Almighty wife in eighty

Chapter 545? Sudden Accident

Chapter 545 Sudden Accident
"What are you laughing at?" Jing Yancheng looked at Lin Rujin curiously, "Ever since you received the ring, you can't stop smiling."

"Because I was thinking..." Lin Rujin's face was a little shy, "After I suddenly became a member of Lin Rujin in your house, I was thinking about how to decorate your empty house."

Jing Yancheng looked a little frustrated, "What, after a long time, he was thinking about my house instead of me."

"Of course I'm thinking of you too." Lin Rujin said with a smile, "I'm trying to be like Lin Rujin in your family!"

Hearing Lin Rujin say this, Jing Yancheng also felt very happy in his heart, "I was thinking about buying a new house."

"Still buying it?" She looked at Jing Yancheng in shock, why did Jing Yancheng say that buying a house is as easy as buying cabbage?

"Just one house is enough, how can we need so many." Although Lin Rujin complained on the mouth, but in her heart she was flattered.

"Well then, I will hand in the salary card after we get married, and you can buy whatever you want, and I just ask you what you think."

Lin Rujin found it a little funny, "We're not married yet, and you want me to take care of you? Other men don't want their wives to take care of you, but you still let me take care of you."

"It's because their awareness is not high." Jing Yancheng said solemnly, "Behind every successful man there is a woman who takes care of him, so in order to make my career more successful, I have to find a woman to take care of me first. "

Lin Rujin blushed, feeling that Jing Yancheng's mouth was getting sweeter and sweeter.

During the days when they were preparing to get married, the relationship between the two was getting better and better, like glue, and they wished that the two would become one person and stick together every day.

But on this day when Lin Rujin was trying on the wedding dress, Jing Yancheng suddenly went outside to answer the phone. Lin Rujin thought it would only take a few minutes, but he didn't expect that Jing Yancheng went there for an entire hour and didn't return.

Lin Rujin looked and looked at the glass window outside, "Did something happen? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

The staff of the bridal shop looked at Lin Rujin with a smile, "Your husband may be busy with something."

It must be that something is wrong, if Jing Yancheng really has something to do, he will definitely not leave without saying goodbye, he will definitely notify himself, something must have happened.

Lin Rujin took off the wedding dress and put it in the staff's hands, "Let's make an appointment next time when we try on the wedding dress. I have something to do and I'll leave first."

After Lin Rujin came out, she found that Jing Yancheng was nowhere to be seen. She felt panicked in her heart, and quickly dialed Jing Yancheng's phone number, but there was a busy tone.

Lin Rujin held the phone tightly, flustered, "Where are you, Jing Yancheng? Why don't you answer the phone?"

Just then her cell phone rang, and it was Grandpa Jing who called.

Lin Rujin looked at the phone and almost cried, "Grandpa, I was trying on a wedding dress with Jing Yancheng, but he went out to answer the phone and he disappeared. I don't know how he is doing now."

"Xiao Jin, calm down, I have something to tell you." Grandpa Jing's tone changed from being kind and kind before, sounding very nervous, "Jing Yancheng's parents had an accident."

Lin Rujin took a taxi and came to Jing's house in a panic. She opened the door and hurriedly found Grandpa Jing, "Grandpa, tell me what happened?"

On the phone, Grandpa Jing didn't understand what he said, and Lin Rujin was worried, so she had to come here first by car.

"If Jing Yancheng wants to leave, why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he answer my call? What's going on?"

Lin Rujin didn't believe that Jing Yancheng left without telling, and Grandpa Jing also found that he couldn't hide it from him, so he could only say, "The man was actually kidnapped."

"What?" Lin Rujin couldn't believe her ears. She was shocked and afraid in her heart, "Why did things turn out like this? I don't remember any enemies he has?"

Chen Lei, who wanted to kidnap Jing Yancheng a long time ago, and his gang of gangsters, have all been dealt with by them. Now they are all locked in the cell and can't get out at all. Then who is going to kidnap Jing Yancheng? Woolen cloth?

"This matter is more complicated than you think." Grandpa Jing sighed as he said, "It's my fault, I hurt him."

Lin Rujin was stunned, "Grandpa, why do you say that? Grandpa, do you have something to hide from me?"

She jumped in anger, tears streaming down her face, "What time is it now, why are you still hiding it from me! What happened?"

Grandpa Jing knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only tell her the truth, "Do you still remember Mingxue?"

Her heart skipped a beat, and tears filled her eyes, "You mean to say that the person who kidnapped Jingyan City was Mingxue?"

"There is a shadow of Mingxue in here, as for whether it is Mingxue, it is hard to say." Grandpa Jing was also anxious, "Jing Yancheng's parents also had an accident. They were going to go through the formalities to go back to the country, but they suddenly disappeared. .”

"That means someone has been pretending to be Jing Yancheng's parents to contact him, right?"

Grandpa Jing nodded, "That's right, we don't even know who the enemy is now, and we have no idea what to do."

At this moment, Lin Rujin suddenly thought of someone, and before he had time to say anything to Grandpa Jing, he left immediately, "I thought of it, I thought of someone who can help."

She ran wildly all the way, and when she reached the gate of the police station, she didn't even dare to breathe in the car, so she knocked on the door of Li Tianming's office, "Uncle Li, you must help me."

Li Tianming was also taken aback when he saw Lin Rujin flustered, "Xiao Jin? Why are you here?"

"Uncle Li, it's too late to explain, please quickly help me find out where Jing Yancheng's phone is, and see if I can locate it."

Uncle Li saw that he was so flustered, and began to feel that something was wrong, "What happened to Jingyan City?"

"He has been kidnapped. There is no way to contact him now. We can only see if he can find his location through the location of his mobile phone."

Li Tianming understood, and immediately started to act, looking for traces of Jing Yancheng.

After locking the phone with GPS, the data was quickly obtained, "The location of the boss has been found, at the airport."


"Too bad, they must want to take Jing Yancheng away. If we leave the country, there is nothing we can do."

Li Tianming took Lin Rujin to the airport, and led the police master to search the airport, but to his disappointment, he only found Jing Yancheng's mobile phone in the trash can.

Lin Rujin looked at the phone and almost cried, "Then what should I do? Does this mean that Jing Yancheng may have left the country?"

"Xiao Jin, don't worry." Li Tianming comforted, "According to what you said, Jingyan City doesn't have a passport, so it is impossible to leave by flight. Then there is only one way, which is a private flight."

(End of this chapter)

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