Chapter 332

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In 1555, February NO.16, there was continuous light rain in London today as usual, which made this busy city even more busy.

However, it is gratifying that the city of London no longer sees that kind of sludge mixture flowing unscrupulously in the streets, nor does it see the black and yellow sewage flooding narrow alleys and making people unable to travel.

Of course, what makes His Majesty the king most proud is that even though it was raining in the sky, the merchants still walked in an orderly manner, urging horses, pulling carts, and carrying burdens.

Faced with such a light rain, the traders who cared about their interests only regarded the light rain as a sunny day, tall and wide hats, and small black umbrellas to keep the cold drizzle away.

At this moment, our king naturally did not rest, but sat in the carriage, urging the groom to speed up.

Laura sat securely in the corner of the carriage, looking at a book in her hand. The pages were already full of wrinkles. Obviously, this young woman was serious about reading.

Edward glanced at her helplessly. From this point of view, she seemed to be unrestrained and relaxed, but he was anxious and irritable, losing his former indifference.

However, when he thought of the three children he was about to meet, Edward immediately became nervous and excited again.

This is the first time in his two lives that he has given birth to a child, and the feeling of continuing the offspring is really great.

More importantly, this broke history. If he had fertility, the possibility of the entire Tudor dynasty becoming extinct would be infinitely reduced.

This is something to be happy about.

As for the future of the illegitimate child, Edward had a rough plan in mind, and in the end, a nobleman was inevitable.

And if there is no official heir in the future, Edward doesn't mind breaking the European inheritance rules, even if it offends the entire European royal family.

Thinking of this, Edward's face couldn't help but become serious.

"Your Majesty?" Laura on the side noticed that the king's face was a little abnormal, and she quickly tilted her neck and asked tentatively.

"Nothing!" Edward shook his head and said softly.

After being interrupted by Laura, Edward smiled to himself, what was he thinking, this matter has not been affected yet?Don't worry about it.

And seeing the young king's complexion constantly changing, he couldn't help but feel curious.

What a strange guy.

The young woman thought silently in her heart, and then threw herself into the book in her hand.

On the muddy road, several carriages were galloping faster than usual. The poor 200 guards, braving the drizzle, wearing a layer of cowhide raincoats, rode horses to guard beside the carriages, and even controlled the legs of their mounts. Keeping the speed parallel to the carriage can be described as extremely hard work.

Soon, the convoy saw the broad Thames River, and up the Thames River was Hampton Palace.

And sister Luna Lucy, and Emma are staying here.

Compared with London, Hampton Court Palace has a beautiful environment, quiet and peaceful, which is very suitable for the cultivation of pregnant women.

Soon, the horse stepped on the wet grass and quickly came to Hampton Court Palace. Edward got off the car impatiently and walked to the palace of the three women.

It stands to reason that in Western traditions, there is no custom of confinement.

However, England at this time was very different from the England of later generations. The body's resistance was extremely low. Even if they passed the hurdle of childbirth, there were not a few people who died after childbirth.

For example, Edward's mother in this life—Jane Seymour, died of puerperal fever.

Therefore, under the letter of Edward Flying Pigeon, the three pregnant women directly lived in a specially remodeled house.

It is not as tall and gorgeous as a palace, but looks very simple. The biggest feature is that it is well ventilated, the air circulates smoothly, and the indoor temperature is just right.

Therefore, when Edward came back, he did not go to the gorgeous and luxurious palace, but to the spacious maternity room.

Edward took a hot bath first to wash off the bacteria and dust on his body, then changed into a comfortable piece of normal clothes, and hurried away.

The three rooms didn't make Edward find the nearest one because of something, and walked in.

Ignoring the serving maid, Edward walked directly into the room.

Looking at it, Lucy is lying on the white velvet bed, her eyes are fixed on the small crib next to the bed, the corners of her mouth are raised, her delicate legs are tucked into the quilt, her body is leaning, maternal The radiance filled the entire room.

"Lucy, my little maid, how is your health?"

Edward came to the bed in three steps, put his hands gently on her shoulders, and greeted her softly.

"Your Majesty—" Lucy's eyes suddenly showed surprise, and the gentle feminine radiance disappeared in an instant, and she returned to the naughty maid familiar to Edward.

"Why did you come back? I've been waiting for a long time. Lucy misses you so much. I, I'm afraid I'll never see you again!"

Lucy embraced Edward's neck in surprise, buried her head in Edward's arms, and said, the original joy turned into crying, and she even sobbed softly, shaking her body.

Seeing this, Edward just patted Lucy's smooth and tender back with his right hand, and comforted her softly with his mouth in her ear.

This was also his mistake, he misestimated the time and thus failed to be by their side.

You must know that at this time, whether it is the East or the West, having a child is no less than passing the test of life and death.

Even if he had already arranged for disinfection, hot water, and an experienced midwife, the danger was still enormous.

Therefore, this fear of life and death is not only unique to Lucy, but also to Luna and Emma. It is possible that they will never see him again.

I don't know whether his defensive measures are effective or God blesses, all three of them gave birth smoothly, which can be described as happy.

Edward comforted Lucy for a while, then looked at the little people aside.

The villain was tightly wrapped in silk, his eyes were closed, his mouth twitched from time to time, his skin was smooth and pink, and he looked very cute.

"Lucy, his name is Henry, Henry Tudor!"

The more Edward watched, the happier he became, and the joy on the corners of his brows couldn't be stopped, and Lucy also nestled in his arms obediently, watching her son quietly.

"Tudor?" Lucy said with some doubts.

"That's right, it's Henry Tudor. This is the surname he should have."

Edward said categorically, without any hesitation.

It's no wonder that Lucy was confused. In this era, although it is common knowledge that nobles keep mistresses, in order to maintain the face of the so-called nobles, illegitimate children generally do not have the same surname as their biological father.

In order to maintain the honor of the family, the nobles would even give away their illegitimate children to sever ties.

(End of this chapter)

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