Almighty wife in eighty

Chapter 248 Want to Change to Science

Chapter 248 Want to Change to Science

"I didn't think too much about choosing liberal arts before, but I found that I should still choose science."

The head teacher nodded and said, "So that's the case, have you considered this matter clearly?"

"I've already considered it." Lin Rujin nodded and said, "Because I didn't participate in the Mathematical Olympiad recently? I don't think I can spend so much time and energy on liberal arts, so I might as well just switch to science."

"But you are already a sophomore in high school now, and you will be under a lot of pressure if you transfer to science now, and it doesn't mean that you can't transfer to science if you want to transfer to science."

"Teacher, please see if there is any way to help me transfer to science."

The class teacher thought for a while and said: "Well, you put this matter aside for a while, I'll ask the dean to see if there is any solution, and I will tell you later, what do you think?"

"Alright then." Lin Rujin nodded and said.

As soon as Lin Rujin and Wen Nuan walked out of the office, they were suddenly stopped by the math teacher.

"Student Lin, come here first."

Lin Rujin walked over suspiciously: "Teacher, what do you want from me?"

The math teacher handed the test paper to Lin Rujin, and said with a smile: "The test paper for the Mathematical Olympiad last time came out, and you scored 80 points well."

Lin Rujin looked at the paper and frowned, obviously she was not very satisfied with the score.

She looked at the teacher and asked, "Teacher, where do I rank among them this time?"

The math teacher didn't expect Lin Rujin to ask this question, he was stunned and said, "Let me take a look."

She flipped through the information in her hand: "Among the 20 classmates, you rank No. 10."

The teacher smiled and said: "This result is not bad for a person who has only trained for three days."

But Lin Rujin was not satisfied, she frowned and said: "This result is not very good, I should continue to work hard."

After saying goodbye to the teacher, she left the office with Nuannuan.

Wen Nuan held Lin Rujin's paper, and asked with some doubts: "Xiao Jin, why are you dissatisfied? This result is obviously so good."

She shook her head. If she only regarded the Mathematical Olympiad as a study, then her current grades are indeed good.

But her goal is not just to study, but to participate in the competition and get a ranking, preferably No.1.

So now ranking No.10 is really not a good result for her, because the whole school can only choose one student to participate in the competition, and Lin Rujin really wants to take this opportunity, not let it go for nothing flow away.

So Lin Rujin practiced more diligently afterwards, and even when she and Jing Yancheng went home, she was still taking advantage of the car time to do the exercises.

Finally, Jing Yancheng couldn't read it anymore, he grabbed Lin Rujin's book and said: "Xiaojin, you should take a break after reading the book for so long."

She angrily took the book in Jing Yancheng's hand and said, "Don't disturb my study."

She said while doing the questions: "This competition is very important to me, and I must participate on behalf of our school."

"It's just extra points, so don't work so hard."

Lin Rujin glared at Jing Yancheng: "What do you know? This is not an extra point, No.1 can get 20 points."

"There is less than a month left to participate in the competition, will you really have time?" Jing Yancheng asked suspiciously, "I heard that you will elect the representatives of the whole school next week, right?"

"Yes." Lin Rujin sighed, "I'm still ranked No.10, so I have to work hard."

Jing Yancheng held her shoulders intimately and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, I won't advise you anymore, but you must remember to combine work with rest, and don't forget to rest."

"I see." Lin Rujin said with a smile.

After returning home, Zhao Yunxiang and Lin Zhongqiang knew that Lin Rujin was busy with the exam, so they took the initiative to undertake the housework, and Jing Yancheng also took the initiative to help in the kitchen.

They took the initiative to create a good learning environment for Lin Rujin, which moved Lin Rujin very much.

Back then when Lin Rujin was tired from studying, she looked up and found that it was already 12 o'clock in the morning.

She squeezed her sore shoulder: "It's already so late!"

"Why are your shoulders so sore?"

So she rummaged in the medicine box, looking for sore tape, but she couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

At this moment, Lin Rujin suddenly thought of space.

Will there be medicine to relieve fatigue in the space?
So Lin Rujin came into the space, because she was busy with the Mathematical Olympiad exam recently, so she didn't enter the space for nearly two weeks.

She found that the flowers that had been planted in the space before had grown into trees, and the tall flowers had turned into trees, full of flowers.

Lin Rujin was stunned by the sight in front of her, when the little tree spirit flew in front of her.

"Sister, you are here." The little tree spirit pointed to the flower tree and said, "How beautiful is it?"

Lin Rujin nodded, and asked curiously, "Little Tree Spirit, did you do this?"

The little tree spirit shook his head: "No, this is because the space has been upgraded, so the spirituality in the space has been enhanced, and the original attributes of the plants have also been changed."

"It seems so."

Lin Rujin seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked the little tree spirit, "What will happen to the creatures in that space? They won't become spirits, right?"

"No." The little tree spirit smiled, "A creature has its own spirituality, and it will not be easily changed by the spirituality in the space."

The little tree spirit pointed to the fish in the river and the honey flying in the sky and said, "Look at the fish and honey in the space, there hasn't been any changes for so long."

Lin Rujin went to have a look, and found that the number and shape of the fish and bees seemed to have grown a little bit, and there was no change in the others.

"It seems to be." Lin Rujin said with a smile, "I am still afraid that one day I will enter the space and find that the fish and honey have become essences, so what should I do?"

"Don't worry, sister."

Lin Rujin finally remembered what she was doing in the space. She said to the little tree spirit, "Little tree spirit, I've been feeling tired lately. Is there anything I can do to relieve my fatigue?"

"Of course there is." The little tree spirit pointed to the river water and said, "The river water is fine. There is spirituality in the river water, so it can help heal wounds and relieve fatigue."

"You mean, if I bathe in this river water, it will relieve my fatigue?"


The little tree spirit seemed to have thought of something, and flew back to the small hut. When she came out, she handed a small box to Lin Rujin and said, "There are nectar in this box."


Lin Rujin opened the box, and saw a few delicious-looking sugar pills inside.

(End of this chapter)

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