my british empire

Chapter 384 Navigator

Chapter 384 Navigator

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John Hawkins faced the sea breeze briskly, his long flaxen hair was blown into a mess, but he didn't care at all, his face was full of satisfaction.

The younger brother beside him looked at his elder brother in a daze, seeing his crazy expression and language.

William was silent. He couldn't figure out where his brother had such great confidence in this new trade route.

You know, in the whole of England, there are no people engaged in the slave trade, they can be described as No.1.

"John, that, if you catch those black people, will it reduce our favor before God? I don't want to go to hell after I die!"

Thinking of hell, William thought of all kinds of demons and tortures, and endless devils.

Hearing his younger brother's words, John couldn't help becoming silent. To be honest, he was actually a little conflicted about these things.

After all, what he was about to do was forbidden in God's Bible.

"It's okay, my brother!" John cheered himself up in his heart, and then comforted himself with a smile: "It's okay, it's a big deal, after you come back, donate half of the profits you get to the church! My Lord will definitely feel it." We are sincere! We will definitely!"

John said a little self-deception, repeating.

"I hope so!" William blinked, looked at the blue sea and the seagulls with wings, and sighed softly.

John Hawkins' ship was a galleon, a Spanish galleon.

Since Spain established its colonies in the Americas, it needs to carry a large number of goods and soldiers across the Atlantic Ocean. The main seagoing ships at that time—the houseboats and the caravels—are no longer up to such heavy tasks. The Spanish "Galleons" (Galleons) ) combines the advantages of these two types of ships, so it has a long-standing reputation.

It generally has 4 masts, the front two masts are hung with railing sails, and the rear two masts are hung with triangular sails.

The standard length is 46m-55m, the displacement is 300-1000 tons, there are several long decks, and the poop is very high.

The large Galen aft deck has 7 floors, a displacement of 2000 tons, a draft of 8 meters, and good endurance. It has been the largest sea-going ship in the world for a long time.

For hundreds of years, Galen ships have been the best choice for the American colonies to transport gold and silver to Spain. They have left a huge reputation in the history of world shipping, and they are also called treasure ships.

The ship under his feet was the largest Galenic ship in the fleet, reaching 120 tons. It was named "Samonche", and it belonged to a light Galenic ship.

Next, the fleet began to head southeast, riding the wind and waves.

Of course, brothers John and William, who had been blown by the wind for an hour, naturally returned to the cabin and took a rest.

Although John Hawkins is the captain, he can only live in a room with a size of five square meters, a large bed, several tables, and some red wine and snacks. There is a bow on the wall, a binoculars, and a Swords, and matchlocks.

On the desk is a thick Bible and the captain's sailing diary.

As an ordinary clerk, William's room is naturally not as good as the captain's, so most of the time, he stays in his brother's room, reading books quietly and enjoying his peaceful time.

Like his elder brother, William's love for the sea is derived from his genes, but unlike his elder brother who loves business, he likes his father, who likes reading and prefers to be in politics.

Historically, these two brothers, one is the actual commander of the English navy, and the other is the mayor of Plymouth, both participated in the resistance against the Spanish Armada and made great contributions.

Looking at the weather outside the window, the sun has already started to fall to the west, and the red afterglow is rendering the whole sky, and the sea below seems to be stained with a touch of color, which looks extraordinarily beautiful.

"William, come out, the boat is about to dock!" Just as William was watching with relish, his brother's call suddenly came from his ear.

"Yes, right away!" William clamped a leaf on the page he just read as a bookmark, then closed the book, and placed it carefully on the front corner of the desk.

He ran swiftly to the deck, full of doubts in his heart, so soon?

"John, is it so soon? It's only a day!"

"No, my brother, you are confused by reading!" Hearing William's words, John couldn't help laughing, patted William on the shoulder, and continued: "We have arrived in the Canary Islands and are preparing to Stop the boat at the port of Tenerife!"

Speaking, John pointed to the ships docked ahead and the merchant ships lined up behind, and said.

William saw in a blink of an eye that there were merchant ships docked all around him, and there was an endless stream.

The Canary Islands are the archipelago in front of Morocco and a stop in front of the Mediterranean Sea. There is an endless stream of merchant ships, and the Spaniards are soft on tax collection.

In the 21st century, Spain still occupies this archipelago that originally belonged to Morocco. After the loss of Gibraltar, it is the main point of guarding the Mediterranean Sea, only Gibraltar.

"Why do we come here, isn't it to catch black people?" William was a little surprised.

"We came here to find an old buddy!" John couldn't help sighing as he watched the people coming and going at the pier in front of him, bustling with people.

"Without this old man, how can we safely take the new route? How can we catch black people?"

Soon, while talking, the boat docked at the pier, and the two of them disembarked with a dozen sailors and boarded the pier.

The rest of the ships are buying supplies, and the next voyage will take a long time!
"He is a Spaniard. He worked with a Spanish slave ship for a period of time. He is very familiar with that route. With him as a navigator, we will be safe!"

Then, a group of people went directly to the south, less than two miles away, full of hungry and cold children and poor people, all kinds of garbage filled the ditches, and the stench went straight to the sky.

John Hawkins was used to this, and led the way ahead without changing his expression, turning left and turning around.

While walking, he said to his brother:

"He was injured in his arm and can no longer be a sailor, so he is currently living in a difficult situation. If we bring him income, we will definitely agree!"

"Don't look down on him. Spain is much more familiar with the African coast than we are. With him leading the way, it must be much safer!"

After the introduction, they waited for others and arrived at their destination.

William looked up and saw a simple shack built of wood and thatch. A man in his 30s was about to use thatch to decorate the roof of his house with one arm.

"Domingo, my friend, I have come to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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