
Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Gao Wen didn't know why this kind of uneasiness came from, it was just a kind of sixth sense anyway!
He just told himself in his heart: what should be done has already been done, all that is left is to wait, Xu Youzhen will not let Gao Wen down, no.

Gao Wen and Daying and Xiaoying entered Xi'an City at noon, and they waited until Shen Shi and they hadn't seen anyone come back yet.

Gradually, he felt something was wrong.According to the legal procedures of the Ming Dynasty, Gao Wen had a major case on his back, and when he arrived in Xi'an, he first went to the Criminal Division to file a report.Because he is a well-known scholar, he cannot go to prison, so he can only be placed under residential surveillance, waiting for the yamen to interrogate him, which is equivalent to the shuanggui of later generations.However, in any case, you still have to go to the Criminal Division first to leave a record.

But the big eagle and the little eagle have been out for two hours, and they haven't come back yet, which is a bit unusual.

"I can't wait like this any longer. My own destiny has to be in my own hands."

Thinking of this, Gao Wen stood up and was about to walk out of the courtyard.

A catcher hurriedly asked, "Mr. Gao, where are you going?"

Gao Wen: "Stay bored at home, go out for a walk."

Another policeman was shocked: "Mr. Gao, Master Yun has told you to wait here and not to go out. If the Criminal Commissioner comes and sends you to ask questions, I will have to explain it to you."

Gao Wen smiled, and said: "It's not that I'm going out for a stroll, but I have business to do. Didn't I win the first case of the Pingliang Prefecture Academy of Sciences, and I have to learn from government officials to study in the government? It's mid-May now , There is still more than a month before Qiu Wei. Sitting here today is also boring, so I thought about going to the Xuezheng Yamen to report my name."

According to the imperial examination system of the Ming and Ming dynasties, generally speaking, the examination dates for the provincial examinations in autumn are set in August.Of course, this date is not fixed and should be adjusted according to provinces and regions.Among them, the most critical is the weather.

Although the township examination is called Qiuwei, as the name suggests, it is an examination in autumn.In fact, many provinces are still very hot in August.Especially in the southern provinces, after entering the examination room, candidates are nervous, heat stroke or even death from heat.Therefore, in provinces such as Jiangnan and Huguang, the examination period is mostly postponed to late August.

But in the northern provinces, it is early because of the cold weather.In many places, it starts to snow in late August.This has to be done in advance, such as Shaanxi and Liaodong, some years are scheduled for late June.Of course, among the northern provinces, Shandong is a special case, where the heat is extremely hot, sometimes even later than Guangdong and Guangxi.

When he entered the Pingliang Tribute Academy that day to enroll in his student status, Gao Wen had already found out from the academic officials that the provincial examination in Shaanxi this year had been brought forward to June [-]th, and the examiner was Li Zhen, who was sent by the Imperial College from the capital to sacrifice wine.

Li Zhen, whose name is Changqi, was a Jinshi in the second year of Yongle, and he was selected as a good scholar. He once participated in Henan Zuo politics.This person has experienced Yongle, Hongxi, Xuande, Zhengtong, Jingtai and five dynasties, and he has a very high prestige.Moreover, this person is also the leader of today's scholars, and he also participated in the editing of "Yongle Dadian" during the Yongle period.Later, because he was too old to be able to see things, he worked as a sacrificial wine for the Imperial College, and took up idle errands in managing the country's highest institution.It is planned to let him work for another two years, and then he will retire and go home to be honored.

However, Li Zhenjing wanted to move so much that she participated in this year's big exam with a group of juniors.

The so-called poor test refers to the selection of the chief examiners of the provincial test every three years.

According to the examination system of the Ming Dynasty, every year of the Dabi, the chief examiners for the provincial and township examinations should be sent by the central government.

This is a fat job. Generally speaking, after Chinese-style scholars pass the Juren examination, they will go to the teacher to learn from their masters and give them a meeting gift. There are two or thirty taels of silver, or even hundreds of taels of silver.Fifty juren come down, that is thousands of taels of silver.And this money is legal income, and he can get it with peace of mind.

