definitely resist more vigorously this time. I'm just worried that his resistance will cause him to become demonic again."

Cao Ran heard the real worry in Ye Xin's heart, and really hoped that it would be easier for Luo Qi to be directly countered by Su Lingjian.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate and the gunman had already activated the insurance, the whistle of the ship came from the sea.

A ship slowly came into view, and the lights on the ship were brightly lit.

Then, five planes flew over from the other side of the sea, joined another plane that took off from the ship, and then flew close to the sky above Ye Xin and the others. All the planes were grass-green military helicopters

The searchlights on the helicopter blinded the eyes of the people on the ground. The natives who saw the helicopter up close for the first time all knelt down.

The plane that had taken off from the ship was lower than the others and could be seen in the highly illuminated lights, the upper door was open and a man with a horn started shouting down.

Hearing the familiar voice from above, Ye Xin raised her head, her eyes were dazzled by the light accidentally, she was already bleeding, and the next one couldn't stand still, her legs went limp, luckily Cao Ran Hold her in time.

Rocky looked down on the plane and saw Ye Xin leaning on Cao Ran, who was supporting her intimately.

With just one glance, Rocky looked away.

He didn't care who the person below was, he just asked the other party to let them go, otherwise he ordered to shoot.

In order to prove his words, a military helicopter flew over the woods not far from the people on the ground, and after a while of sweeping, they heard crackling, and the sound of trees falling continuously, shaking up waves of dust, and also shocked Those natives who have been stunned for a long time.

Under the leadership of Cao Ran, all the crew quickly withdrew to the seaside.The crew member who was unfortunately shot dead by the natives was also carried back by his companions.

The first officer woke up early, saw Ye Xin and the captain were injured in the same place, guessed what happened just now, sighed heavily, and told Ye Xin that good people are rewarded with good things, God will bless her!

Cao Ran was worried that Ye Xin's wound would continue to bleed if she moved around, so she hugged Ye Xin horizontally.

Rocky saw this scene from above, and immediately sat back in the cabin, let the plane fly back to the ship, and only let the other five continue to circle over Ye Xin and the others to escort them.

None of them saw that behind Ayla, a person wearing a black cloak appeared at some point, and his whole body was wrapped in black.

I saw the man's head stuck to Ella's side, and said something to her. Ella suddenly looked up to the sky, walked a few steps forward, and said a spell that only she and Sheila knew.

At the same time, Rocky suddenly felt dizzy and almost hit the driver's seat in front of him. Fortunately, the people next to him supported him.

The man had blond hair and blue eyes, prominent facial features, and a rigid expression, which made it impossible to see his emotions.Only when he saw Rocky's suddenly pale face and the slight frown on his brows could he see his emotions.

Just listen to him ask Rocky in standard Mandarin: "Are you okay?"


Rocky sat down firmly, fastened his seat belt, and meditated directly on the plane, his mouth opened and closed quickly, and a light blue light came out from the fangs on his neck, covering his whole body.

Seeing this scene, the blond-haired and blue-eyed man sat down again without saying a word, and told the pilot in front to concentrate on flying the plane.

Over there, Ella saw the helicopter flying farther and farther, and the voice of chanting in her mouth became louder and louder.

Suddenly, she felt as if someone had punched her chest hard, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of her breath.

The man who helped Ella out earlier had three long feathers tied to his head. It was Fero who had a crush on Ella for a long time. Seeing Ella spitting blood, he hurried forward to support her.

The mysterious man in the black cloak stepped forward to encourage her again. Fei Luo refused to let the man get close to Ella, and wanted to push the man away. I don't know how the man moved, but Fei Luo was knocked down on the ground, clutching his waist and abdomen , bent like a shrimp.

Ella knelt on the beach, chanting continuously.

On Rocky's side, the light blue light gradually strengthened, his face turned blue, and his forehead was sweating.Suddenly the light blue light flourished, and then gradually dimmed and dissipated.

At the same time that Rocky's body was shining brightly, Ella spurted out another mouthful of blood, and then passed out directly.

Seeing that Ella had lost consciousness, the man in the black cloak walked away without looking back, Lila only glanced at Ella, and followed behind the cloaked man.

Rocky didn't know what happened on the ground. When he got off the plane, there were already two rows of maids and men in black and white uniforms waiting in line.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed man was going to help Rocky, but Rocky waved his hand to say no.

"It's windy here, should your Highness go rest for a while? You don't look very well now."

Rocky looked towards the sea, where a speedboat was faintly approaching, but he only took a look and said, "I'll go to rest first, and you can arrange a room for them."

The blond-haired, blue-eyed man understood and nodded respectfully.

When Cao Ran and Ye Xin arrived at the beach, they were picked up by someone who had been waiting there already on a speedboat, and quickly sent to that ship.

Seeing that it was not Rocky who greeted them on the ship, but a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes, Ye Xin asked him where Rocky was, but was told: "His Royal Highness is now refusing to see him."

(End of this chapter)

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