my british empire

Chapter 400 Heretics Are Worse Than Heretics

Chapter 400 Heretics Are Worse Than Heretics

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The so-called Holy Roman Empire, the full name: the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, or the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic Nation.

It was a feudal monarchy empire spanning Western and Central Europe from 962 to 1806. Its territory included today's Germany, northeastern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

In 962 AD, Otto I, king of Germany (formerly the Kingdom of East Francia), was crowned Emperor of Rome by the Pope in Rome.

Later Frederick I changed the name of the country to the Holy Roman Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire located in Constantinople are collectively known as the two major empires, which are the only emperors.

Later, the predecessor of Russia, Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow, won the Eastern Roman Empire, that is, Sophia, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor, as his wife, and introduced Byzantine court etiquette to Moscow. At the same time, he adopted the double-headed eagle of the Byzantine Empire as the national emblem of his country.

That being the case, the supreme leader of Russia can no longer be called the Grand Duke, but should use the title of the two supreme rulers of Rome-Caesar.

Therefore, the word "tsar" (Russian: царь) was formed from the sound "sand" of Caesar in Slavic, which is the origin of "tsar".

In this era of jurisprudence in Europe, other countries can only be called kings and grand dukes. Claiming to be emperor without authorization will be laughed at, or even attacked by groups.

For most of the empire's history, it consisted of hundreds of smaller subordinate units, among them princes, duchies, counties, and free cities.

In the early days, the emperor was a feudal empire with actual power, but in the 14th century, it evolved into a confederate empire that recognized the emperor as the highest authority, and the emperor became a title.

The Confederacy was invented by the Europeans. In the early days of the founding of the United States, it was such a confederate country.

The elector is the prince of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation who has the right to elect the Holy Roman Emperor of Germany.

The emperor was elected by them, so Edward dismissed this false Holy Roman Emperor who had no real rights.

On the surface, this was the case, but Guy at the side could still tell that His Majesty the King's tone was still full of sourness, very strong.

Of course Edward was jealous, you know, this is the emperor!
In the entire Western world, there is only one emperor, who is much more majestic than the so-called Indian emperor later Queen Victoria.

When you meet other kings in the future, your status will be directly higher, which will make you angry and speechless.

Of course, there was also a hint of joy in Edward's heart.

The Habsburg dynasty is too terrifying. Although the two countries have become allies, if the allies are too strong, it will be scary.

Reduce some strength, and the status between the two countries will be more equal.


At this time, Philip II, who had just become the king of Spain, did a big thing, something unexpected and reasonable.

He moved the former administrative center from the wealthy lowland king Netherlands to Spain.

His father, Charles V, was the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and his territories were everywhere. Therefore, he often issued orders from the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, or even a small territory. The relatively wealthy Netherlands became the administrative center.

But when it came to Philip II, it didn't work.

He lost the title of Austria and Emperor, which means that the Netherlands is an enclave compared to Spain.

The important thing is that, unlike Charles V who was born in the Netherlands, he was born in Spain and spoke Spanish, but could not speak French and German in the Netherlands. The so-called money in the Netherlands gave No comfort to him.

More importantly, the Netherlands is no longer what it used to be in the Netherlands. The tricksters here are getting more and more tricky. Many people have turned their backs on the Almighty Lord and turned into the arms of heresy. This made the devout Catholic king unbearable.

Heretics are more hateful than heretics.

Therefore, the relocation of the administrative center has become an inevitable trend.

Madrid was his first choice.

Although he did not explicitly claim to move the capital to Madrid, everyone knows that since the new king came to the throne, he has given orders from Madrid, and he brought his own court and lived in the Pardo Palace.

More importantly, in a canyon outside Madrid, thousands of workers are non-stop starting to build a large palace for His Majesty the King.

Standing in front of the palace under construction, Philip II watched quietly with his prime minister, queen, and other court ministers.

"Everyone, this is really a good place!" His Majesty the King sighed with a fond expression.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is indeed a good place, the whole of Spain is a good place!" The new Prime Minister is Earl Erin, a gentle and elegant middle-aged man.

It was obvious that Earl Erin meant something, and the faces of several ministers in the court were immediately moved, showing a little bit of anger.

But Philip II pretended not to see it, and continued:

"Yes! Such a wonderful place is where we live, what do you think? Earl Alyn!"

"Of course, this is where nobles like me should live!" Earl Alyn complimented immediately.

"What do you think, Mary?" he asked about his queen.

"Indeed, Your Majesty, this place is indeed much better than the Netherlands!" Queen Mary said happily, sniffing her nose lightly.

Marie's mother was from Aragon, and she could speak and listen to Spanish, much better than the Netherlands, which is full of German and French.

"How can such a beautiful place allow inferior people to exist in this land? Never allow it!"

His majesty's soft growl made the ministers beside him tremble with fear, their legs trembled, and their hearts trembled.

They knew that something important might happen today.

"Anyone with 'impure blood' is absolutely not allowed to serve in the church of the Kingdom of Castile!"

He shouted: "The pagans of Germany and France ... are all of Jewish descent."

The current Kingdom of Spain is the result of the merger of the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Aragon, and Philip II came from the Kingdom of Castile. Naturally, the old habit is still called the Kingdom of Castile.

The name of the Kingdom of Spain today is the name of the Kingdom of Spain, after Queen Isabella II passed the constitutional monarchy bill in 1837, officially merging the two kingdoms into one country, and decided to use the Spanish word "Espana" (n with waves on it) The pronunciation of the pictophonetic symbol is similar to "brew", which means "hare" in Phoenician), which has since ended the 300-year-old federal model.

As soon as such ruthless words came out, the faces of the ministers were all different.

 There is a lot of information in this chapter, so I will popularize it for some students who don’t know

(End of this chapter)

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