One Piece: Purgatory Demon Dog

Chapter 409 Carrying a...

Chapter 409 Holding a...

"Then Lieutenant General Tang Mude, have you ever experienced being kicked by the light?" But he hadn't waited long for this man to be happy.Huang Yuan's cold voice without a trace of emotion, once again threw him into the boundless abyss, just like falling into an ice cave.

"No! No! Don't~~~~~~~~"

"Damn it, stop the yellow ape, and what are you bastards doing? Why don't you stop the yellow ape from going crazy?"

It's a pity that our Lieutenant General Tang Mude and the Warring States Marshal are howling and roaring loudly.That is destined to become the so-called useless work!

Under Huang Yuan's decision to kill Ling Ran.

Under the premise that Huang Yuan is so close to him.

No one in this world can save him.

Not to mention...unexpectedly...dead.This is the voice of the generals who were not far from Lieutenant General Tang Mude. To become a lieutenant general in the navy, one of the prerequisites is to be able to master the two-color domineering skillfully.

Undoubtedly, many lieutenant generals with two-color domineering had already understood the truth of the matter the moment Tang Mude just revealed his flaws in his heart.To be honest, at this moment they didn't personally take action to tender him to death, they have already given the Warring States face!
After all, Zefa has devoted himself to the navy and cultivated elites for more than ten years now.He can already be truly called: the world is full of peaches and plums.

Because a prisoner who killed his teacher and his wife went to offend his teacher.Well, by the way, show your big face in front of people all over the world, and then become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats?
Hehehe... Does mmp really think they are stupid?

It's not just that these navy generals have no intention of going to the rescue at all.On the contrary, they intentionally or unintentionally stopped people who were mixed in the large naval force, who were familiar or unfamiliar, and exuded a cold aura.

I couldn't help sneering from the bottom of my heart: Sure enough, they are all a bunch of beasts!Is this the so-called sympathy?Want to save that bastard Tang Mude?Think too much, you guys.

What is the true identity of these people who are interspersed among the elite soldiers of the navy.

These high-ranking generals of the navy naturally know it well.

They are a group of vampires who make their teeth itch with hatred.A group of dark rats who only dare to move in the dark.

A group of lackeys of the world government and Tianlong people.

As for why, these guys will appear here.

In fact, in a sense, this question has something to do with Shang Yan.Because in recent years, the People's Navy has achieved excellent results at sea, and in recent years, there have been some increasingly discordant voices within the navy and at sea.

Driven by this series of factors, the world government's trust in the navy has reached the lowest point in history.Considering this factor.High-level decisions of the government.

They were ready to take matters into their own hands to correct all this.It is their way to face the surging offensive of the People's Navy by investing a large number of members of the spy structure who are deeply worthy of their trust into the middle and lower levels of the navy.

The prerequisite for realizing this proposal is to have a lot of military exploits.

After all, the world government also needs face, okay?One or two airborne to the navy domineering that's all.After all, as the top organization of the navy, they themselves have that power.

But if it is said that the number has increased, wouldn't it seem a bit excessive and abrupt?

Once this kind of thing is slightly fueled by some caring people, then I am afraid that the world government and the navy will fight first!

In order to prevent this from happening, the members of the espionage agency they are going to put into the Navy must have a certain amount of merit.

Don't tell me anything, the credit they made when they were the cp group, let alone the secrecy code of the spy agency itself, but the things they did in the cp group, can they really be exposed?
So if this is the case, where else can it be faster than the efficiency of earning merit on the battlefield?I think it should be gone!As for the so-called danger.Not to mention that the tasks that the cp group itself is performing are all dangerous existences.

Just say, will anyone worry about the tools in their hands?


Lieutenant General Tang Mude died.

Well, it was so upright and upright, at the moment when the live video was being broadcast in front of the whole world, he was kicked by the yellow ape at the speed of light, and he was kicked from the bottom up directly into two corpses and died in the whole world in front of.

It's really miserable.

After Tang Mude was killed, a so-called clarity appeared in Huang Yuan's eyes, which had shown the intent to kill.

But this trace of clarity was immediately replaced by a sense of helplessness.

Well, he's an admiral.

Well, it seems, just now.In public, kill a vice admiral!


What a joy!
"Damn Huang Yuan, you really can do it. I solemnly tell you that you are finished. And..." A member of the CP Group who broke through the defense circle of the generals with great difficulty looked at the quietly lying The two corpses in front of Huang Yuan were a little furious.

Because of what happened back then, Tang Mude was deeply loved by their masters.

But... right in front of them.He was slaughtered just like that.

Without hesitation, this member of the cp group issued a very strong threat to Huang Yuan, um, at the same time, he did not forget to take a hard look at the senior naval generals around him who blocked his way intentionally or unintentionally.

"Oh, it's really scary! But why do people from the CP Group care so much about this bastard named Tang Mude?" Huang Yuan seemed to have thought of something.The cold stars in his eyes began to twinkle uncontrollably.

Killing one is killing, isn't killing two also killing?
Anyway, in front of so many people, he killed a vice admiral, even if he was a general.There is no way out!
"Hahahaha, senior brother, you really dare to attack! As expected, you are indeed the most valued disciple of the teacher. Well, as for your question." There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Anilu, you idiot, you are too slow!"

Then, far away in the sky, a blue figure pierced the void.

"That is?"

"That is!"

In the eyes of many naval pirates, the only thing that can be seen at this moment is a man with big earlobes who is holding a golden rod, carrying four thunder drums on his back, and his upper body is bare, holding a...

(End of this chapter)

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