Chapter 486
"Bell, Jinbe, it's your turn! The future of the world is ahead!"

"Understood!" Throwing the miniature phone bug hidden in the cochlea, he had already given instructions to the two people hidden at the edge of the battlefield.In an instant, these two people had important positions in their respective countries.

They also replaced the communication phone bug in their ears in unison, and replaced it with another phone bug that they cherished so much.

"Your Highness, the final moment has come, I implore you to win the final battle!" X2.

"Understood, Mr. Bell (Mr. Jinpei) will leave the rest to us!" At the same time, the two most honorable princesses who were on the left and right sides of the battlefield, about ten nautical miles away, nodded in unison.

The number of things like ancient weapons that have survived since the beginning of history is always equal to three.

Although in terms of combat power, the strongest ancient weapon is undoubtedly the king of heaven, Uranus.

But the other two ancient weapons, even in terms of combat power, were slightly behind him.But definitely not to the point of being powerless.Not to mention that this time they are... two against one.

Since then.

"Pluto! Bruton, move!"

"Sea King! Poseidon, let's go!"

Below the sea level, two super battleships, symbolizing the most terrifying weapons at this time, set off in no particular order.

One, of course, is the worst battleship in history that has been sleeping with the Alabasta Kingdom for more than [-] years, the World Destroying Battleship... Pluto, Bruton!
Second, it is a huge ship named 'Noah', a huge ship carrying an 800-year oath, sleeping deep in the forest with the sea, waiting for the appearance of its owner.Now after waiting for 800 years, its new owner finally appeared.

Its name is Sea King... Shirahoshi!
Two giant ships with the size of islands going out to sea will naturally cause the so-called earth-shattering vision. Even if such a vision is separated by more than ten nautical miles, it should be clearly visible!
So of course, the king of heaven is in control, and Im also saw it.

"Are you waiting for me here? Pluto and the new generation of Neptune! Are you rebels trying to challenge my world? Then...destroy them, Uranus!"

"Understand the supreme master. Thundercloud storm, seaspout attack target transfer. Target Pluto Bruton... target Ark 'Noah'!"

"Huh? Has the sense of crisis shifted? That's why we are going to give priority to destroying Pluto and Neptune! Oh, this has been completely ignored! Smile brother, do me a favor!"

In Yan's six scarlet eyes, a cold light flickered.

Then he squatted down suddenly, and the terrifying strange force in his legs that could collapse mountains and rocks burst out suddenly.Driving the man's ferocious dark red three-headed demon body soaring into the sky.

"So that's the case, then let the old man help you! Anti-gravity strike!" Yixiao's eyelids slightly rolled up, revealing a pair of pale and broken eyes, and then he swung the stick knife in his hand violently.

Yan, who was already in the void before, suddenly felt light all over.

The speed of the rapid jump has actually changed from the original trend of almost exhaustion.Suddenly it skyrocketed a lot.What's more, he was even more dissatisfied with the man. He used the moon step technique he had mastered in the void, which made his own soaring speed rise to a brand new height.

But even so, after the man has worked so hard and tried his best to climb upwards at an average speed of tens of meters per second for nearly two or three minutes, he still has to admit one thing in despair.

Land creatures are indeed land creatures.No matter how hard you try to break free from the embrace of Mother Earth, it is still an extremely difficult thing.

The scarce oxygen brought about by the high-altitude environment made his body, which seemed to have boundless power, start to look a little sleepy.

The power brought by the huge size is terrifying, but in contrast, he also doubles the weight of a man, and the strength required to rise becomes more and more.

"Is there still about half the distance? And the damn castle in the sky is really annoying! (It was originally at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, but later the king of heaven lowered the height in order to be able to strike the enemies on the sea more accurately)"

"Hmph, humble mortals are destined not to be able to touch my divine seat in the sky!" Im, who is within the heavenly king, is naturally not blind, but he has never planned to do so for the so-called evasion.

The reason is very simple, because ah!
It is impossible for a mortal to touch the throne that belongs to him, the god of heaven.

As the king of the world and the only god at this time, he felt that if he showed any intention of moving or escaping, it would be an insult to him as a god.

And at this moment, when he saw Yan's uncontrollable figure about to fall from the sky, he couldn't help but taunted him.

"Hahaha, yes, it is true that a single mortal cannot touch the throne of the sky! But...we are not alone! Bell!"

Yan raised his head to the sky and roared wildly.

Then, under the call of the man's whistling sound, a certain man in the form of a goshawk came upon hearing the sound.

In an instant, at a speed as fast as lightning, he reached under the man in a flash.He lifted up the man who was exhausted and about to fall.

"I'm sorry! Brother, I shouldn't be too late!"

"Hahaha, the good brother came just in time! Let us tell now, the so-called Lord of the Throne of Heaven. Ordinary people can also touch the throne! Kill!"

"Right on my mind!"

Bell's broad and powerful wings flapped violently.The body of the goshawk carrying Yan's huge demon body just soared into the air again.

This is... the final battle.

(End of this chapter)

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