Almighty wife in eighty

Chapter 206 Kidnapping

Chapter 206 Kidnapping
"Since we don't have money, we can ask others for money." Lin Xiaowan said.

"If you want money, who do you ask for it?" Chen Lei cast a glance at him, "That iron rooster in your family will lend us money, I'm afraid he won't even have time to run."

"Of course we don't want it from our parents." Lin Xiaowan said with a smile, "I want it from Lin Rujin."

"Her? She won't lend it to us, don't waste your efforts."

Chen Lei quickly shook his head, it's because you still want to marry Lin Rujin in the future, and the second is because you know Lin Rujin's temper, if it's not necessary to meet, she might not even meet you.

Lin Xiaowan didn't expect that at this time, Chen Lei was still protecting Lin Rujin's anger, and didn't fight anywhere.

"When is Brother Chen Lei? If you don't get 10 yuan within three days, Mr. Sun will kill you by then!"

Lin Xiaowan's words reminded Chen Lei that his life was in danger now.

Chen Lei asked with a calm face, "Is there anything you can do?"

After Jianjian finally got a little loose, Lin Xiaowan hurriedly said: "There is definitely no way to borrow money from Lin Rujin directly, so why don't we let them have no way to refuse us."

"You mean..." Chen Lei frowned and asked.

"Let's just find someone to kidnap Lin Rujin, and ask Jing Yancheng for a ransom."

Chen Lei felt a little scared when he thought that Mr. Sun would find someone to beat him to death, so he agreed with Lin Xiaowan's opinion.

"What you said is a good idea."

Lin Xiaowan was delighted to hear that, and kidnapped Lin Rujin. If Jing Yancheng didn't pay the money, she would just tear up the ticket, and the person she hated the most would disappear from this world.

If he paid the money, Lin Rujin would bleed profusely. After all, one hundred thousand is not a small amount.

"Brother Chen Lei, wait for me to find those younger brothers." Lin Xiaowan said as she was about to leave.

"Don't leave yet." Chen Lei stopped Lin Xiaowan with his hand.

"Brother Chen Lei, have you changed your mind?" Lin Xiaowan asked anxiously.

She was afraid that this man would still miss Lin Rujin, so she refused to do anything cruel.

"No, I just don't think our people can do it." Chen Lei thought for a while and said, "I came up with a good idea, you take me to see Mr. Sun."

As for Lin Rujin, ever since she proposed to Jing Yancheng to drive away Chen Lei and Lin Xiaowan.I haven't seen any movement from Jing Yancheng.

Jing Yancheng probably also saw the anxiety in Lin Rujin's heart, so after school, he took the initiative to drive her to this place.

"Where are we going?" Lin Rujin asked Jing Yancheng curiously.

"You'll know right away."

The car turned around and turned into a shop near a densely packed residential building.

Jing Yancheng pointed to a shop on the opposite side and said, "That shop is opened by Chen Lei and Lin Xiaowan."

Lin Rujin looked over, and saw that the door was closed, and it didn't appear to be open at all. She remembered that Lin Xiaowan and Shen Wenjing said before that Chen Lei was doing business in the province and made a lot of money every day.

Lin Rujin looked at Jing Yancheng and asked for confirmation: "You did this?"

Jing Yancheng didn't deny it either: "Chen Lei and Lin Xiaowan couldn't hold on just by using some small tricks."

"Small tricks?"

"Yes." Jing Yancheng nodded and said, "I found someone to hire a group of aunts to make trouble in front of their store every day, and their store closed within a week."

"But even so, Chen Lei still has the possibility of making a comeback." Lin Rujin asked worriedly.

"I won't give him this possibility."

Jing Yancheng looked at Lin Rujin with cold eyes and said, "There is a big gift waiting for him behind me."

Lin Rujin frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I know you always wanted to drive them away, but I wanted more than you, so I threw Chen Lei a bait."

Lin Rujin was shocked by Jing Yancheng's words, but he was a little curious about the bait Jing Yancheng said.

"What do you mean by bait?"

Jing Yancheng sneered and said: "A person like Chen Lei wants to climb to the top, so I will give him a chance, let him get an invitation letter for a family reunion by a coincidence."

"You gave him the invitation letter?"

Lin Rujin suddenly didn't understand what this man was going to do?

Jing Yancheng nodded: "Since he wants to fly at high speed, I will let him fly higher and then fall harder."

"But aren't you helping him by doing this? Once Chen Lei gets the opportunity, he will desperately contact the upper-level people, and then seize the opportunity to build relationships with them."

"So I gave him the chance and at the same time sent a scammer close to him."

Jing Yancheng said these shocking facts lightly, Lin Rujin couldn't help staring at him with wide eyes.

Since when did this man start planning?Although Lin Rujin lived with Chen Lei for more than ten years in her previous life, she probably doesn't know Chen Lei as well as this man.

Seeing Lin Rujin's appearance, Jing Yancheng thought she was scared, so he smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

"No." Lin Rujin said lightly, "I can't wait for the two of them to disappear immediately."

"That's good. I'm afraid you'll say I'm cruel."

"People like them should be ruthless. I thought I wasn't ruthless enough to them before." Thinking of so many things that happened before, Lin Rujin even regretted her indecision.

He looked at Jing Yancheng again and asked: "So Chen Lei should have been cheated out of all his money by this scammer, right?"

Jing Yancheng nodded: "Yes, and I seem to have underestimated Chen Lei's greed. He also borrowed a lot of money from the powerful Sun Ge behind him."

Jing Yancheng said with a smile: "That's not a small amount. He borrowed 10 yuan from someone in one go. Even if we don't trouble Chen Lei and Lin Xiaowan, Mr. Sun will not let them go."

Lin Rujin frowned and said, "But I always feel that things are not that simple."

"You're right." Jing Yancheng nodded in agreement, "If Chen Lei was knocked down so easily, then he probably wouldn't have the ability to survive in the city."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I can only tell you that I won't let the two of them have a good time, and you just have to wait for the result."

"Okay, I believe you."

These words seemed to reach Jing Yancheng's heart, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

This is Jing Yancheng holding Lin Rujin's hand, and said solemnly: "Until they are completely driven out of the provincial capital, you must remember to stay in the school, no matter what others say Come out, understand?"

"Even you can't do it?" Lin Rujin asked with some doubts.

Jing Yancheng looked into her eyes, and said solemnly: "I'm worried that they will use my name to let you out, and then do something wrong to you. Please remember that I will not come to you during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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