The most wonderful thing is that candidates can become officials after winning the exam. In the future, some people will be able to win Jinshi and become high-ranking officials of the Ming Empire.

Therefore, in order to compete for this job, the court officials are all gearing up, not because they want to get money, recruit students, and gather contacts.

Therefore, every first day of May in the Year of the Big Competition, the emperor will personally act as the chief examiner to test the officials sent by the Imperial Academy and various ministries. This exam is also called the "big exam." The head of the number, I recommended myself, and others have nothing to do with him.

The poor exam questions are far simpler than those of the general exam. There are three questions in total, two four-book questions, and one test post poem question, which limits the rhyme.

Li Jijiu is in charge of the educational institution, and he has compiled the "Yongle Dadian".I don't know how much higher education than ordinary young officials. He passed the shovel test and passed the test smoothly. He was released from the Shaanxi test and became the chief examiner of this Shaanxi provincial test.

This year's Shaanxi Provincial Examination was too early. After obtaining the imperial edict, Li Zhen took a boat and traveled all the way, regardless of his age.I don't know if he will be able to arrive in Shaanxi on time when he is old.If the date is delayed, or even postponed, the joke will become big.

Anyway, it's the end of May now, and no one has heard that Lao Li has entered the border of Shaanxi.There are still 20 days left, will he have time?
"This, this... I'm afraid it's not right?" The two were a little embarrassed.

Gao Wen: "Brothers, although I am a criminal under criminal investigation, I am still a scholar with a reputation. Before I get rid of my reputation, it seems that I can't be detained, right? Besides, Qiu Wei is a grand ceremony for the state to recruit talents. .I'm going to sign up. I'm upright. Who dares to stop me? If the Xuezheng Yamen finds it out in the future, it's hard to explain it. I'd like to ask you two to make it easier for me." Saying that, he cupped his hands.

The reason why you have to sign up now is to confirm your identity as a candidate first.In this way, you can give yourself an extra layer of protection.Even if the criminal minister is about to send himself to the court, firstly, he must consider that he is a famous scholar, and secondly, he must be worried that he is an examinee for this autumn.If he dared to act recklessly, no one would be able to stand it if he took down the big hat of undermining the country's talent ceremony.

Besides, no matter how troublesome the case in his body is, it cannot affect the imperial examination. Only being an official in the imperial examination is the basis for him to settle down in this world.

Over the past six months, the ups and downs and wind and frost swords have made Gao Wen deeply aware of this point. The Ming Dynasty in this time and space is a jungle world where the weak prey on the strong. If you don’t want to be the food of the wicked, you can only try your best to stand at the top of the food chain topmost.

In the ancient times when officials were standard, only by being an official can you be safe.

Gao Wen's words were soft but strong, and he had saved the lives of all the people in the criminal justice department. The two arresters thought about this sentiment, thought for a while, nodded and said: "Mr. Gao, no matter what the future holds, The imperial examination is a major event, and I won't delay your future by waiting. How about this, we will send you to the Xuezheng Yamen. However, you have to promise us not to cause trouble."

"Thank you, both brothers." Gao Wen smiled wryly: "Not to mention that I never thought of running away. Even if I do, I don't have a guide, and I'm afraid I'll be caught within a few miles."

The two nodded: "Yes."

So the three of them went out, hired a car, and after half a day's journey they arrived at the Shaanxi Xuezheng Yamen. Gao Wen went in to sign up, while two policemen waited outside the door.

Shaanxi Xuezheng Yamen is located in the Confucian Temple, which is also the examination room for the township examination.

There are only twenty days before the rural examination, and the examinees sent by various prefectures have already arrived in Xi'an.Many people came to sign up, and they were familiar with the examination room by the way.Nuo Da’s yamen is bustling with scholars in short-sleeved shirts.

