Almighty wife in eighty

Chapter 257? Find clues

Chapter 257 Finding Clues
After falling into the river, Lin Rujin completely lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw the roof of the small hut. The little tree spirit was dancing beside her and asked, "Sister, you're awake!"

Lin Rujin glanced at the little tree spirit: "Thank you, little tree spirit."

The little tree spirit took out a nectar candy and gave it to Lin Rujin: "Eat this quickly today, and you will feel refreshed immediately."

"Okay." Lin Rujin nodded.

After he ate the nectar, he immediately felt a force coming out of her internal organs, and his whole body was filled with strength immediately.

"Thank you, little tree spirit, I feel much better." Lin Rujin said with a smile.

"Then I'll cook for my sister, and you should rest first." After speaking, the little tree spirit flew out.

She immediately sat up and asked the little tree spirit, "What time is it outside, little tree spirit?"

"It should only have been three hours outside."

"Thank you!"

Lin Rujin breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he did not miss the exam tomorrow.

Lin Rujinyue, who was lying on the bed, kept thinking about what happened yesterday, and she secretly vowed in her heart that she would take revenge for all the things Wu Xiaofang did to her.

Lin Rujin recuperated in the space, and after feeling that she had fully recovered, she said goodbye to the little tree spirit: "Little tree spirit, then I'm leaving now."

"By the way, is there any way for the little tree spirit not to appear in the hotel, if it appears in other places?"

"Of course you can!" The little tree spirit said with a smile, "Space can change the sum of time, so you can go to any place you want through space."

"Really?" Lin Rujin said with a smile, "Then can I appear directly at the door of the hotel?"

"Of course you can!"

The little tree spirit flew into the air, waved his big hand, and a burst of light appeared in front of him, and a crack appeared in the space.

The little tree spirit pointed to the crack and said, "Sister, go out from here, and you will arrive at the entrance of the hotel."


After speaking, Lin Rujin walked out of the space. At this time, the sky outside was just dawn, and it was already very lively outside the hotel, full of people and vehicles.

Lin Rujin was sitting in the lobby of the hotel, she couldn't stay in her room anymore, she was afraid that Wu Xiaofang would still be waiting there, and now she would be safer in such a public place.

At this moment, I saw two cleaning aunts walking past Lin Rujin pushing a tool cart.

The two said as they walked, "Did you see what it looked like in room 708?"

"I see, the bathroom door and glass inside have all been smashed, and there is still blood in the bathroom."

"Yeah, I was shocked when I read it. There is a little girl living in the book. I don't know what's going on now."

"I heard that the manager didn't call the police, but suppressed the matter?"

"How do I know that?" Suddenly the aunt said in a low voice, "Don't talk about it here, let's go to other places and talk about it slowly."

After speaking, the two of them went into the main building in the stairwell, but they didn't realize that Lin Rujin was following them secretly.

When the two came to the stairwell, they lost their scruples and started discussing without fear.

"You don't know that scene is terrible. That girl, something must have happened. I think she either died or was sold."

"It's so miserable." Another aunt asked dubiously, "Can things be suppressed before?"

"If you can't suppress it, you have to suppress it. Aunt Wang, who cleans the seventh floor, saw it. The person who gave the girl the last lunch box is a relative of our manager."

"It's okay to send a box lunch, right?"

The aunt who was talking pulled the person in front of her, and said in a low voice: "You don't know the inside story, Aunt Wang secretly told me that he saw the manager's relatives who were stuffed with money to deliver the lunch box. "

"Isn't it murder for money?"

"Who said it wasn't?" The aunt who spoke shook her head and said, "So you didn't see that Aunt Wang didn't even pay her this month's wages and was kicked out by the manager?"

"Then let me tell you, Aunt Wang was smart enough to not tell the manager the truth. If she did, I dare say his life would be gone."

"My God, it's so scary!"

After the two people sighed, when they were about to leave, they were blocked by Lin Rujin.

The two aunts were taken aback. They guessed that Lin Rujin might not have heard all of their words. They didn't know who Lin Rujin was, so they asked in a panic: "Sister, what are you doing here?"

Lin Rujin didn't talk nonsense with these two people, she walked directly in front of them, and asked straight to the point: "Where does that Mrs. Wang you mentioned live?"

"This..." The two looked at each other, but no one dared to say anything.

One of the aunts was bolder and said to her: "Sister, why are you asking this? We don't know anything."

"Auntie, don't be nervous." Lin Rujin smiled, took out 100 yuan from her wallet, and gave it to the two of them.

"I'm a classmate with the girl from 708, and I'm also worried about her whereabouts, so I want to ask Aunt Wang about her situation."

"That's it!"

Although the two of them still looked at Lin Rujin hesitantly, they won 100 yuan so easily, and neither of them would let go.

So an aunt readily gave her Aunt Wang's address, and then said to Lin Rujin: "Sister, don't say that we are the ones who said this, we ordinary people can't afford to lose our jobs. "

Lin Rujin nodded and said, "I know that, you two can rest assured."

Lin Rujin carefully put the note into her purse, then bypassed the crowd and came to the parking lot through the back door.

At this time, it was brightly lit, and as soon as she arrived at the parking lot, she saw the teacher's car driving over.

"Student Lin." The teacher greeted her happily, "You came so early."

Lin Rujin nodded and said, "Yes, I couldn't sleep for some things, so I got up early."

"Well, let's go to the examination room now."

Lin Rujin got into the teacher's car, but as soon as she got in, she squinted at the familiar man in black behind her.

She yelled to the teacher: "Teacher, drive quickly."

"What happened to Lin Rujin?" The teacher was a little puzzled by Lin Rujin's sudden words.

But Lin Rujin seemed to be running out of time, so he stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out.

The teacher quickly turned on the steering wheel and drove the car out. He wanted to turn his head on Lin Rujin and reprimand loudly: "Student Lin, do you know how dangerous this is?"

"Teacher, calm down." Lin Rujin said coldly, and then pointed to the rearview mirror, "Teacher, did you see those men in black chasing behind the car?"

The teacher glanced in the rearview mirror: "Why are these people chasing my car for no reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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