One Piece: Purgatory Demon Dog

Chapter 190 Non-Professionals

Chapter 190 Non-Professionals

For such a result, Kizuru and Akainu were naturally extremely dissatisfied. The big words of the Naval Elite Academy are not just simple words.That's where the real elite is all over the place.I dare not say that each of them can become a general officer of the navy.

But the entire navy basically recognizes one thing, as long as you come out of the Naval Elite Academy, you will have the combat effectiveness of a colonel-level navy at the end.Ordinary brigadier generals with better qualifications may not necessarily be their opponents.

Like a smoker, like a flame.

And that's just, once out of college.People can grow up, who can say clearly, will some of them eventually grow into major generals, or even lieutenant generals, generals?You must know that although the top spot in the navy was proposed to the world government by the former admiral of the navy.

However, if you have enough power in your hand, it is not unchangeable.

Just like in the original book, in the Warring States period he originally supported Aokiji, but in the end the world government supported Akainu.In addition to the obedient factor of Akainu, the biggest reason is not because of the prestige of this tough and hawkish man in the navy.

The biggest pain for the navy in the future is probably being driven out of the new world by the pirates!

It is conceivable that if a group of recruited naval cadets is lost every year, it will definitely be an extremely unfavorable factor for Kizaru and the physics group under Akainu.

At least it will definitely lag behind Aokiji, who also belongs to the general!
This is unacceptable for the yellow monkey and the red dog.

Of course, although these two people can't accept it, but facing Zefa's black and shiny iron fist... no matter how much they are unwilling, they are unwilling.

Of course, some appropriate adjustments have been made in the overlord clause. For example, the time for randomly selecting soldiers has been extended from unlimited to three years.And after three years, its number will also give up half of its own.

Otherwise, these two probably would never agree to Zefa!
After all, one of them is an ability user of Shining Fruit, who can stop them if they want to run away?

As for the red dog, it is not fast, but the escape method of this guy is definitely shocking!It really pissed him off, and Zefa very much doubted whether the red dog would melt a hole directly into the ground, and then go straight into the magma deep underground.


"Smelly brat, you are satisfied with this result, right?" Zefa looked at Yan who was blowing the sea breeze beside him, and Miluo who was smiling.

"Satisfied, satisfied! Who dares to be dissatisfied with your arrangement? Miluo, did you hear that? Someone dared to object to the old man's arrangement, did you see who it was? Tell me, I'll go and clean them up immediately, is it Red Dog? And the yellow monkeys!"

Yan, he was thinking, the red dog and the yellow monkey had just been whipped violently by the old man, even if they were in good health or not, but at least physically it was definitely over!
Should I find a chance to leave the boat and go back to pick up those two guys?

Yes, at this moment, Yan and the two of them left Marinford again, and they were the ones who were driven away.

The reason is naturally a certain one, the old man Aries who likes to keep header file shredders pissed him off.Well, and it was indeed because he was afraid of him, and made trouble again.So it's better to drive him out once and for all.

Of course, on the bright side, in order to protect the face of the two of them.And to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to continue to cause trouble, so it still has a good name on the surface.

That is to follow President Ze Yuan to continue his studies.

As for the assassin on the way, attracted by that newspaper headline.

Warring States he hehe.

Before that, he might still be worried about his safety or not.But since he said, he can kill the yellow ape.He no longer worries about the Warring States Period.Anyway, he didn't think that a person who could kill a general would die so easily.

Otherwise, the general will be too cheap!

"...Maybe the yellow monkey and the red dog really helped that kid find a lot of whetstones." Zhan Guoduan sat in his office with a wry smile.

"Probably, although the old man didn't actually fight that kid that day, but judging from his aura, the kid's fighting power will definitely not be weaker than the lieutenant general, especially after entering that awakened form.

Warring States period, you should know it best!Although the yellow ape had always had an overwhelming advantage on the scene, that was only on the surface. "

Karp's extremely rare and serious discussion sparked inflammation.

Sengoku nodded.

"Indeed, the terrifying level of resilience of animals in the awakening period is already a fact that does not need to be verified. Or if it is really necessary to be verified, it can be seen from the results of that battle.

People who are suppressed from beginning to end are alive and kicking.Instead, the person who suppressed him was sent to the hospital on a stretcher. "

Very helpless?Very rascal?
It's a pity that after the awakening of the animal department, it is so helpless and likes to play hooligans so much.

A few days later, Yan and Miluo bid farewell to Zefa.

This time, the two of them didn't have the idea of ​​going on a naval ship. Instead, they directly asked for a small sailboat from Zefa and set sail directly.As for why...

Isn't it because they are afraid that Zefa will beat them?
It's dangerous to rip off Zefa.

They were not the weak navy that Yan and the others looted in Cococia Village, but a perverted strong man who could definitely beat them both.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Miluo asked curiously.

"Where are you going? I haven't made up my mind yet. First, go back to Alabasta...or go to the capital of seven waters, which is not bad...Of course, apart from these, the most important thing is, first Clean up the little mice! What do you think? Miluo."

Yan's eyes became a little cold.

If he had known that after the newspaper was made public, he would have faced a lot of trouble.

...But, even if it's troublesome, please ask some professionals to take care of it?

"That's right, but those overlords, don't they underestimate you, Boss? Is this kind of stuff actually capable of shooting? I thought I was hallucinating just now!" Miluo smelled the murderous intent in the air. Some nostalgia, some contempt.

Should assassins also have the attitude of assassins?What are you doing showing murderous looks like this?Did you tell the enemy I came to kill you?
(End of this chapter)

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