Chapter 214 Suffocation
For the next two days, Ye Xin tried not to see Rocky as much as possible, but she had three meals a day, except breakfast in her own room, and she ate with Fusha the rest of the time.

She really wanted to stay in the room by herself, but Fusha always tempted Sami with various delicacies, so that when it was meal time, Sami couldn't wait to drag Ye Xin to the restaurant.

Fusha no longer cared about the queen's image, and repeatedly brought food to Rocky's mouth to feed him.Not only did Rocky not refuse, but he even praised Fusha's cooking skills.

And the more he praised Fusha's cooking skills, the more Ye Xin cared about eating.

Yes, it's not that she has no appetite to eat, of course she has no appetite, she actually doesn't know what the food tastes like, she just needs to turn her grief into appetite.

As long as it was made by Fusha, she would eat it all, or give it to Sammy, but not let Rocky eat it, and let him eat it so happily!

He ate hazel all the time, and ended up with Ye Xin running to the bathroom to vomit.

In the evening, Ye Xin rejected Fusha's invitation to drink some porridge in her room because of her stomach discomfort.

"How do you feel? Isn't it so disgusting?"

Cao Ran reached out to touch Ye Xin's forehead, but Ye Xin avoided it and said, "I don't have a fever, it's just that I ate too much at noon."

"I'm not looking to see if you have a fever, but to see if your brain is broken. How can you abuse yourself so much and make yourself into such a sick look, whoever you think will feel distressed."

Ye Xin vomited excessively, hurting her throat, and said in a hoarse voice, "No one."

Because Sammy had eaten too much these past few days, Ye Xin simply asked him to clean his stomach with her, and asked him to drink porridge together.

At this time, the little head lifted up from the bowl and said: "I will feel sorry for Mommy, Mommy vomits so hard at noon, as if she wants to spit out all the things in her stomach."

Cao Ran and Sami fought together, tapped Ye Xin's forehead with his index finger, and said, "That's right, I really didn't treat us as human beings. Children know that it's wrong to eat like that, don't you, Xiami?"

Sami nodded like a little adult, and then finished the porridge in the bowl in one go.

Looking at the bottomless bowl, the little guy smacked his mouth twice and said, "Uncle Cao's porridge is really delicious."

Cao Ran was praised, and proudly said: "That is, it is cooked slowly, of course it is delicious. From now on, do you want uncle to cook porridge for you every day?"

Hearing this, the little guy shook his head and said, "No, Uncle Luo said that if you eat one thing every day, your nutrition will be unbalanced. You need a balanced mix of various foods, so that you can eat nutritiously and your body can grow healthily."

Ye Xin remembered that when Rocky used to cook, it seemed that he did not bring a repeat sample for a week. Even though his cooking skills were limited at the beginning, he worked hard to learn from the recipes. It is still funny to think of his clumsy appearance.

She also taunted him, saying how superb his culinary skills are, but in fact it is nothing more than that.At that time, Rocky said that what he could cook was Western food, and he had never learned Chinese cooking.Later, he cooked western food occasionally, but she thought it was the result of his cooking skills getting better and better.

At noon, I listened to his comments on Fusha’s western food from time to time, and gave a few words of guidance, especially when it came to what he would do in the past, and what would be better if he added something.The names of the ingredients mentioned were not found on this side of the earth, and she had never heard of them, but Fusha seemed to resonate with her, saying that she had seen records in the recipes of the palace, but unfortunately they were not here.

Rocky will tell Fusha how to make some preparations, and some raw materials can be obtained from Ye Xin. During the conversation, she looks at her with indifferent eyes, just like ordinary passers-by.

In fact, the dinner table was more like a cooking exchange meeting between the two, because Rocky intentionally responded to Fusha's intimacy, and these, in Ye Xin's eyes, were magnified.

"Uncle Cao, I also want some porridge, and some side dishes to go with the porridge."

Cao Ran helped Sami scoop up the porridge, motioned him to look at the two plates of vegetables on the table and said, "Isn't that right?"

"No, there must be vegetables with meat. Mommy said that you should eat some meat properly, so that the shrimp can grow fat and strong."

Looking at Sami's starry eyes, Cao Ran smiled and said: "Cleaning the stomach, cleaning the stomach, is to clean out the waste that is accumulated in the stomach on weekdays, so as to help you absorb nutrients better later. .”

"Then I drank porridge, now I can eat some meat to absorb nutrition."

Sammy spoke confidently, and opened his small mouth wide, as if he couldn't wait to put the meat in his mouth.

Cao Ran turned around and asked Ye Xin: "Is it okay for him to do this? Compared with the food here and there, he doesn't really need to eat those meats, does he?"

Ye Xin was amused by Cao Ran's question, "You think he's a little fairy! If he didn't need to eat, they would still have such a heated discussion about cooking at noon today."

Ignoring Rocky's name deliberately, Ye Xin said: "If you don't eat, you will be hungry. Although the food here is not as pure and high-quality as the other side, it can still fill your stomach. My space is already full. It can purify the body, and there are flower elves who have prepared various flower juices for him to help him recuperate his body and make up for his acquired deficiencies, so there is no need to worry about him being polluted by eating the food here."

"Then it will be much easier to feed like this, but let's wait until tomorrow. I will have porridge tonight. If you eat too much, you will get tired. Eat what you like tomorrow."

Cao Ran's restrictions made Boss Sami unhappy, and his mouth was pouting like a pig.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a maid said in broken English that Fusha asked her to invite Sami to dinner.

When Sami heard this, Yuanyuan sat up straight and stared at Ye Xin with sparkling eyes.

Seeing that he didn't touch the two plates of green vegetables at all, Ye Xin just drank most of the bowl of porridge, so she made an exchange with Sammy and gave him half a bowl of green vegetables, and asked him to finish eating the green vegetables before going to eat Fusha's. Food.

As soon as Sammy heard that it was time to eat, he ate the green vegetables one by one, and finished them in a short while.

Cao Ran gave Ye Xin a thumbs up and said, "As expected of a mother, I just have a way."

"Mommy, the smell on that sister's body is a bit familiar, it seems to be very similar to the flower juice that Huahua gave me."

Ye Xin wiped Sami's mouth clean, and said casually, "How could it be like that? Be obedient and don't cause trouble for my sister!"

The little guy responded and ran out impatiently.

"It's your turn to eat, you eat less than that little guy."

Cao Ran helped Ye Xin add some dishes, and said, "Don't underestimate these two simple dishes. On this foreign island, if you want to cook two pure Chinese dishes, you have to find them, and I can only do them." .”

"I didn't realize that you are quite narcissistic before."

"I have more advantages that you don't see."

Ye Xin was noncommittal to Cao Ran's words, picked up a chopsticks of green vegetables and put them in her mouth, immediately attracted by the fragrance in her mouth, she couldn't help asking: "What's the name of this dish?"

"Wild vegetables."

"Wild vegetables? It's so general, it should have a scientific name!"

Cao Ran replied confidently: "I don't know the scientific name. On our island, the vegetables dug from the mountains are called wild vegetables. It's rare to see them here."

As a child who grew up in the city, Ye Xin had never had the experience of digging wild vegetables or stealing sweet potatoes. When she heard that Cao Ran randomly dug them in the woods on the island, she immediately doubted the safety of these ingredients.

"Is there any problem with this ingredient? You shouldn't let the shrimp eat too much just now."

As soon as Ye Xin finished speaking, she felt a sense of suffocation, and the chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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