One Piece: Purgatory Demon Dog

Chapter 246 The Ghost Spider's Ruthlessness

Chapter 246 The Ghost Spider's Ruthlessness

Opela and the others couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness from their hearts, followed by a surge of rage in their hearts!Without even thinking about it, the four of them used their armed domineering aura to the extreme on the spot.He slammed fiercely at the ghost spider.

"No! Don't, dodge! The missile scatter!" Katakuri's face suddenly changed after the moment Gala didn't die.He saw it, saw the picture of his brother dying...

And more than one.

"Oh! What's the rush? Let's have fun, shall we? After all, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider has five of them, oh no, four of them... But is it really scary? This is The so-called predicting the future? I was clearly not in front of you just now! Katakuri!"

Huang Yuan's incomparably flattering voice sounded.

At the same time, at almost the same moment, small golden holes suddenly appeared on his body that had just shown his figure!But it turns out that Katakuri, who has the ability to predict the future, knows that Kizaru will block his way.

Therefore, in the previous step, he had already thrown a lot of jelly beans towards the place where Huang Yuan appeared, in an attempt to interfere with Huang Yuan and prevent him from hindering his action to save his brother.

But obviously, the idea is certainly a good one.

But the effect can only be said to be average.

After learning about Katakuri's abilities from Enta, Kizaru was rarely able to focus on fighting.

But it seems that even if this is the case, the man in front of him who was blocked by him still gave him a pleasant surprise.Did he predict the location where he would appear first, and give him a few ruthless shots?

Fortunately, he was quick-witted, and he had already caught his mind before he came.The nerves are tense all the time, and the elementalization is completed one step ahead of Katakuri's attack.

But at this moment, under the interception of Huang Yuan so hard.

A creepy evil smile appeared on the face of the ghost spider surrounded by four people in the distance.

"No, it's not good! Get out of the way!" Opera's heart rang out.It's a pity that the four brothers who should be throwing punches with all their strength in a rage at this moment obviously have no way to do it, and there is a way to turn back in time.

"It's too late, bite and kill! (Laser cannon!)" Miluo, who had been waiting for a long time, and the mole and the mouse suddenly attacked.In the direction of the ghost spider, they brazenly launched the most ferocious killing move of the two.

It is obviously naked to use the ghost spider as a bait on the spot.

Of course, this strategy was actually imagined by the fierce man Ghost Spider himself.

The ghost spider knows very well that the navy is absolutely at a disadvantage in the face of the strength of the pirates.After all, it's still the era of great pirates, isn't it?You must know that even in later generations, the navy has recovered its strength after a long recuperation.

That is, it was able to withstand the attack of a white beard pirate group.

But now it is facing the attack of pirate groups from two overlord classes.

Moreover, due to various reasons, the high-level staff could not be present.

Therefore, being at a disadvantage in battle is almost a reality that you don't need to imagine.

If you want to win, you need to fight and win!

As the saying goes, the brave wins in a narrow road, and in response to this situation, the ghost spider proposed a battle plan on the spot to use itself as a bait.He didn't take into account the various factors of whether he would be killed by the full attack of his own people.

Because this ruthless man knows that only in this way can they make up for the lack of high-level combat power as much as possible.

"However... the luck is really good this time." The ghost spider, which was smashed into the air by four domineering black iron fists covered with armed colors, not only did not show the slightest pain on its face, but it still showed it. The light of excitement of ghosts and animals.

Although in the mouth, the bright red blood can't be stopped from flowing continuously.

The plan went really well.

Not only did he directly kill a pirate general at the beginning of the war.

He even used the opportunity he created to wipe out three people in one fell swoop and severely wound one.

And he himself just paid the price of a few mouthfuls of blood.

Here Ghost Spider felt that he should really thank Big Mom.

Thank you for that sow who likes to mate everywhere. I don’t know which monster gave birth to these five tall monsters. When the four of them stood in front of him, it was like an unbreakable copper wall. , protecting him tightly.

So much so that in the end, he was not attacked by Miluoyi or Mole.

"Damn it, navy... you guys, damn it... navy!" Because Opela is the strongest among the brothers, he was lucky enough to survive the sudden sneak attack of Miluo and Mole .

Of course, even so, this huge white cream monster paid the price of an arm.

At this moment, he was staring at Miluo, Mole... and the half-dead ghost spider with a look of incomparable hatred.

This vicious and ruthless plan of the ghost spider directly caused him to lose his four closest brothers.Although he didn't know who among the three of them set up this game.

However, Opela instinctively felt that this game must have been stepped down by the man like a spider.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you! Butter..."

"Okay, fifth brother, leave this to me! You just go back honestly! The whine of the defeated dog is really ugly!" It's a pity that the defeated dog has not yet let out his painful cry. When howling.

On the pirate side, there was another burly man, who appeared on the battlefield.

The man's face was extremely ferocious, and there was a scar on his face that almost seemed to split his face in half with a knife. He was wearing biscuit-like armor all over his body, and his tone was very impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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