When Gao Wen asked about the land, he saw an academic and political officer, who gave his name and handed over the relevant diploma.The school official couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Gao Wen for a long time, and then said: "So you are the head of the Pingliang Mansion's Jinke Children's Examination. I have read your papers and you did well. I saw you today. It really looks great."

As an academic and political official, he is in charge of scholars and imperial examinations in Shaanxi Province.After reading the article in the Gaowen County Examination, the Xuezheng knew that this son was extraordinary.As far as the sophistication of his articles is concerned, even compared with the famous scholars in the prosperous place of culture and education in the south of the Yangtze River, it is hard to say that Gao Wen will be awarded a Jinshi this spring.

He has been doing imperial examinations all his life, so he still has this vision.He wanted to form a good relationship with Gao Wen, and his attitude was extremely kind.

Gao Wen was puzzled: "Xuezheng, have you read Xiaosheng's papers?" No way, so fast?

It has only been a few days since I participated in the academy examination. No matter how fast the owner of the bookstore moves, it still takes a month from getting the article to engraving, printing, and distribution.

Xuezhengguan said: "The former Japanese official went to the bookstore to buy books, and happened to see a collection of contemporary essays. When he saw your paper in it, he bought it and brought it back." Then he smiled, took out a book from the drawer, and handed it to him. past.

Gawain looked at it and smiled, only then did he realize that he was wrong.The book does contain his own essays, but it is not the papers of the college examination, but the essay he wrote in the county examination.

I was wondering again, not many people knew about my article, so why was it included?
I closed the book right away, and saw that the last page of the book suddenly printed six small characters produced by Linlang Study, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the book was published by Mr. Yu Xingyan. Next time I see him, I have to ask him for the manuscript payment." .”

The academic official laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, Gao Wen, your article is really full of flowers. You have to ask Yu Xingyan to retouch the pen. He has made a lot of money this year, so you can't take advantage of him. What, you familiar with him?"

"I have made some contacts, and I have done a few literary meetings." Gao Wen: "Xuezheng knows Mr. Yu?"

Xuezheng: "Why don't you know me, a student from Hancheng County. He also came to Xi'an to participate in several autumn sessions, and entered the Gongyuan for several exams. But the road to the imperial examination was not smooth, and he was frustrated after repeated attempts. This year This Yu Xiucai doesn't know how to get up the spirit, but she still doesn't give up when she goes to the examination room again!"

Gao Wen: "Ah, Mr. Yu has also come to sign up for Qiuwei?"

Xuezheng: "Yes, I just left. Speaking of which, there are quite a few scholars in Hancheng who have come to refer to this year. It is indeed a place of outstanding people in my Xi'an Prefecture!"

Gao Wen asked curiously: "Dare to ask Xuezheng, who will apply for the exam in Hancheng this year?"

Xuezheng: "You Pingliang scholar, why do you care about the affairs of Hancheng?"

Gao Wen: "When the late student was studying in Hancheng, he got acquainted with the local scholars."

Xuezheng: "In your Hancheng County, besides Yu Xingyan, there are four other people. Among them, Shi Xianzhu is the most famous. Speaking of which, when he was studying in the government, he also studied here."

"Ah, Shi Linsheng is here too." Gao Wen was even more pleasantly surprised. He had just arrived in Xi'an and had no relatives, so his eyes were darkened.With a serious case in hand, it is inevitable that I feel a little apprehensive in my heart.Although these two old gentlemen may not be able to help him, they are familiar with Xi'an anyway.With them around, I will be more informed.

Xuezheng: "It is true that Shi Xianzhu has also arrived, and he and Yu Xingyan came to sign up just now."

Gao Wen couldn't help being overjoyed, and bowed his hands in a salute: "Please also ask Xuezheng to tell Wansheng where these two old gentlemen live in Xi'an, so that they can come to ask for advice."

"Ask me, what else is there to ask for advice? The two of them have tried and failed repeatedly. How can they compare to you when it comes to stereotyped writing? They should ask you for advice." Xuezheng looked down on Yu and Shi Er a little bit. Looking at the person, he took out the notebook and flipped through it for a long time, handed it to Gao Wen, pointed to it and said, "Here."

