Chapter 119

Lin Rujin in the space is planting dragon fruit saplings with the little tree spirit.

The little tree spirit looked very serious, as if the dragon fruit saplings were some very important treasures.

Therefore, Lin Rujin has a more specific impression of what the little tree spirit said can make the space upgrade faster.

After about 10 minutes, the huanglongguo saplings were planted.

The little tree spirit flapped its small wings, flew to the side of the river, scooped up the river water with a small spoon, and then flew back to the side of the huanglongguo saplings, watering the huanglongguo saplings very carefully.

That way, it's like taking care of your most beloved and favorite child.

Lin Rujin was silent for a while, before asking: "Little Tree Spirit, will Jing Yancheng's recovery be better after this Huanglongguo sapling is planted?"

"It's not so fast yet. It won't be effective until the huanglongguo saplings grow into fruit, but the plants in the space grow very fast, so it should be enough in a few days." The little tree spirit talked to Lin very seriously. Ru Jin explained.

"Oh, so that's the case, I see." Lin Rujin nodded.

Glancing at the huanglongguo saplings, I prayed in my heart that the huanglongguo saplings would grow up quickly.

Then he turned around and went back to the thatched cottage to see Jingyan City.

Several days have passed, but Jing Yancheng's face is still pale, and he still looks like he might die at any moment.

This made Lin Rujin very uncomfortable.

She was afraid that she would lose control of her tears after watching, so she turned her head and looked outside the thatched cottage: "Little guy, I'm going out first."

"Okay, goodbye." The little tree spirit sat on the ground next to the huanglongguo sapling, quietly looking at the huanglongguo sapling.

With a thought, Lin Rujin dodged and left the space.

She plans to go to the flower and bird market tomorrow to have a look, maybe she can find precious plants.

The next day, after Lin Rujin woke up and washed, she followed Lu Qian to the city center by car.

On the way, Lu Qian asked Lin Rujin: "Boss, can you help with the cashier in the store this morning? The cashier in charge of the morning shift has something to ask for leave."

"Yes." There is something in the store that needs help, and Lin Rujin can't say that she is not free.

And it's only for one morning, she can go to the flower and bird market in the afternoon, and go back to school directly after shopping.

Because Lin Lin's reputation has already been spread, so it's morning inside, and there are many customers who come to Lin Lin's to buy things.

When Lin Rujin was collecting money, she could often hear customers saying that they hoped that Lin Lin's would buy more new fruits and vegetables.

Lin Rujin silently remembered all the opinions raised by the customers in her heart.

I plan to plant some new fruits and vegetables in the space when I have time. If the effect is good, I will ask Lu Qian to tell the staff in Linjiacun to plant some new fruits and vegetables.

When the busy morning was about to pass, a middle-aged woman with an ugly face suddenly walked in the door.

The middle-aged woman was holding a plastic bag with the words "Lin Lin" printed on it. Inside the plastic bag was a large pink and tender peach.

The middle-aged woman walked directly to the front of the cash register, and then put the plastic bag in her hand on the cash register.

With a gloomy face: "This is your Lin Lin's peach."

At this time, there were quite a lot of people in the store, and there were also many people waiting to check out in front of the cash register. They were interrupted, and some of them felt dissatisfied in their hearts when they were in a hurry to check out.

But when he saw that middle-aged woman was fierce and looked like she was here to play an argument, she didn't speak.

Lin Rujin stretched out her hand and took out the big peach from the plastic bag.

The peaches are big, juicy and look delicious.

Almost all of Lin Lin's peaches look like this.

So she nodded: "Yes, it's my Lin Lin's peach, what's the matter?"

The middle-aged woman's face became even more ugly: "What's wrong? Are you ashamed to ask me what's wrong? Tell your boss to come out!"

The movement at the cash register startled Lu Qian and Lin Zhongqiang.

Lu Qian came over in a hurry and asked, "What happened?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Lu Qian, and saw that Lu Qian was someone who could take charge, so she said her purpose of coming here: "Your Lin Lin's peaches have pesticide residues!"

These words stunned the customers who bought things in Lin Lin's.

"What? Pesticide residue?"

"If there are pesticide residues on Linlin's peaches, it will be a disaster. How can people eat pesticides?"

"Yeah, but Lin Lin's peaches taste so good. I've already eaten many of them, and I don't feel any discomfort in my body. There should be no pesticide residues, right?"

Lu Qian's face became serious: "Ma'am, our peaches do not contain pesticides, they are all grown naturally, please don't make things up."

"I made it up? I'm the one who bought the peaches with your money. I'm a consumer. As a consumer, can't I protect my rights?" The middle-aged woman took out a piece of paper from her bag. , photographed above the cash register.

"This one, I went to a specialized organization to do the test, and the test result is that there are pesticide residues in your jar."

"Is pesticide something that people can eat? Other businesses are greedy for money at most. In this black shop of yours, it's okay to be greedy for money. You still want to kill yourself!"

"If I don't speak up today, I will feel sorry for whoever eats your fruits and vegetables in the future, or if something happens to their body."

"I should be the first person to find out that there are pesticide residues on your Lin Lin's fruits and vegetables, so I have to stand up today, and I can't let unscrupulous merchants like you continue to harm people!"

Lu Qian wanted to speak just now, but the middle-aged woman didn't give Lu Qian the chance to speak at all.

She picked up the test report that was just photographed on the cash register, and then walked to the customers in the store: "Come on, take a look, this is a firm certificate from a national authority, even if you are I don’t believe me, and I should also believe this identification certificate.”

"I really don't want to see someone end up in the hospital because they ate Lin Lin's vegetables and fruits!"

"This is a black shop!"

The voice of the middle-aged woman was loud, and the customers in the store were all paying attention, so everyone in the store already knew about it.

The customers looked at each other in blank dismay, and several customers even put the fruit they were holding back on the shelf, and even took out a paper towel to wipe their hands.

Seeing this scene, Lu Qian felt very heavy.

If this matter is not explained clearly, it will definitely deal a big blow to Lin Lin's business.

Lin Rujin is also very aware of this, so her face is not very good at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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