Almighty wife in eighty

Chapter 150 ? Final Exam

Chapter 150 Final Exam
Lin Rujin woke up and saw that it was already seven o'clock.

Today is the day of her final exam, but she must not be late, so she hurriedly changed her clothes and left.

She complained to Jing Yancheng, "Didn't I tell you to wake me up earlier?"

Jing Yancheng came over with breakfast and said with a smile: "I don't want you to sleep for a while, I will drive you later, so you won't be late."

Lin Rujin was afraid that there would be no time, and there would be a traffic jam if she had a snack, so she ate in a hurry.

Zhao Yunxiang on the side smiled and said, "Xiao Jin, don't worry, eat slowly."

Lin Yulu smiled and said to her, "Mom, sister is probably worried about the exam."

Lin Rujin was indeed a little nervous. Too many things happened during the final period. She had to take care of Lin Lin's affairs and Jing Yancheng's injury, so she felt a little powerless in her studies.

In addition, Wu Xiaofang threw away her notebook, which also caused her a lot of trouble. Fortunately, she was blessed by misfortune and got senior sister Shu Wan's notes. During this period of review, she only read senior sister Shu Wan's notes.

After Lin Rujin finished eating in a hurry, she said goodbye to her family and got on the bus to school.

Along the way, she raced against time to read and memorize words, and even Jing Yancheng smiled and comforted her: "Xiao Jin, don't be nervous, it's useless to be nervous at this time."

Lin Rujin rolled his eyes at him: "You don't seem to be nervous."

"That's right." Jing Yancheng said with a smile, "I never reviewed it when I was in school, but I was always No.1 in the school."

Lin Rujin glared angrily at the top student in front of her. Sure enough, people are different. She tried her best to study, but she still felt that she was not good at many things. Jing Yancheng could pass the whole school exam easily. No.1.

Soon the car brought Lin Rujin to the school gate, because it was the final exam, and some parents picked up their children to go back to study, so Jing Yancheng's car parked at the gate was unobtrusive.

As soon as Lin Rujin got out of the car, she heard a voice shouting, "Xiao Jin."

Lin Rujin saw that it was Nuannuan, so she went up to greet her: "Wuannuan, you also came directly from home?"

"That's right, my father gave it to me." Wen Nuan looked at the car she got out of, and asked curiously, "Is that your boyfriend? He's so handsome, even more handsome than Andy Lau."

At this moment, the car window rolled down suddenly, Jing Yancheng said to Lin Rujin: "Xiao Jin, I will wait for you here when the time comes, see you soon."

After saying that, Jing Yancheng drove away.

Nuan Nuan looked at the back of Jing Yancheng's car leaving, and said with some embarrassment: "Won't your boyfriend hear what I just said? That's really embarrassing."

Lin Rujin comforted her with a smile: "It's nothing, he often said that he is more handsome than Andy Lau."

"Huh?" As Andy Lau's diehard fan, Wen Nuan frowned and said, "Then he is a little narcissistic."

When Lin Rujin heard what she said, she gave a "puhba" smile, and then she held her warm arm and said, "It's getting late, let's go to the classroom."

So the two came to the classroom to do a good job, and after a while the teacher began to distribute the test papers.

Lin Rujin took the test paper, looked at the questions roughly, and felt very pleasantly surprised. These questions were all questions that Lin Rujin would do, because most of these questions were recorded in detail in Senior Sister Shu Wan's notebook.

So Lin Rujin quickly completed the test paper, and after carefully checking it three times, Lin Rujin raised her hand to hand in the paper.

The exam hadn't passed an hour, and someone was about to hand in the paper, and all eyes in the classroom were on Lin Rujin.

Even the invigilator frowned and said, "Student Lin Rujin, you should check it carefully again."

"No teacher, I've checked it three times."

Lin Rujin's soft voice was like a thunderclap, which exploded the originally quiet examination room.

The students couldn't do it at all, and some students who couldn't understand her whispered: "Lin Rujin is just pretending."

"Silence." The teacher shouted from the students, then turned to Lin Rujin and said, "Student Lin Rujin, please hand in the paper."

After Lin Rujin handed in the test paper, she took the book and went outside the classroom to review for the next test.

The bell for handing in the paper rang, and the students all left the classroom.

Wen Nuan even looked at Lin Rujin with admiration: "Xiao Jin, you are amazing. I didn't finish the last question. That question was so difficult. You actually finished it and handed in the paper in advance."

At this moment, a classmate who didn't like Lin Rujin came over and said with a sneer, "Wannuan, how do you know that Lin Rujin is all done? Maybe he deliberately brought up the submission for the sake of showing off?"


Many students felt that what that classmate said made sense. Although Lin Rujin was always praised by the teacher during this time, and her grades improved a lot, even the No.1 in their class failed to hand in the paper. Lin Rujin how is this possible.

Lin Rujin was so absorbed in reading that she didn't even glance at that classmate.

But in the eyes of others, they really thought that Lin Rujin was guilty, so the classmate said reluctantly: "I'm right, the No.1 Qin Feng in our class hasn't solved it yet, how can you solve it?" come out?"

"If I solve it, what are you going to do?" Lin Rujin asked coldly.

That classmate didn't expect Lin Rujin to say that. He was sure that Lin Rujin couldn't figure it out, so he said confidently: "If you figure it out, I'll give it to you in front of the teacher and the invigilator in the next class. You apologize."

"keep your word?"

"Of course." The classmate laughed and said, "Lin Rujin, if you can't figure it out, how about you doing my cleaning for me next semester?"

"It's not fair." Nuan Nuan protested, "Why would Xiaowan clean you for a semester if you lose? You just need to apologize if you lose."

"I didn't talk to you." The classmate glared at Wen Nuan, looked at Lin Rujin and said, "How is it? Do you agree or not?"

"Yes." Lin Rujin replied coldly.

After speaking, Lin Rujin took out her notebook and wrote and drew on it.

The surrounding students gathered around Lin Rujin to watch her solve the problem. After a while, everyone let out a voice of wonder.

That classmate originally expected that Lin Rujin would not be able to solve the problem, so she concluded the problem just to delay the time, and didn't even look at how she answered it.

Hearing the exclamation from the students, he finally couldn't help looking over it. He took Lin Rujin's notebook and read it carefully.

Lin Rujin's method of solving the problem was ingenious and very simple. He took it over and looked at it, and felt that the problem was not as difficult as he thought.

"How is it? Did I solve this problem correctly?" Lin Rujin looked at the classmate and asked.

I saw him holding the notebook tightly, and finally admitted with difficulty after a long time: "By the way, I won't break my promise."

(End of this chapter)

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