It turned out that most candidates would leave their addresses in the city when they came to Xi'an City to register for reference.If there is anything, the yamen is easy to find.Moreover, if you win the election, you can send good news to your door.

Fang Wen saw that Mr. Shi lived with Yu Xingyan.He vaguely remembered that Yu Shiyuan said that Linlang Bookstore had rented a courtyard in Xi'an City for business, so this place should be it.

Just now, the address Gao Wen left was Daying's house, so he immediately said to the Xuezheng official, "Why don't Xuezheng change Xiaosheng's address here too?"

Xuezheng laughed: "That's right, it's also appropriate for you to live with Yu Xingyan." In his heart, he thought that Gao Wen was going to Yu Xingyan's place to enjoy the autumn wind and live for free for more than [-] days.The name of this move is: Beating the Autumn Wind.It is not a thing for scholars to take advantage of others. It is an elegant thing for a gentleman to have the friendship of making money.

Just pick up the pen and start editing.

Gao Wen thanked him, and said casually: "Xuezheng, the chief examiner hasn't arrived yet, and I don't know if the provincial examination will be delayed."

"No, no, the national talent promotion ceremony is so important. Li Gong is a veteran of the Five Dynasties and a model scholar. How can we delay it? It's just that he is old, and he has traveled all the way. It is really tiring. However, it is said that people have already arrived in Huayin, and they will be able to go to Liangma Kua Street in Xi'an in a few days. The chief envoy and Xuetai have ordered the chief seal officials from various prefectures and counties to come to Shaanxi to prepare for the imperial envoy Grand Master."

"Oh, the great clan has already entered Shaanxi, but I don't know why the seal officials from various prefectures and counties came to visit?" Gao Wen didn't know much about the official rules of the Ming Dynasty, so he couldn't help asking out of curiosity.He is determined to become an official through the imperial examination, and it would be good to know more about official affairs.

After the academic officer had finished changing Gao Wen's address, when he heard him ask, he just smiled and said nothing, just flipping through the roster.

Gao Wen knew that there must be some articles in it, but it was inconvenient for him to ask again.At this moment, he suddenly saw Huang Wei's name suddenly appearing on the page newly turned by the academic official, and he couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart.

"This matter... dare to ask..." Gao Wen's eyes brightened, he stretched out a finger, and pressed hard on Huang Wei's name.

"Oh, you said Huang Wei. Although he is a boss, he is also a scholar. This year he was supported by his superiors, and he also came to apply for the provincial examination. Speaking of which, he is not very familiar with this person. I don’t know how well the article is doing? Why, Gao Wen, you know him, but have you read his stereotyped essays?” asked the academic official.

Gao Wen took a deep breath: "I've met him twice, I'm not very familiar with him, and I don't know how well his essays are doing. The late student is just strange. This person is a good county boss. Why do you come to join in the excitement of the township examination? I want to pay a visit. This old man is so close to him."

Xuezhengguan said: "Everything is inferior, only reading is high. The imperial examination is the right way. Huang Wei's lock hall to rush for the exam is also something worth encouraging."

The so-called lock hall comes from the Northern Song Dynasty, because the imperial examination is the right way.Officials with Jinshi background are not only respected, but also promoted quickly.Therefore, at that time, many officials who were not born as Jinshi would ask for leave from the court and suspend their posts for reference every year of Dabi.If you pass the exam, needless to say, if you fail, you will still be his official, which is regarded as the ancient suspension of pay.

Gao Wen said with a faint smile: "What the school official said is true, only after the Zhongju has a serious background." Hatred welled up in his heart, and he thought to himself: "Huang Wei, Huang Wei, what a coincidence, so you're also coming to Xi'an, We are really enemies, and we are extremely jealous, this time we can be regarded as meeting together.

So I secretly remembered Huang Wei's address, just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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